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5 Minute Delicious Homemade Ketchup. The other day I was making homemade BBQ sauce for a dish I was trying out.

5 Minute Delicious Homemade Ketchup

I wanted to try a homemade version because so many store-bought varieties are loaded with sugar and other questionable ingredients. Plus, I figured it had to be pretty easy, and I love trying new recipes! I came across a recipe online that sounded perfect. The recipe called for homemade ketchup as the base. So, I learned how to make homemade ketchup and homemade BBQ sauce all in a day’s work! I’ll be sharing the BBQ sauce recipe in a future post, so stay tuned. I modified this recipe slightly by decreasing the amount of honey. This recipe is paleo-friendly, gluten-free, and dairy-free. Ingredients 1 6oz can organic tomato paste (organic tomatoes should be the only ingredient) 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1/2 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/2 tsp sage 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/2 cup water Editors Note: Make sure to use organic tomato paste from glass jars or BPA-Free cans. Directions. Homemade Ketchup - A Delicious and Simple Recipe. My old college roommates will attest to the fact that I adhere to no boundaries when it comes to eating ketchup.

Homemade Ketchup - A Delicious and Simple Recipe

I once ate it slathered on a blueberry muffin. (Okay, so that was a dare – but well worth the $10 I earned.) Seventeen years after the dining hall muffin debacle, ketchup is still one of the most popular condiments in my house. So, being DIY Natural, we wanted to learn to make it ourselves. Although making your own will save money, for us it was more about avoiding certain ingredients and finding that perfect ketchup flavor. Unfortunately, our favorite brand of ketchup from the store contained high fructose corn syrup, and when we started eating a more healthful diet and completely cut high fructose corn syrup from our diets we had to choose brands that just didn’t deliver the same flavor.

What’s the moral of the story? But I digress – back to our search for a decent ketchup. Our first batch was so sweet we could have put it on pancakes. Quick Homemade Ketchup. “Fifteen packets of ketchup, please” An anonymous arm dutifully held the hot greasy bag out the window as I watched from the back seat.

Quick Homemade Ketchup

That, folks, pretty much sums up mealtime when my dad was in charge growing up. As you can imagine, things look a **little** different around here. One night – I kid you not – Daddypotamus was teasing me about picking up something from Taco Bell or KFC because I didn’t feel like cooking. Katie’s response? Muahahahaha Some things never change, though, like how much kids love ketchup. Though I love fermented ketchup, sometimes I need to have a batch ready in a hurry. Quick Homemade Ketchup Ingredients 12-14 ounces tomato paste (my favorite tomato paste comes in 7 oz jars)1/3 cup maple syrup, or more to taste (Grade B is best – it has more minerals than Grade A)1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar2 tablespoons onion powder1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt1/4 scant teaspooon allspice To Make 1. 2. I'm the Mommypotamus. » Recipes » Quick Homemade Ketchup. Lacto-Fermented Homemade Ketchup.