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Body scrub

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Choose your Best Exfoliator from this Natural Exfoliant List. I can only think of a few times in my life that I’ve had someone else put makeup on me.

Choose your Best Exfoliator from this Natural Exfoliant List

Both times involved a wedding, and both times the makeup artist fussed at me for not exfoliating my skin properly. One of them even gave me a scrub and made me use it on part of my face before she would put makeup on me. That’s kind of embarrassing, but I only mention it because I’ve since realized that exfoliating my skin is something I should be doing regularly. Exfoliating basically means getting the top layer of skin off – not the good, living skin, but the older, flaky skin that rests on top.

When the old skin is gone, the newer skin looks healthier and shinier (in a good way). Why should you avoid store-bought exfoliants? There are many products that you can buy to exfoliate your skin, but the problem with most of them is that they contain microbeads. The good news is, the best exfoliators are all-natural, so you don’t need to buy any harmful, expensive products. All-Natural Exfoliants. Raspberry Coconut Oil Body Scrub. Coconut oil is not just for cooking!

Raspberry Coconut Oil Body Scrub

It also is great for your skin. This SUPER easy body scrub combines skin-softening coconut oil with the exfoliation and relaxation of Epsom salts. Add in a touch of raspberry scent and you have a scrub that’s great for pampering yourself or giving to others. To make Raspberry Coconut Oil Body Scrub, you will need: Epsom salts raspberry extract measuring cup small jar with lid spoon First, figure out how much your jar holds. Mix the oil and salts together and add a splash of raspberry extract. DIY: Powdered scrub cleaner (and other things) Before I get into the recipe for this homemade sink scrub, I just have to share a few experiences I’ve had with essential oils in the last 2 weeks.

DIY: Powdered scrub cleaner (and other things)

Now, keep in mind, I am not a doctor. I am not prescribing anything to my readers. I am simply sharing my personal experiences here about using essential oils as a complimentary therapy during illness or injury. It is up to each individual to do their own research and make up their own mind about the powers of essential oils. For my sprained knee that was filling up with water: I applied Frankincense topically to the affected area as an anti-inflammatory. So by the end of all of that, and my husband being sick, I needed to CLEAN the house. And here’s another tip: If you’ve ever made my hand sanitizer, or something similar to it, this is also great for cleaning surfaces. Spa at Home: Make Your Own Sugar Scrub - Health and Wellness. To make a sugar scrub, I use whatever plant oils I have on hand and two different-sized sugar crystals.

Spa at Home: Make Your Own Sugar Scrub - Health and Wellness

You can use your intended scrub container to measure the sugar instead of using a measuring cup; fill it halfway with one type of sugar, top it off with the second type, then pour the mixture into the bowl. Any jar or container with a lid from around the house works just fine, as long as it is clean and dry. • 1 cup turbinado sugar • 1 cup brown sugar • 1 cup avocado, almond or jojoba oil • 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil (optional) • 10 drops lavender essential oil (optional) • Dried lavender buds (optional) 1. Combine sugar and your choice of oil in a mixing bowl. 2. 3. For more simple and affordable DIY beauty recipes, read 6 Basic Homemade Beauty Products. Village Green NetworkVillage Green Network. Coconut Lime Sugar Scrub. With Mother’s Day this weekend, it’s time to start thinking about gifts for the special women in your lives.

Coconut Lime Sugar Scrub

Now, I don’t know about you…but as a Mother myself, I prefer gifts that are of the pampering kind. Un gommage anti-capitons triple effet : la recette de rondavelle. De nombreuses crèmes amincissantes du commerce contiennent de la caféine.

Un gommage anti-capitons triple effet : la recette de rondavelle

Mais leur prix a bien souvent raison de notre porte-monnaie : de 10 à 50€ les 200ml, la cellulite aura notre peau ! Pourtant, il est possible de profiter des vertus de ce produit miracle, sans se ruiner. Ne vous imaginez pas boire des litres et des litres de café pour espèrer faire fondre vos poignées d'amour, on s'approprie ses bienfaits en application cutanée. Ingrédient : marc de café. Application : sous la douche, massez les zones concernées avec le marc de café. Gommage pour peaux sensibles sur Gommage à la papaye : une préparation éclair !

Gommage pour peaux sensibles sur

Ce masque ou gommage, appelez-le comme vous le souhaitez, ne nécessite que très peu d'ingrédients. Pour réaliser votre gommage maison pour le visage, il vous faut : • 1/2 papaye fraîche ;• 4 cuillère à soupe de sucre ;• 3 cuillère à café de lait (si vous le voulez plus doux). Préparation : • Épluchez, enlevez les pépins et coupez en petits morceaux la papaye.• Mixez la papaye avec le lait.• Mélangez la pulpe obtenue avec le sucre jusqu'à obtenir une préparation homogène.• Mettez au réfrigérateur 2 à 3 heures avant utilisation. Une peau douce et non agressée Lorsque votre gommage maison est bien reposé et (surtout) bien frais, il est prêt à l'utilisation. Humidifiez votre peau à l'eau claire et appliquez le gommage à la papaye sur votre visage. Pour une peau encore plus douce, vous pouvez appliquer une crème hydratante après votre gommage. Conseils d'utilisation du gommage.

Sweet Vanilla Sugar Scrub. Before I made some serious changes to my diet and approach to the toxins in my home, I was totally engrossed in the world of “skin care” products.

Sweet Vanilla Sugar Scrub

Due to my acne-prone skin, most of those products were designed to get rid of excess oil… because clearly my skin issues were due to too much grease. (sigh) Turns out my acne wasn’t because of oil… it was because my dry flaky dead skin was always clogging my pores. And it wasn’t until I started to be more diligent about exfoliating my skin that I saw any improvement. Gross, I know. Of course getting good real fats into my diet, switching out toxic beauty products for safer alternatives, and getting stress under control made the biggest difference in my skin issues. Enter this sweet vanilla sugar scrub. In fact, my husband used this and said his face felt 30 years younger.