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Figure & Gesture Drawing Tool. Animation Tutorials. MotionBuilder tutorial: Motion Capture BVH data. Written by Danny McNezmo MotionBuilder Tutorial: Motion Capture BVH data tutorial {*style:<b> Acclaim (*.asf, *.amc) </b>*} The Acclaim format is a dual file format where the .asf file contains a definition of the skeleton and the .amc file contains the motion data used by the skeleton. It is possible to have multiple .amc files for a single .asf file. When importing any Acclaim format, you can select only one .asf file and zero or more .amc files. When importing, an additional option lets you create a reference node for your skeleton.

Biovision (*.bvh) The Biovision format is a file format for hierarchical or skeletal-based data. Motion Analysis (*.htr) The Motion Analysis .htr format stands for Hierarchical Transformation Rotation. When importing this format, an additional import option (Create Reference Node) lets you create a reference node when importing your .bvh or .htr skeleton. Motion Analysis (*.trc) The Motion Analysis .trc format is an optical capture format. Vicon (*.c3d) ROOT Center. MotionBuilder Tutorial: BVH - T-Stance in a minute. Written by Danny McNezmo This is essential to understand if you don’t place your model in the same position like the mocap data are, you will end up with very odd result. Make sure that front side of the BVH data are in "Z" direction. MotionBuilder Tutorial: BVH - T-Stance in a minute First you have to add a new path of the mocap BVH data files in to the Asset Browser.

With the left mouse button click and drag the BVH data file in to the work view. In the Navigator window select the BVH:reference and rotate it. Click and hold left mouse button. With all objects selected choose rotation tool. Keep the rotation tool selected and double click on left shoulder joint. Now you need to do the other hand.

Once you achieve the BVH - T-Stance position you can start characterizing the BVH skeleton. Learn more about Making the custom characterize bone name template in another tutorial Learn more about Driving model with Mocap BVH data file.