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Faestock's deviantART gallery. Ray Harryhausen Profile. Ray Harryhausen stands alongside Willis O'Brien as one of the greatest stop-motion animators creating fantastic films that have amazed audiences since he began his work. Few film-makers have inspired the awe and admiration of an audience as Ray Harryhausen has. His films contains visual images that are burned into the minds of everyone who has seen them. One has only to mention the skeleton battles in either THE SEVENTH VOYAGE OF SINBAD or JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS and you can visualize the scene in you mind.

It is this power that has made Ray Harryhausen something of a cult figure and in a world sadly in need of heroes like Jason and Sinbad, Mr. Harryhausen's films remain a beacon to a brighter time when heroes were truly good and villains were truly evil. It is to this master of stop motion animation that I dedicate this site-for the hours of pure pleasure he has given me both in the theater and now, thanks to the home video market, in my home.

Ray's Yearbook Entry Jupiter Sketch. MorgueFile free photos for creatives by creatives. Nyc past. Amazing photos 2012. Inspiration // Steampunk. Tattoos and Tattoo Art (tattoostattoo) sur Pinterest. FuckYeah-Hair. Actual Pokemons. La Naegleria fowleri ou Amibe mangeuse de cerveau Cette bestiole de quelques micro-mètres est responsable de l’infection de 128 Américains depuis 1962 (un seul a survécu) . Ce qui ressemble à un sourire est un amoebastome, une sorte de suçoir grâce auquel elle engloutit les bactéries et parfois même ses propres congénères ! Elle peut se trouver dans les lacs et les eaux saumâtres ou même dans les piscines mal entretenues. Cette amibe pénètre dans le nez des nageurs et remonte jusqu’à leur cerveau où elle dévore les neurones, il lui faut alors entre 1 et 5 jours pour provoquer migraines, fièvres et vomissements.

Il n’existe aucun traitement et les chances de s’en sortir sont inférieurs à 3%. Source: Le magazine Ça m’intéresse - Les mystères du corps en 250 questions.