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Terrific Trail Mix Recipe. Wild Backpacker. End your day with a delicious, energy-restoring meal Who says you can’t eat well while backpacking?

Wild Backpacker

After hiking all day, end the night with a dinner that isn’t short on nutrition or taste. Below is our collection of backpacking dinner recipes to prepare before the hike and enjoy prior to your night’s rest. Because the last thing you want to do while hiking or backpacking is dirty pots and pans, most of our dinner recipes can be prepared in just a single zip lock bag! However, Wild Backpacker recommends that when adding boiling water to your baggie, always use heavy-duty or freezer zip lock bags. Lunch & Snack Recipes. Breakfast Recipes. Start your morning off right with a delicious backpacker’s breakfast Below are backpacking breakfast recipes that wake you up for a great day on the trail.

Breakfast Recipes

As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is essential to have a nutritional start to give you energy to last throughout the day. Because the last thing you want to do while outdoors is dirty a bunch of pots and pans, most of our breakfast recipes can be done in just a single zip lock bag! However, Wild Backpacker recommends that when adding boiling water to your baggie, always use heavy-duty or freezer zip lock bags.