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10 Environmental Picture Books & 3 Book GIVEAWAY. Brianna Cua sur Twitter : "Looking for new ideas on teaching digital citizenship? My mom, @shannonmmiller, and I have brought together ideas and lots of wonderful pictures books here #TLChat #FutureReadyLibs #EdChat… Newly Updated! Children’s Books on Holi, the Hindu Spring Festival. Perfect picture book if you teach metamorphosis #pernillerecommends and it is funny to boot. 10 Texts About Friendship, Kindness, and Standing Up for Others. What a great picture book to remind us all that we are enough - perfect for SEL and all ages #pernillerecommends. Children's books that tell the stories of migrants and refugees <3 #kidlit. 23 Books to Spark Conversations About Bullying Experiences. Top 10: Best Children’s Books On Civil Rights Movement. 19 Books You Should Consider Purchasing For Your Child's Classroom. Perfect picture book for SEL and discussing what to do in hard friendship situations #pernillerecommends.

Love promoting our talented Canadian children's writers and illustrators! Here is CBC's list of books to read and share this fall! Which one are you most excited about reading? Adventures of Room 129: 5 Ways to Introduce Growth Mindset to Your Students. When teaching, some things are easy to explain. Concepts like addition are concrete and visual. Others like phonics or probability, not so much! When a concept isn't black and white, it's more difficult to explain it to students. And that's no different with non academic concepts, like Growth Mindset! Have you tried explaining Growth Mindset to students? Maybe you've used some of the catch phrases related to GM such as "Don't give up" or "Mistakes mean progress! " There is a time when a young child is growing up that doing things wrong becomes bad. When we teach, or practice routines or procedures, in Science class, Math class or any time during the day - we as educators are giving our students chances to get 'right' answers.

A huge part of Growth Mindset, as you most likely know, is the language. Students the vocabulary about Growth Mindset. Students learn SO much from picture books, so why not teach them all about Growth Mindset doing just that? Create a lesson and get started! Navigating Asian and American Identities. Books are like mirrors, providing readers with opportunities to see themselves in their pages, slaying dragons, braiding hair, searching for buried treasure. When children read books that are relevant to their lived experiences, they become more motivated to read and to use their background knowledge to better comprehend texts.

It is therefore important for educators to incorporate culturally relevant books in their classrooms, so that all children can see positive representations of themselves in books. Books are also like windows, putting readers into the shoes of people whose lives are different from their own. Through culturally relevant literature, children are given access to the customs and norms of other cultures, which helps cultivate principles of tolerance and acceptance. In today’s diverse classrooms, this is critically important. Kindergarten to Second Grade Cora Cooks Pancit by Dorina Lazo Gilmore (Filipino American): Little Cora loves helping her mother in the kitchen. Teaching Digital Citizenship with Picture Story Books. *This post was first published on Matt Miller’s Ditch That Textbook blog. Living in the 21st Century where many students have access to 1:1 devices at school and even more devices at home, Digital Citizenship is a highly important topic our students need to understand.

Curriculum’s world wide mandate the need to teach students about Digital Citizenship, yet many teachers find it quite daunting to teach their students these vital skills to ensure their safety in online spaces. Students need to be aware of the risks and dangers that exist online from an early age. My love for teaching through picture story books has allowed me to find a range of very supportive books to help teachers teach students about the key concepts of Digital Citizenship. Here is a list of some of my favourites; The Fabulous Friend Machine by Nick BlandEducates students to not talk to strangers online. Popcorn is an extremely positive and friendly chicken. Charlie loves playing computer games. Like this: Like Loading... Our Favorite First Week of School Picture Books. Medicine Wheel Education – First Nation's Curriculum Education Resources For Schools and Communities. □□‍□□□□‍□Bonus! Get a printable STEM book list organized by theme and grade level—a great resource for building your classroom or school library. #reading #ELA #STEAM #sponsored.

Great week of read alouds!… Reading Roundup: LGBTQ Children’s and YA Books. Booksource sur Twitter : "“I teach primary students and believe that these children are fully capable of examining and talking about world issues.” @CarrieGelson recommends #picturebooks to enhance these important conversations h. Shannon Miller sur Twitter : "Picture Books for Social Emotional Learning...Please feel free to add more of your favorites to our @Padlet too. <3 #SEL #socialemotionallearning #futurereadylibs #kidlit #tlchat #vanmeter #ISTElib #in. This thought-provoking, enjoyable new #MGlit release by @EricRWalters really made me think about how we define family, and the ethical issues about what money can buy.… Pernille Ripp sur Twitter : "Finished this great ya book from @adibkhorram - loved the gentle unfolding of a Persian teen with depression and his journey to finding more good about himself #pernillerecommends.

J Dobson sur Twitter : "This new release launching August 28 by @EricRWalters was a delight to read! A story with a trunk full of elephant facts, a herd of family dynamics, a mystery and even some tears. #elephantsecret Thanks @CKLyall and #bookportage fo. Curling up with a good book at the pool or sitting in the shade of a tree is one of those magical experiences that everyone should get. Via @POPSUGARMoms #summerreads #books.

Pernille Ripp sur Twitter : "A fantastic introduction to the brilliance of Raye Montague - an engineer all people should know the name of - perseverance, smarts and an unwillingness to let others dictate her fate #pernillerecommends. Love this special book to welcome all students and families. What a great read aloud for the first day. @AgentPenfold @lilmonkeydraws… Pro Resource. Happy Saturday! See you tomorrow night for our next #ProjectLITchat! ALL are welcome. □□… Our Favorite First Week of School Picture Books. Librarians Recommend Kids’ Books for Remembrance Day | Learning. Ages:all Stories Nov 23, 2017 My friend Jim is one heck of an Ugly Mom. Let me explain: A few years back, he was having a brain tumour removed and offered to drop by my place to flaunt his 'Franken-scars' for my kids.

“I could scare your kids into behaving all day,” he boasted. He's also the kind of person who stays home and does most of the cooking, cleaning and childcare, and he does it all fearlessly with freshly painted sparkly nails (at least some of the time). An Ugly Mom is any father who takes on at least 50 per cent of childcare duties. Ah, that first time someone asks you what you really do... I like to joke about the man code. We know we're not moms. Some moms are gonna be pretty impressed with what you are trying to do. It is going to get lonely. Anishinabek Nation launches treaty books for students - Sudbury. To mark the start of Treaties Recognition Week, the Anishinabek Nation is launching two new elementary books to explain treaties. The books — Alex Shares his Wampum Belt and Dakota Talks about Treaties — were written by author and educator Kelly Crawford of M'Chigeeng First Nation, Ont.

The illustrations were done by artist Donald Chretien of Nipissing First Nation, Ont. On Monday, a ceremony was held at Shawanosowe School in Whitefish River First Nation, Ont. "We really see this as being key because as we went through school, very little has been told about First Nation history," Patrick Madahbee, grand council chief said. "Something like this is going to be good for all the kids to learn about the real history of the development of Canada.

" Learning with Lego One story deals with a child named Alex sharing his experience of recreating the 1764 Treaty of Niagara Belt with Lego. "That Lego kit is part of the … teacher kit that we created," Crawford said. Adding more resources to the classroom. You Have a Gift, Not a Label by Peter H. Reynolds.

My book Happy Dreamer was originally called “Amazing, Delightful, Happy Dreamer.” And yes, the initials do spell ADHD. The first spark of an idea for the book came to me while I was attending a conference on learning differences at Harvard University. Successful CEOs were sharing their challenging learning journeys, and making it clear that their achievements were made because of their brains, and not in spite of them. The panel host pointed out that this group had all described attributes of ADHD in themselves as children. Those attributes sounded very familiar to me.

I thought for a moment, “I wish ADHD sounded like something you’d want to have!” I wrote Happy Dreamer for kids (and grown-up kids) like me. “Mr. “This is math class. Peter H. Like this: Like Loading... ...Comes Bob-Bob Bobbin' Along. For as long as I can remember their presence is one of several signs spring will be here soon. First you occasionally see one or two, then you might see an entire flock covering a lawn as they migrate to their home territories.

The once cold, silent sunrises are now filled with a new song. There is an old practice for bringing good luck when you see the first one of a new season. Upon sighting one, lick the thumb of your right hand and then place it in the palm of your left hand. You next make a fist with your right hand and stamp it on top of the thumb print on your left palm.

When you make a wish as you do this, it will come true. According to this old tradition American robins, the state bird of three states, Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin, are like winged, four-leaf clovers. WHO ARE WE? After weeks the female robins travel to all the places selected by the males. Once the eggs, three or four, are setting in the nest the female keeps them warm with her body. 10 books about residential schools to read with your kids - Aboriginal - CBC. More and more children will be read stories about the legacy of residential schools in the classroom this year. Provinces are changing curriculums and educators across the country are developing resource guides in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommendations.

"One of the first criteria for choosing anything is that it's a good story," said Jo-Anne Chrona. She has been developing age-appropriate curriculum materials in B.C. through the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC). It opens up that space for conversation. - Jo-Anne Chrona, educator For parents reading these books at home to their children, Chrona says it's important to be mindful of what's appropriate, emotionally and developmentally. "Talk with your children about what it is that they're reading, what it is that they understand," she said.

"It opens up that space for conversation. " The following ten books reflect on the residential school experience in different ways. Top 10 Tuesday -Top 10 Nonfiction Picture Books of 2016! | readingpowergear. From snow, to frogs; from giant squids to seeds and monsters – 2016 has been an amazing year for new Nonfiction picture books. Here is a list of my favorite top 10 (well, okay… I’ve gone over a little!) Books for sharing and reading aloud to your class. These books would make excellent additions to your classroom or school library! Canada – Year By Year – Elizabeth MacLeod With Canada’s significant birthday coming this spring, this is a perfect book to explore the timeline of Canadian history from its beginning on July 1, 1867 to the upcoming 150th anniversary in 2017.

It includes famous people, politics, sports, culture and significant events. Accessible and interesting. Best in Snow – April Pulley Sayre Stunning photographs and simple, poetic text describes the beauty of winter in its various states and the way animals respond to the coldest season. A Poem for Peter: The Story of Ezra Jack Keats and the Creation of The Snow Day – Andrea Davis Pinkney The Darkest Dark – Chris Hadfield Wow! 13 Children's Books That Encourage Kindness Towards Others. Adrienne Gear Reading Power Recommended Book Lists. Adrienne Gear's recommended book lists: Fiction Reading Power - Tried & True Connect (Primary, Intermediate), Question (Primary K-3, Intermediate Gr. 4-7), Visualize (Primary, Intermediate), Infer (Primary, Intermediate Gr. 4-7), Transform (Primary, Intermediate Gr. 4-7) Fiction Reading Power - What's New?

(Spring 2010) Connect (Primary, Intermediate Gr. 4-7), Question (Primary, Intermediate), Visualize (Primary, Intermediate), Infer (Primary, Intermediate), Transform (Primary, Intermediate) Nonfiction Reading Power - Tried & True Recommended books for read alouds, Zoom In, Determining Importance, Question, Connect, Infer and Transform Nonfiction Reading Power - What's New? (Spring 2010) Connect, Question, Infer, Determine Importance, Transform, Global Awareness Earth Day Nonfiction Reading Power Anchor Books Adrienne's Hot Picks for Novel Studies and Lit.

Novel List - What's New? Books for Spring (Spring 2011) Primary K-3, Intermediate Gr. 4-8 Novels 2012 Primary K-3, Intermediate Gr. 4-8.