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At Thence, our mission is to ensure every business offers the greatest of user experience to its customers thus enabling technology adoption by all.

Don't Just Design It Solve It. Alisha Srivastava Heard of Spotify?

Don't Just Design It Solve It

The world’s largest music streaming service organization with over 100 million subscribers and 170 million active users per month; the Swedish based company has become so popular that it has changed the sound of the digital streaming landscape. Why do people love Spotify so much? What is their secret? For one, it is their phenomenal user experience that contributes to a highly personalized listening experience. “The mission is to make Spotify a destination where people can control what they listen to with ease, and connect with artists or creators better through personalization.” - Nicola Felaco, Senior Product Designer, Spotify Spotify has revolutionized the way we consume music. Best User Experience Design Agency. Global User Experience Design Agency. Global User Experience Consulting Firm. Global User Experience Agency. User Interface & User Experience Design Agency. Global User Experience Design Agency.

Thence UI/UX Design Company. Research We reviewed the stakeholder objective and surveyed a handful of Leyton’s users in the UK.

Thence UI/UX Design Company

All work was undertaken either in-house or on clients’ premises to ensure security and privacy of data. The transactions are generated via tickets or receipts and carried out to process. This meant the business’ online presence was crucial and required to be informatively thorough and concise while aesthetically pleasing and competitively distinct. Understanding user approach The users were anxious to avail Leyton’s services, but the unwieldy performance of the website disheartened them from pursuing further. Instead, they preferred handheld guidance, insisting on generic query resolves from consultants. Customers were dissuaded by the data represented and where usually overwhelmed by the information. Findings. Thence UI/UX Design Agency. Research Our team reached out to a handful of retail investors in Bangalore and gained insight into their preferences and opinions that drive their decisions.

Thence UI/UX Design Agency

The investors favored a less risk and most convenient form of investment. Means of information that would shed complete clarity on their monetary commitment. Global User Interface Design Agency. Successful companies know that UX design is never done. Design thinking and User Experience (UX) Design are all the rage in the past couple of years.

Successful companies know that UX design is never done

Design has been around since stone age, for as long as humans built stuff with stones and twigs. Design has always been considered an integral part of building a product, be it a building or an automobile. But it was not emphasized enough. The popularity of smartphones and mobile apps has once again brought the focus on good design. A couple of decades back, software development followed a waterfall model.

Startups focusing on delivering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) lost focus of the customer’s needs. An MVP is built from a business perspective but an MDP is built from a human-centered perspective. UX Design for next billion. Accessible. Affordabe. Awe-inspiring. User Experience Design for the next billion.

UX Design for next billion. Accessible. Affordabe. Awe-inspiring.

How To Make Your User Experience Emotionally Empathetic? There is perhaps nothing that supports user experience design the way empathy does.

How To Make Your User Experience Emotionally Empathetic?

Without enough clues, it is as good as shooting in the dark as to what exactly your users are looking for or what needs to be created. It is no wonder that we see statistics like 79% of people who don’t like what they find on a site will abandon it and look for another site Empathy allows the designer to follow the footsteps in user journey and get a better understanding of what they like or dislike about your creations.

However, the key here is to focus on their emotions and the thought process to better align empathy with user experience design. Believe it or not, emotions can be very helpful in influencing the user’s decision-making process. Global User Experience Design Agency. Our UX Design service is typically a 4-6 week long engagement, with the actual duration of the service depending on the complexity of the design.

Global User Experience Design Agency

At the end of this process, you will receive a beautiful, distinct, and intuitive product that meets all user expectations. Our systematic UX Design service has defined process flows and outputs, as detailed below: Thence UI/UX Design Agency. Healthcare Solution for Surgical Workflows. Our Solution With a global perspective, we identified the client’s challenges and set about to address them.

Healthcare Solution for Surgical Workflows

Our approach involved employing the RIVO framework – Research, Implement, Validate and Optimize, to design the entire workflows for quicker and easier collaboration. Using insights from the primary research of the users, we identified their preferences as well as their expectations and pain points. For example, we discovered that even though surgical tools are standardized, the way each tool is described varies from one hospital to another.

Therefore, there was a pressing need to constantly refer to the hospital’s list of terminologies and acronyms in order to optimize every workflow using these terminologies. In addition, the solution needed to be designed in such a way that it offers a high degree of templatization that enables choosing of a particular hospital or a specific surgery and workflow while also allowing other facets to be customized without affecting the other facets. Thence UI/UX Design Agency. Research.

Thence UI/UX Design Agency

GetActive - Gamification in Healthtech. GetActive reached out to us to improve the user experience of their digital eco-system to boost participation and engagement in its programs.

GetActive - Gamification in Healthtech

We collaborated closely with GetActive’s tech and business teams over the last 3 years, wherein we implemented our proprietary progressive UX design framework: KiaXen powered by RIVO. Research Intense research on the yesterday, today, and tomorrow of employee wellness. Arriving at the design hypothesis of a two-pronged approach: Address the millennial & focus on HR.

Implement UX design – Optimizing user journeys, quick prototyping HR: Dashboards, real-time data tracking, active participation, monitor units of distance traveled and initiatives, participation and peer competitions performed by the individual. Design Outsourcing – The Next Outsourcing Game. The subject of “Outsourcing Job” can be controversial. Take the United States of America for example. Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was based on bringing more jobs to the States while restricting outsourcing. Despite the buzz, the global outsourcing market amounted to 88.9 billion U.S. dollars in the year 2017. Let’s have a pause and give some thought to this statistic. These numbers clearly suggest that more and more American companies are offering work to freelancers overseas. How are they benefiting? Technology-Driven & Human-Centered Experience Economy There is an unprecedented change in the breadth and depth of technology.

Customers can choose to participate passively or actively in an experience. If a brand wants to build affinity with their consumers, then give people what they want! How To Substantially Improve The Website User Experience? When a user visits your website, the very first thing that catches their eyes is the design and then the content. A website that feeds you with good browsing experience will certainly make visitors come again. Be it ease of navigation, use of individual elements, seamless UI across different device sizes and OS’, User Experience or UX will be a sum of the individual parts that help get the site visitors find what they want and let them find it fast.

There is no second thought that great user experience is the seed of being a top-level website in the respective domain. UX determines the result of bounce rate/exit rate or conversion rate. 13 Tips To Improve Your Mobile Site’s User Experience. Let me tell you a rather embarrassing story about my mobile User Experience with a friend. I was intent on showing an e-commerce site that sold shoes to a friend from work, she was on her way home… “Are you taking out your laptop again!?”

, she asked with a frown. “No, just seeing if I put my charger!” , I murmured embarrassed, hoping she didn’t realize she had guessed right. Changing my course of action, I put my tired laptop to rest and switched to my phone. I did not lose heart. User Experience In India And Its Many Interfaces. 7 Quick UX Design Fixes for Boosting User Engagement. A catchy headline or a great graphic may attract users to your website or app, but then it’s up to the user experience to keep them engaged.

And usually, it’s also the user experience that determines whether they will return. Is your user experience driving engagement or sending users away? Often, it’s the obvious things that make the biggest difference, the ones that are so easy to neglect. In this post, we will look at some of the most common problems that lower user engagement.