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Lsd. LSD girl. 1950s Housewife in LSD Experiment. 1960's Chidlren on LSD. The Essential Psychedelic Guide - LSD. INTENSITY: 3 to 7 for most experiences. MATERIAL: LSD is a synthetic compound. It is derived from Iysergic acid which is found in Hawaiian Woodrose and Morning Glory seeds, or Ergot fungus, which can grow on rye, wheat, and other grams. Lysergic acid is also psychoactive, although not nearly as potent as LSD, and has been consumed for millennia in the form of the above mentioned plant sources. The most common street name for LSD is "acid. " HISTORY: LSD was first synthesized in 1938 by Dr. During the next 20 years LSD was promoted as a psychiatric aid and numerous experiments were performed in clinical settings.

In the early Sixties Timothy Leary and friends began spreading the word that LSD produces magnificent spiritual experiences. DOSAGE: LSD is extremely potent by weight and the amount required for a single dose is barely visible to the naked eye. 100 mcg. of LSD is considered a minimum psychedelic dose. LSD is the most transparent of the psychedelics. 1. 2.