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The Current State of Twitter [INFOGRAPHIC] Muhammad Saleem is a social media consultant and a top-ranked community member on multiple social news sites. Follow him on Twitter for more social media insights. There is no doubt that Twitter has been a runaway success. Add to their rapid growth the recently announced @anywhere platform, and plans for further international expansion, and it comes as no surprise that the company is not looking to sell — at least within the next 2 years.

While the site's growth has certainly been impressive and it has reached the point of non-displacement, there are some interesting hidden truths about Twitter and its users. The following graphic takes a look at Twitter's path to 10 billion tweets, what we have learned about its users and what they've been talking about along the way. Click the Image for Full Size Version.

Sondage - Twitter, de plus en plus connu, mais peu utilisé au Québec. Twitter. Le mot a été plus utilisé en 2009 par les médias de langue anglaise qu'«Obama» ou «H1N1», indique une étude du Global Language Monitor. Un véritable phénomène qui n'épargne pas le Québec où cet outil est de plus en plus connu, mais encore peu utilisé, selon un sondage à paraître aujourd'hui.

De plus en plus connu, mais toujours très peu utilisé. Comme ailleurs sur la planète, le site de microclavardage Twitter poursuit sa rapide implantation au Québec: le nom de cet outil de réseautage social n'est désormais plus un mystère pour un grand nombre d'adeptes des technologies, ou pas. Mais, paradoxalement, une partie microscopique des internautes québécois ont une existence dans ce nouvel espace de communication, indique un récent sondage sur la notoriété et l'utilisation de Twitter au Québec. Le phénomène numérique est évident. Feedback tool for creating online polls and surveys#googtrans(en|fr) Twoutils. Twazzup: Cherche et trouve sur twitter. Case Study - EPC Cigar, a Start-Up, Using Twitter to Build Buzz. 50 utilisations de Twitter en entreprise. Chefs Take to Twitter to Vent. - search tweets from just your friends. The Top 10 Most Important Tweets of 2009 | buzzmarketing daily.

L’engouement médiatique autour de Twitter est certain mais du fait de sa relative jeunesse peu d’études avaient été publiées jusqu’à maintenant à propos de cet outil de micro-blogging. C’est donc avec enthousiasme que nous avons découvert les résultats de l’étude académique autour de l’utilisation de Twitter qui vient d’être publiée par l’Université de Penn State aux Etats-Unis. Le professeur Jim Jansen et son équipe ont analysé près de 150 000 tweets et ont cherché entre autres à comprendre la manière dont les marques étaient mentionnées par les utilisateurs de la plateforme.

Je passe sur les méthodes statistiques qui ont été utilisées, elles sont très bien renseignées dans le rapport de recherche, pour me concentrer sur les résultats de cette enquête. Preuve s’il en fallait que les marques sont véritablement et naturellement ancrées au cœur des conversations au sein des médias sociaux, environ 19% des tweets concernent une marque. Parmi ceux-ci : De l’impact d’un tweet négatif / we are social.

La semaine dernière, Frank Sherlock, le président de Convergys Corp. était à Londres pour une conférence au cours de laquelle il a annoncé qu’un commentaire négatif sur Twitter, Facebook ou YouTube pouvait provoquer la perte de 30 clients. Le groupe a mené une étude selon laquelle un avis de consommateur sur l’un de ces réseaux sociaux serait lu en moyenne par 45 personnes et que deux-tiers d’entre elles pourraient cesser tout commerce avec une entreprise dont elles auraient entendu du mal. Certes, à l’inverse, d’autres sources soulignent qu’ »il est difficile d’évaluer ou de mesurer l’effet d’un tweet négatif autant qu’il est difficile de prédire qui il va toucher et combien cette opinion est estimée » mais ce qui reste certain, c’est que les marques sont au coeur des conversations dans les réseaux sociaux, la preuve étant, cette récente étude de l’Université de Penn State dont nous avions déjà parlé et qui faisait état du fait que 19% des tweets concernaient une marque.

Twitter Trackbacks for PNP Communication Center | Portable North-Pole [] on Did we learn anything from the Nestle Family Twitter-storm? | Crunchy Domestic Goddess. Remember my post from a couple years ago about the Nestle boycott*, the boycott that has been going on since the ’70s? Well, today the boycott and all of Nestle’s alleged crimes against humanity were brought to the forefront due to the #NestleFamily blogger event and the power of social media. Photo courtesy Rahego It started when Annie from PhDinParenting wrote An open letter to the attendees of the Nestle Family blogger event.

If you don’t know about Nestle’s history, I suggest you go read that first. As Annie said there and I will repeat here, “This is not about what you chose to feed your babies. As the event got underway today, the tweets began to fly on Twitter. The bloggers who choose to attend the #NestleFamily event were caught in the middle. Others have written more about this, like Julia from Forty Weeks who wrote On missing the mark: To me this is a case study for poor planning, short-sighted thinking and other classic marketing errors. Annie at PhDinParenting said: #1 Tips for Twitter Newbies | Web Ad.vantage. Recently, I spoke to a trade association about social media, and of course, about Twitter. Later in the day, I ran into some attendees who still felt really clueless about Twitter, and wondered how to even get started. Apart from showing them how to set up an account and get familiar with the primary Twitter functionality, I wanted to show them HOW to tweet.

Since they also had no idea what to tweet about, I decided to use the community at-large to help me. I put the question out there, “I’m talking to some Twitter newbies who are interested in how to start out on Twitter. What would be your #1 tip?” And I got fantastic responses, all of which I’ve compiled into the below post. Now I can share this advice with my conference attendees as well as you! I hope you find this helpful, and please feel free to pipe up with your contributions. @GinySassenach – try to return tweets @techpr – Decide from the get-go who you’re looking to connect with. @oronhaus – Don’t follow everyone. Listiti, un Google Alerte pour les listes de Twitter | Descary. Listiti est un nouveau service gratuit qui vous permet de recevoir des alertes par mail sur des mots clés qui apparaissent sur des listes de Twiter.

C’est finalement l’équivalent de Google Alertes pour Twitter. Listiti ne nécessite pas d’inscription pour être utilisé. Vous saisissez le nom de la liste et les mots-clé que vous désirez surveiller. Il ne vous restera plus qu’à entrer votre adresse mail. Les alertes vous seront transmises une fois l’heure. Bien entendu, vous pouvez créer le nombre d’alertes que vous désirez. Lien: Fort Hood Shootings (FtHoodShootings)

Alltop - Top Twitter News. Though Twitter Lists are new to most users, some news organizations are trying to stay ahead of the curve by taking advantage of the new feature and implementing it quickly. Whether by creating staff directories to make their journalists easier to find, or recommending tweeps to follow on specific subjects, Twitter lists are giving news sites the ability to curate news and further open up to Twitter users that can help them to gather news. News organizations are beginning to learn the fundamental characteristic of social media: it's social. This is an interesting departure for news organizations that were primarily using Twitter as a service for self-promotion, such as the case with ESPN, whose social media policies serve ESPN efforts first.

Or like policies of The Wall Street Journal, which were criticized for being too restrictive. The list of ways news organizations are using Twitter Lists is expanding. 1. Staff Directory 2. 3. 4. Conclusion. Airlines' social-media use takes off - FORT WORTH, Texas -- "To celebrate our new in-flight wine selection, tell us why 'You'd Rather Be Drinking Wine than Working,' " tweeted Southwest Airlines. Fans of American Airlines' New York Facebook page got 10 percent-off coupons when the page reached 10,000 fans in May.

And a video posted in January of a Northwest Airlines Boeing 747 being repainted with the colors of Delta Air Lines has been viewed more than 200,000 times on YouTube. These are just some of the ways that airlines have started using social-media networks to boost their brands and interact with customers.

While consumers have long viewed the Internet as a way to vent frustration and complain about air travel, airlines are now actively engaging their customers via the Web. "We're seeing a lot of testing by airlines," said Forrester Research analyst Henry Harteveldt. "Social media is the next great frontier," said Roger Frizzell, American's vice president of corporate communications.

Centre de Ressources des Espaces Publics Numériques de Wallonie : Nouveaux tutoriels Twitter. Le microblogging et Twitter prennent leur envol. On a vu fleurir des initiations à Facebook depuis quelques mois dans les EPN (Espaces Publics Numériques) avec comme thématiques développées : la création du profil, l’utilisation de la plateforme (fonctions, applications), les avantages et inconvénients et la question centrale de la gestion de l’identité numérique. A n’en pas douter, nous allons assister à une vague de sessions d’initiations à Twitter dans les lieux d’accès publics à l’informatique et à l’internet dans les prochaines semaines et mois à venir, ceci étant d’autant plus d’actualité puisque le service Twitter sera très bientôt disponible en français.

Twitter Alerts - 9 Ways To Convince The CEO To Use Social Media and Enter The 21st Century « Jeffbullas’s Blog. In a recent post on my blog I listed “28 Reasons Why The CEO Is Afraid Of Social Media” which received comments from around the world from consultants and advocates within companies, about their experiences and the feedback they had received from management and CEO’s, including an aside from a reader from Romania who sent me a message on Twitter “@jeffbullas ..Your article was a trauma therapy for me.

You wouldn’t believe the bullheadedness of Romanian CEOs”. So here are some tips, hints and resources to assist you in convincing “Management To Enter The 21st Century?” … do I hear the sounds of kicking and screaming from the boardroom? Note: This can be used if you are an external consultant to a company or if you are trying to convince your management to embrace the “New Digital Age”. 1.

Scare Them Two Ways then Note: I can guarantee you that you will NOW have their attention… seriously!!! 2. Here are three for reference 1. 2. 3. The Reach and Scope of Social Media 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adam Hertz on TuneIn Search. Les outils de veille dans Twitter, l’embarras du choix | Tweetweek's Channel.

Effective Twitter Backgrounds: Examples and Current Practices « Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Smashing Magazine has been on Twitter for about a year now (@smashingmag1), and it turned out to be a great medium to communicate with our audience, build connections, discuss design-related topics and give away some nice prizes. However, even a year later, we still don’t have a Twitter background page and now is a good time to change that. So because we decided to create our own Twitter page, we wanted to first find out how other designers do it and what tips and techniques they use to create a truly outstanding, beautiful Twitter page. Your profile page is the only place on Twitter where you get opportunity to showcase your visual brand and possibly communicate additional information that can last longer than a tweet.

You can customize your profile page by changing background, text and link colors. Primary focus of this article is to explore various techniques to create unique, memorable and effective Twitter profile pages. Twitter Profile Page Tips & Techniques @benek20. 101 for Business — A Special Guide. TWEET IDEAS: 13 Things to Do on Twitter Besides Tweet. Tired of delivering the typical stream of status updates on Twitter? Why not try some of the following ideas for other things you can do with the service? Thanks to an open API and a philosophy of interconnectivity, Twitter's vast array of third-party services has you covered on a number of alternative uses for the famed microblogging tool. Let's take a look at a few of them. 1. A service called FileSocial provides a great way to send files smaller than 50 MB. If you want to send a person-to-person file privately, check out FileTwt. 2. Routinely running out of those business cards made of dead trees?

When you sign up, the service will pull in the data from your Twitter profile as starter information, and you can add other details to customize your card. 3. Music lovers have a lot of options in this category (see 10 Ways to Share Music on Twitter). 4. The media-specific Twitter tools abound, with a goodly number of options available for image sharing here too. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Teens Adopting Twitter | Brian Solis - PR 2.0. InShare0 Source: Shutterstock As recently as August 2009, blogs and media outlets reported that teens are just not taking to the Twitterverse, instead opting for text messaging, social networks such as Facebook and Myspace, and other communications tools such as IM. The reasons for not using Twitter ranged from privacy concerns to the devices they used to communicate. Nielsen published a report that surveyed over 250,000 US Internet users to confirm everyone’s suspicions.

In October 2009, I published demographic data defining all popular social networks, including Twitter, that only confirmed this finding. Gender Male: 43% Female: 57% Age 0 – 17: 11% 18 – 24: 8% 25 – 34: 16% 35 – 44: 29% 45 – 54: 20% 55 – 64: 11% 65 or more: 3% Education Less than HS diploma: 12% High School: 9% Some College: 47% Bachelors Degree: 24% Graduate Degree: 8% Every trend requires a spark, an event that serves as a catalyst to galvanize a series of actions that reverberate throughout society.

According to comScore: The Science of Retweets on Twitter | Brian Solis - PR 2.0. InShare64 Source: Young Go Getter Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with “Viral Marketing Scientist” Dan Zarrella on special projects related to Twitter. His focus on social science and psychology as it relates to new media and online interaction and behavior is in line with my philosophy and approach to understanding and documenting socialized media. Zarrella recently debuted TweetPsych, a sophisticated system that uses two linguistic analysis algorithms (RID and LIWC) to build a psychological profile of a person based on the content of their tweets.

One of the most actively discussed aspects of Twitter is the art and science of retweets. Aside from my very simple advice to leave room in your tweets for people to add RT and their username, “120 is the new 140” and to also tweet something worth retweeting, Zarrella studied the science of retweets over a period of nine months to discern the attributes and characteristics of tweets that spawned memes and those that didn’t. The Top 100 Twitter Publishing Tools and Services | Brian Solis - PR 2.0. 53 conseils et idées pour mieux utiliser Twitter. Agenda. Twitter: le soleil brille, les oiseaux chantent. : L'univers Twitter | Société. Tracking Influence in Twitter | Web Analytics Demystified | Audience Measurement and Web Site Analysis Consulting. Mike Wilson Plane Crash.