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The Social Media Salary Guide [INFOGRAPHIC] Social Media Week is upon us, so we thought it would be appropriate to delve into the social media industry and see how its salaries stack up.

The Social Media Salary Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media is an evolving and cutting-edge field, so it should come as no surprise that you can make a great living managing a brand's presence on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare and other social platforms. In the infographic below, produced by OnwardSearch, you can see where the social media jobs are concentrated, the breakdown of job titles in the industry, and how much dough the average social mediate is bringing home each year.


5 minutes pour obtenir un job dans les médias sociaux. Pourquoi les généraux sont si bêtes ?

5 minutes pour obtenir un job dans les médias sociaux

Parce qu’ils sont recrutés parmi les colonels. [Jean Cocteau] L’émergence des médias sociaux, qui d’un usage personnel a pivoté vers un usage professionnel, a également conduit à un changement des règles de recrutement.