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5 Ways to Market Your Brand on LinkedIn. Linda Coles is the author of the book Learn Marketing with Social Media in 7 Days (Wiley) and is a social media speaker and consultant at Blue Banana. LinkedIn provides plenty of marketing opportunities, but lets take a look at some of the lesser-known tools. Although not all are free, try making room in your budget for a few simple and effective marketing strategies. Whether you're looking to raise marketing awareness or drive sales, look for guidance from the LinkedIn team. Where else can you specify your target audience based on job title, industry, functional area and much more? Try these five LinkedIn tools for better marketing. 1.

Start off with self-serve LinkedIn ads. Your ad will display either along the top, bottom or right-hand side of a member’s home or profile page, and can contain both text and an image. In terms of cost, LinkedIn ads run very much the same as other text ad systems, on an auction or bid basis. 2. Purchase display ads through the LinkedIn field sales team. 3. 9 Ways Students Can Use Social Media to Boost Their Careers. Kate Brodock is executive director of digital and social media at Syracuse University, where she leads efforts in the space. Connect with her on Twitter at @just_kate and @othersidegroup. If you’re a Generation X-er or older, you likely use social media to cut it in the real world.

You may also use social networks for personal reasons, but it’s always with the understanding that you’re a professional. But newer generations of college graduates began their social media experience as a very personal one. Here are a few things students should consider when starting to use social media professionally. 1. Most teens and young adults have used social media to connect directly to friends and share personal experiences casual conversations with their networks. Using social media for professional purposes doesn’t mean you have to give that up. 2. Build each network to create relationships that can be nurtured through interaction and conversation. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How Businesses Use Social Media for Recruiting [INFOGRAPHIC]

Savvy job seekers have turned to digital and social media tools to help them in their job searches, and now recruiters are on board with the power of social media as a recruiting tool. LinkedIn isn't the only social network that helps in the job search process — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google+ have all been used by people to land jobs in innovative ways. And interesting takes on the digital resume are increasingly popular, with job seekers creating infographic resumes, video resumes and other visual resumes that set them apart from other job applicants.

Employers are taking note of the importance of social media in the recruiting process, and the majority of businesses are turning to social media to find and evaluate job candidates, according to this infographic compiled by Career Enlightenment, a resource for online job seekers. Take a look and let us know what you think of using social media to find a job. Social Media Job Listings More Job Search Resources From Mashable.

At Twitter, The Future is You! Marché de l'emploi: le curriculum vitæ déclassé par le portrait numérique des candidats. Ça devait arriver! En matière de recherche d'emploi, le bon vieux curriculum vitæ vient de prendre un coup de vieux. À preuve, cette récente campagne de recrutement pour combler un poste d'analyste financier au sein de la compagnie d'investissement Union Square Ventures (USV) aux États-Unis. Particularité de la démarche: les candidats n'étaient pas invités à envoyer leur CV, comme dans le bon vieux temps, mais plutôt de transmettre une série de liens aptes à définir le «portrait numérique» qu'ils se sont construit au fil du temps dans le cyberespace.

Les temps changent et les preuves en sont parfois étonnantes. C'est le Wall Street Journal qui lève le voile sur cette mutation. Outre les liens Internet pour témoigner de sa «présence sur le web», comme son compte Twitter, sa page Tumblr et autres lieux d'expression en format binaire, une petite vidéo dans laquelle les aspirants analystes devaient motiver leur candidature était également réclamée. [Infographie] Comment les entreprises utilisent les médias sociaux pour recruter.