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What To Include Within Your Social Media Crisis Plan. Melissa Agnes, President and co-founder of Agnes + Day inc., has developed an international reputation for crisis management, planning and training by helping large global brands prevent and manage a wide range of corporate issues and crises. Her client list includes Fortune 500 companies, as well as public, private and not-for-profit organizations. Fluent in English and French, Melissa is a sought-after speaker and university guest lecturer for new courses being developed in PR, social media, crisis management, customer service and more. She has spoken in front of audiences including NATO, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the Ohio Oil and Gas Association (OOGA) and many others. Click here to view Melissa’s speaking schedule. Melissa is the editor of the highly acclaimed Crisis Intelligence Blog. Melissa was named by CyberAlert as one of “the 30 top most influential bloggers in public relations.”

The Accidental Rebranding of Komen for the Cure. (Updates to this post can be found at the bottom.) Yesterday afternoon, and continuing into today, I believe we are witnessing the accidental rebranding of what is surely one of America’s biggest and most well-known, and even well-loved, nonprofit brands. Komen for the Cure, it seems, is no longer a breast cancer charity, but a pro-life breast cancer charity. Let me stop right here and say this post is not about abortion per se, one way or the other, other than the fact that it is the single most divisive issue in American politics today. My personal beliefs are very clear and public. But how you feel about abortion is really irrelevant to this communications debacle unfolding before us.

This post is about what happens when a leading nonprofit jumps into a highly controversial area of public debate without a communications strategy, stays silent, and therefore lets others take over the public dialogue, perhaps permanently redefining the organization and its brand. No more. (2) Guide juridique web2.0. FedEx Guy Destroys PC Monitor, But Not All FedEx Guys Are Like That. After you watch this video, you might have a bad taste in your mouth about FedEx delivery personnel.

But I think this guy is an aberration, an outlier against a corps of FedEx employees that I've noticed are second to none. See update below: FedEx responds with a video of its own. Before we get to the praise of FedEx and its legion of delivery people, take a look at the nonchalance with which this dweeb tosses a fragile package over that fence, not even aware enough of his surroundings to realize there's a security camera almost poking him in the face.

The maker of this YouTube video said the thrown package contained a computer monitor, which was broken by this rough treatment. A pox on all those who treat our delicate and valuable packages this way. There's a FedEx guy who regularly delivers fragile packages here to our Midwest Test Facility, and he treats every box and envelope as if it were full of spectacularly fragile Fabergé eggs. Hill & Knowlton battles to keep account after manager’s anti-Sensis tweets. PR agency Hill & Knowlton faces a fight to keep Telstra as a client after the agency’s Sydney general manager Fergus Kibble posted a series of tweets questioning the environmental credibility of its Yellow Pages directory. Mumbrella understands that Hill & Knowlton has been one of about five agencies on the Telstra PR panel, carrying out individual projects. Among the telco’s companies is Sensis, which owns the White Pages and Yellow Pages phone directories.

The print editions are generating increasing public disquiet over the environmental impact of printing so many copies despite many consumers switching to online search. Sensis this week said that annually the directories generate about 175,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. Presumably overlooking the connection between client Telstra and Sensis, Kibble went on a three week Twitter campaign against the unwanted “dumping” of print editions, including posting images of abandoned copies and inviting others to retweet his message. Facebook Shake-up: Flight Attendants, Air Canada, and CUPE. Air Canada’s flight attendants recently rejected the second tentative deal between the company and their union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

That their union twice failed to have brokered deals accepted is noteworthy, and it highlight unprecedented role of social media in modern labour negotiations. In the Air Canada dispute, the venue is Facebook. More than half of the 6,800 flight attendants have contributed to a Facebook page bashing both the company and CUPE.

This kind of discussion – national, immediate, and unfiltered – was technically impossible until recently. Dysfunctional collective bargaining at Air Canada is nothing new. At root for the workers is a question: Is the union fighting hard for the issues we care most about. The lesson for unions is clear: engage with your members on all media platforms, period. Study: Most companies are not prepared for a social media crisis. As emptied grocery store shelves along the East Coast proved last week, people like to prepare for impending crises. That is, unless those crises are happening on social media sites, a recent study from Altimeter Group found.

"Companies are quick to deploy the latest social media technology, yet most companies are not prepared for the threat of social media crises, or the long-term impacts to business," the Altimeter report states in its executive summary. About 76 percent of crises could be avoided or diminished, the study found.

Even companies that have implemented advanced social media policies are ill equipped, because of what the report calls "fragmented technology" and a failure to tie concrete customer data to support systems and "the product roadmap. " How does a company get to that point? Defining a crisis Just what constitutes a crisis anyway? According to the report, from 2007 to 2008 the number of such social media crises doubled. The findings Reaching enlightenment. Community management : 4 étapes pour gérer une crise sur Facebook.

Facebook est un formidable outil pour promouvoir son activité. Malheureusement, il peut également s’avérer un amplificateur puissant en cas de crise ou de bad buzz. Dans ces cas, comment réagir afin que la propagation soit limitée ? Voici quelques conseils à suivre… Tout va très vite sur les réseaux sociaux surtout dans le cas de crise ou de mauvaise communication. Lorsque cela arrive, on doit réagir rapidement afin de limiter la casse et même, pourquoi pas, transformer le bad buzz en communication positive. Le tout est d’avoir les bonnes réactions au bon moment, mais pour cela il faut s’y préparer. Etape 1 : Rédiger un plan d’action… Ensuite, pour chaque situation problématique rédiger un document avec les différentes étapes à suivre : Qui contacter pour obtenir les informations nécessaires à la formulation de la réponse sur les réseaux sociaux ? Indiquez également les différents intervenants : décisionnaire, opérationnel, rédacteur, community manager… Etape 2 : Réagir promptement…

Using technology in crisis preparedness. SocialMediainDisasters.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Vice President, Public Relations Laura Howe is responsible for public relations and overall corporate media strategies for the Red Cross. She serves as one of the primary Red Cross spokespeople and oversees day-to-day corporate media relations and crisis communications efforts. In addition, she manages specialized communication teams for disaster services, international services, biomedical services, services to Armed Forces, social media and chapter operations. Laura also manages the team responsible for all Red Cross social media efforts and has led the organization’s effort to use of social media as means to get information to disaster victims. She often appears at conferences and on panels promoting the use of social media during disasters. She also spent eight years as a television news reporter and anchor and now frequently provides interviews on behalf of the Red Cross for national media outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and The Weather Channel.

Social Media Checklist For Emergencies and Disasters Response. During an Emergency and Disaster, the first 24 hours are critical in order to establish the fundamental action steps in the social media sphere. The purpose of this Checklist is helping Emergency and Disaster Agencies/Nonprofits to effectively manage social media communications through clearly defined action steps in order to generate a fast Social Media Response during the first 24/48 hours when a disaster occurs. This is just a small part of the Social Media Plan for Emergency and Disaster intended to: • Prepare the Organization staff to effectively and quickly manage social media communications in the first 24 hours of the disaster/emergency; • Help staff, units, board members and social media teams respond in a unified, professional manner that reinforces sector leadership and creates loyalty; • Strategically enhance the organization’s brand/role, and the public understanding of the value provided by the nonprofit community; Checklist. 1. 2. 3.

Checklist. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. On Safety: A Word From Airbnb. Brian Chesky is the CEO of Airbnb. In this guest article he discusses the recent Airbnb user safety incident we reported on earlier today. On June 22nd, we learned that the home of one of our San Francisco hosts was vandalized by an Airbnb guest. We were devastated when we received this news. With a single booking, one person’s malicious actions victimized our host and undermined what had been – for 2 million nights – a case study demonstrating that people are fundamentally good.

As soon as we learned what had taken place, our first concern was to make sure our host was safe. Once our host’s safety was secured, our attention moved to further strengthening our system. Trust and safety are our highest priorities. As a response to this incident, we have begun development on improvements to increase the safety of Airbnb, including: We are upset that this happened but believe that our platform and staff were able to make a positive contribution to this unfortunate case. NEI (neiupdates) Les visages du twivage | Hugo Dumas | Hugo Dumas. Réflexions sur ses nombreuses séances de twivage, le néologisme désignant l'action de gazouiller/clavarder tout en regardant la télé? «Ce qui est très, très utile, c'est que toutes les fois où il y a un semblant de controverse, je réponds et l'arrête tout de suite. Pourquoi on n'a pas invité telle personne? Je réponds. Pourquoi on n'a pas posé telle question? Sinon, les chiffres BBM de Tout le monde en parle (#TLMEP) n'ont pas explosé grâce au twivage et aucun miracle associé à Twitter n'a été constaté.

À la demande de son producteur, Véronique Cloutier a ouvert son compte Twitter (CloutierV) le jour de la première des Enfants de la télé (#EDLT), le 15 septembre dernier. Rapidement, l'outil a séduit la blonde animatrice, elle qui privilégiait plutôt Facebook pour communiquer virtuellement avec ses fans. Ça, c'est vrai. Contrairement à Véronique Cloutier et Guy A.

Alors pourquoi faire du twivage si ses effets sont, jusqu'à présent, peu visibles? Vite, on se branche sur le plasma! Air France : 38.000 followers et un Community manager en congé le dimanche | Etudes en marketing, Haute Ecole ISE : Vansnick R. Le séisme au Japon est une catastrophe d’ampleur mondiale et a causé des dégâts invraisemblables. Au moment où de nombreux experts pensent que le pire peut être encore à venir, des ressortissants français souhaitent rentrer au pays. Voir : Selon le président de l’Observatoire du nucléaire, « le pire est très certainement en cours ». 1-. Le compte Twitter Dans ces moments difficiles, les ressortissants français aimeraient pouvoir compter sur leur compagnie aérienne. Je ne suis pas le compte d’Airfrance mais je constate qu’il a un profil qui laisse deviner une activité réelle puisqu’il compte 38.000 followers : Voici la dernière activité du compte qui montre que la compagnie n’a rien mis en place pour gérer le désarroi des personnes souhaitant des informations ou simplement revenir en France. 2-.

Je vous invite à faire la recherche « AirFrance » sur Twitter. 3-. Le compte doit être géré par la même personne, un post le jour du désastre et un message dans le fil des commentaires hier. 4-. What Brands Can Learn From Taco Bell's Social Media Lawsuit Defense. Patrick Kerley is the senior digital strategist at Levick Strategic Communications. He is also a contributing author to Bulletproof Blog™ and can be found on Twitter @pjkerley. When it comes to high profile lawsuits, it's often been the plaintiff's use of social media that makes headlines and wins those ever-important battles in the Court of Public Opinion. Blogs raise awareness of issues that could lead to lucrative litigation, and smart SEO and SEM campaigns can dominate the online conversation.

Social media is used recruit potential class action clients. But the “no comment” strategy has increasingly been cast aside in an age when instant impressions can cause lasting reputation damage. Use Your Peacetime Wisely Prior to the lawsuit, Taco Bell already maintained a Facebook Page with nearly 5.7 million fans, a Twitter profile with nearly 80,000 followers, and YouTube channel with videos that have been viewed nearly three million times. Dominate Search Engines. Les États-Unis créent un compte Twitter pour s'adresser aux Iraniens. Le compte Twitter @usadarFarsi - Le département d'État a commencé dimanche a écrire des micro-messages sur le site Twitter en persan pour s'adresser aux Iraniens, en insistant sur la nécessité que Téhéran laisse sa population manifester pacifiquement et librement comme en Égypte.

Au moment de lancer ce nouveau compte Twitter, USAdarFarsi, les États-Unis évoquent «le rôle historique» que les médias sociaux jouent chez les Iraniens. «Nous voulons vous rejoindre, dans vos conversations au quotidien», est-il écrit dans ce message. Les États-Unis ont aussi accusé dimanche les autorités iraniennes de faire preuve d'hypocrisie en saluant la révolte égyptienne tout en interdisant les défilés anti-gouvernementaux en Iran. «L'Iran a montré qu'il saluait les Égyptiens pour leur action mais qu'il jugeait illégal et illégitime ce type de comportement quand il s'agissait de son propre peuple», est-il écrit dans un des trois messages qui avaient été mis en ligne lundi matin. Storyboard: FEMA Chief Says Social Media Aid Disaster Response | Magazine. Twitter updates during a 2010 fire in San Bruno, California, illustrate the value of social media during emergencies.Photo: smi23le/Flickr On a recent visit to California, FEMA chief Craig Fugate‘s agenda read like an all-star roster of tech companies: Start the day at Twitter and Craigslist, drop by Wired at lunch, then on to visit Apple and Facebook.

Why is this bureaucrat, head of the oft-maligned Federal Emergency Management Agency, on a tour of the techno-elite’s offices? Because he’s seen that when all hell breaks loose, disaster survivors turn to social networks — both in their neighborhoods and online. Even in the rubble of Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, text messaging still worked. “We’re there to support the survivors,” Fugate says. “They shouldn’t have to fit our system, we should fit how they communicate, the tools they’re using.” Fugate wants to harness the power of the digital world to help the U.S. government and citizens respond to disasters. Photo: smi23le/Flickr.

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7 Practical Steps To Managing A Facebook Crisis. Social Media for Pharma Crisis Communications. Thinking about a B2B Social Media Crisis Communication Plan. Crisis Communications in Social Media: Are You Ready? Nestle-Crise-mars2010. Eurostar’s social media crisis / we are social. Gestion de Crise. Combating Rumors in Social Media: Sarah Palin and Babygate. The Big Blog Company | Crisis blogs. Pierre Bouchard INDICO » Les crises venues des médias sociaux : 5 gestes à poser.