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Promote Custom Tabs with Your Facebook Page Profile Picture. Many business Facebook Pages use custom tabs to run contests, offer discounts or give away free content. While you can set these custom tabs to be the default landing page for non-fans, you cannot control where an existing fan lands when they visit your Page. Fans will always land on the Wall first. Problem: How to Promote Your Custom Tabs? So the big question is, how can you draw attention to the custom tabs in your Page menu? Solution: Profile Picture Not to be disregarded, one of the biggest pieces of customizable Fan Page “real estate” is right at the top of the Page, in the left corner, and directly above the tab menu. Example 1: Happy Socks In this example, the Happy Socks Fan Page is hosting a contest, and they want to encourage fans to visit that contest tab and participate. Example 2: Popchips The Popchips Facebook Page uses a similar tactic, and they also make sure to refer to the tab (by name) that they are promoting.

Example 3: AutoCAD WS Thumbnail Image. What you should look for when monitoring your Facebook Pages. Facebook Pages are increasingly becoming the key place for customers to interact with brands online. Every brand active on Facebook should be aware of this and maximize their efforts while engaging with their fans on Facebook. One of the first industries which spotted possibilities in Facebook communication was the telco sector.

Many brands in this industry started to maximize value of Facebook by interacting with their fans on a daily basis, creating a whole new communication channel between customers and sales or tech support people. We at Socialbakers are aware of this trend and our goal is to help businesses effectively build their Facebook presence and offer comprehensive analytics and monitoring tools which help them evaluate Facebook activities – and like in the offline world, benchmark them with competitors and market averages. Key features of the Socialbakers Page Analytics are: Try it yourself at or let our Hugo Baker tell you more: 7 Ways To Build Customer Relationships On Facebook.

Until recently, many chief marketing officers were only focused on gathering millions of Facebook fans. The next phase is all about building relationships with them online. Here are seven ways CMOs can tap their Facebook fanbases for customer relationship management. 1. Build A Single Database The first stage in managing a relationship with fans, just like with customers, is creating a database of all fans under one roof. 2. Some of the most important questions to ask are: Assuming that we can encourage fans to perform any action, which action by your brand’s fans would you consider most important?

3.Identify Your Most Important Fans Not all fans are equal, and just like a company knows how to identify its top customers, it should also know how to identify its leading social media fans, the ones that are most active, those that perform the activities that you define most important (section 2) and are the most influential. 4. 5. 6. 7. Facebook Success Beyond the 'Like' Marketers must look beyond fan count to find real success. Having a branded Facebook page has become near-essential for many businesses. As such, companies should give as much thought and energy into planning and managing their Facebook page as they do a traditional website. “The rapid adoption of the ‘like’ button and the rise of the Facebook ‘homepage’ are indications that marketing on Facebook has become a necessity for businesses large and small,” said Kimberly Maul, eMarketer writer/analyst and co-author of the new report, “Facebook Marketing: Strategies for Turning ‘Likes’ into Loyalty.”

“Yet the fact that some companies have made Facebook the primary way they engage with consumers online raises serious questions about the risks and rewards of marketing within another company’s structure and rules.” Most Fortune 100 companies now use Facebook for marketing. A study from WONGDOODY (now Wong, Doody, Crandall, Wiener) provided a set of benchmarks for Facebook marketers. Authored by: Why I Don't Like Your Brand on Facebook Brian Solis. InShare1,089 Guest post by Andrew Blakeley. Follow him on Twitter (for exclusive deals and offers!) I recently undertook a simple Facebook experiment, inspired by a brief Monday morning rant from my boss: “This morning my yoghurt told me to find it on Facebook.

It didn’t tell me why, it just told me to find it. Why on Earth would I want to find a yoghurt on Facebook? It’s a yoghurt!” He was right, of course. For my experiment – “Find Us On Facebook” – I vowed to Like every brand that asked me to for one week. As a marketer, I found the results very disappointing. What consumers want from brands in social media is a topic that has been widely written about already, and is fairly well understood by marketers. Another key finding was the number of brand Liking requests coming from email marketing. Only 1 of the 16 brands provided an incentive to make the leap from email to social media. My week as a social consumer left me tired and confused. Artist: Natalie Dee. How To Set Up A Facebook Page. Mashable's Lauren Drell provides a step-by-step guide to launching a Facebook Page for your business. May 17, 2011 Facebook has about 500 million active users—it's about time you get in on the action and start a Facebook Page for your own business.

After all, the best marketing reaches out to consumers where they already are, and people spend more than 700 billion hours a month on the site. Exposure to that many eyeballs could translate to a lot of business for your company. Not tech savvy? That's not a problem—the process isn't too technical. 1. Go to and click "Create Page" in the upper right hand corner. The next screen asks you to select a category from the following list: Local Business or PlaceCompany, Organization or InstitutionBrand or ProductArtist, Band or Public FigureEntertainmentCause or Community 2. Once you select the category for your business, you can fill in the name, address and phone number. 3. Upload a picture for your page. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TabSite - Free Page App| Static FBML Alternative! Vidéos publiées par TabSite - Free Page App| Static FBML Alternative! : How to make your TabSite Tab the Default Landing Tab for New Visi [HQ] 21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase.

If you build a Facebook Page, will fans come? This is the great hope for many businesses. However, fans do not magically appear from the Facebook mist. People must be lured to your fan page. And there are some good and bad ways to go about doing this. In this article, I’ll share a big myth and 21 ways to drive more fans to your Facebook fan page. The Big Myth There’s a great myth that once you create a Facebook fan page for your business, the first thing you should do to get fans is invite ALL your friends from your personal profile using the “Suggest to Friends” feature. Unfortunately, this strategy may not be that effective and can, in fact, often backfire. There are several reasons not to use the Suggest to Friends feature: Facebook users can only like up to 500 pages and may wish to be selective. Here are 21 ways to get more fans for your Facebook fan page: #1: Embed Widgets on Your Website Select from a number of the new Facebook Social Plugins and place them on your website and blog.

Staying On Top of Social Media Trends. The urgency to stay on top of what is going on with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and the relentless need for content to fuel blogs, is the most difficult part of social media marketing. Change is constant and the social media marketer must know as much as they can to get the greatest exposure for their clients. So how much do we need to study? I would advise: as much as you can read in an hour a day. I try so hard to keep up with technology, but I must confess that I miss a lot, too. Zuckerberg Suits up for Obama « Dachis Group Collaboratory. How Brands Can Suit up for Customers Using Facebook Live By: Lauren Picarello, Joe Pinaire, and Allison Squires Yesterday’s Facebook Live Townhall with President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg prompted a lively discussion in our Austin office. Not only about Zuckerberg’s shirt and tie, but our social business take on how the live event went down. It made us think: If we were going to host a Facebook Live event for a client, how would we do it?

Our goal: optimize the Facebook platform to make the most of this opportunity. First off, here’s what we liked about yesterday’s event: Real-time engagement. Viewer-reported metrics. Sharing buttons. Opportunities moving forward: Provide direction without constraining the content. Aggregate unused questions and respond publicly. President Obama’s Facebook Live Townhall illustrates the simplicity, yet often overlooked nature of many social tactics. Les critères d’un contenu facebookable. Crédit: Flickr/CC/dkalo Il y a les titres «Google friendly». Maintenant, il y a les contenus «facebookables». Encore un mot anglais que j’aurais pu ajouter au jargon des journalistes en ligne.

Selon le dictionnaire urbain, cet adjectif signifie que le contenu vaut la peine d’être publié sur Facebook et peut générer de l’intérêt auprès des 500 millions de membres et quelques du réseau social. Alors que le réseau social de Mark Zuckerberg vient de lancer une page intitulée Journalists on Facebook, de la même façon que Twitter répertorie les meilleures pratiques journalistiques, il faut croire qu’il y a une audience, sur Facebook, intéressée par la consommation d’informations.

«Qui vous dit d’aller voir cet article?» Sauf que, d’après les expériences menées ici et là, les contenus d’informations ne vont pas tous de pair avec Facebook. Critère numéro 1 : Le contenu doit être visible dans le newsfeed de Facebook Le edge rank repose sur trois éléments: 1. Les contenus les plus partagés? S'inviter dans la conversation | Sophie Cousineau | Sophie Cousineau.

L'entreprise a demandé à ses amies Facebook ce qu'elles recherchent et préfèrent. L'essence de leurs réponses, c'est un parfum à la fois fruité et sucré. De l'internet aux éprouvettes est né Pitaya. C'est le nom d'un fruit exotique de la famille des cactus, une boule épineuse rose ou jaune que certains appellent «fruit du dragon» sous l'influence de l'anglais.

Lancé mardi, ce parfum dépasse ses premiers objectifs de vente, affirme Éric Arminjon, vice-président marketing de cette PME de Boucherville. «Développer des produits à partir de nos échanges avec nos clients, on va le faire de plus en plus», conclut-il. Voilà un an que Dans un Jardin s'est aventurée sur Facebook. Cette maison de parfums s'est rapidement rendu compte que ce n'était pas le véhicule idéal pour faire mousser les ventes.

«Il y a beaucoup d'essais-erreur», dit Éric Arminjon. «Les réseaux sociaux ont une valeur quasi inestimable en ce qui me concerne», dit Éric Arminjon. Y être ou pas? Sources d'inspiration. Statistiques. How to Encourage Engagement on Facebook. With the number of Facebook users continuing to grow, businesses are having a hard time justifying staying away from the social network. Recently, AT&T released the results of its Small Business Technology Poll . In the survey, AT&T found that 41% of small businesses surveyed have a Facebook page for their business. Last year, only 27% said they were using the social networks, which is a 52% jump in usage. Although the amount of usage is growing quickly, it is still taking some businesses quite some time to get their "Facebook legs. " In Dan Zarrella's recent Science of Timing , he talks about the concept of contra-competitive timing.

Keep Posts Short There was a 27.0% increase in engagement for posts 80 characters long or shorter. Ask Questions It might seem obvious, but people are more likely to engage if you ask them something. Post Towards the End of the Week When everyone else's business is winding down for the weekend you should be ramping up your efforts. The New Yorker Tries Requiring Users to Like its Facebook Page to Access Articles.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg's father: Edward Zuckerberg, the original technology guy in the Zuckerberg family - Dr. Edward Zuckerberg, D.D.S., shows that less radiation is needed for… (Michael Nagle ) Reporting from Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. — Edward Zuckerberg pulls his iPhone out of his jeans pocket and hits the familiar blue Facebook icon. He's eager to show off his latest effort to market his suburban dental practice. The man known as "Painless Dr. Z" is offering a free teeth bleaching kit to the first 10 patients who use their smartphones to tell their Facebook friends that they've stopped by his office.

On the receptionist's desk, a blue sticker exhorts clients to "'Like' us on Facebook. " "It broadcasts to all their friends that they patronize this business," he said. There's an easy explanation for the 56-year-old's familiarity with social networking. But this isn't the story of the kid genius helping Pop set up a profile. He gave his son his first lessons in programming on the family's Atari 800, which looked like a big electronic typewriter. Rosa Cavalluzzi, his longtime assistant, should know. Engaging Customers on Facebook. In preparing for a webinar this week with Lithium Technologies on Facebook and your brand, I spent a bit of time researching best practices for engaging customers on Facebook. I've pulled together a list and thought it might be useful to share some ideas and techniques that some companies are finding effective on Facebook and other social sites. Engaging the "social" customer is a topic that is getting a lot of air time these days for good reason.

The more customers migrate to the social web the more engagement becomes a priority for successful brands and is tied to the overall customer experience. Moving from a transactional relationship to one of trust and engagement is fundamentally about the customer experience; positive or negative experience trumps everything else. Engaging where your customers are online is important and today they're on Facebook. Post frequently (2-3 times per day) to keep content fresh. That's my list, what do you think? Questions. Help Center. 15 Frequently Asked Questions About Facebook Pages. Facebook provides a comprehensive Help Center with its own range of FAQs along with helpful content from a vast number of users.

[There's even a handy Leaderboard - Top Contributor - with points system to see which users have been most helpful. Links just go to the user's personal Profile, though. It would be great to see all their answers in one place, similar to user profiles on Quora.] The Help Center can be difficult to navigate and zero in on the exact solution for the issue you’re having on Facebook. Then, there’s Facebook Questions which I have yet to find useful, quite frankly. You could certainly search for answers to your Facebook questions on Quora – in many ways, this platform is easier and more helpful than Facebook’s Help Center and Questions.

There’s also Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn Answers,, Get Satisfaction… but you could keep digging and still not find what you’re looking for! 1. You first need to get a minimum of 25 fans. 2. 3. 4. 5. No. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. New: Publish to Fans Based on Location and Language. Insights for Facebook Pages: Product Guide. HOW TO: Use Facebook Social Plugins on Your Website. 10 Tips for Posting on Your Brand's Facebook Page. Facebook Place Page Owners Get Reports On Check-Ins And Deals. The 2011 Content Summit for Corporate Communicators & PR. Statistiques. Real-Time Analytics For Social Plugins - Développeurs Facebook. 5 Great Facebook Contests That Nailed Running A Facebook Contest. 7 Best Practices for Facebook Connect on Ecommerce Sites. How To Optimize For Facebook’s New ‘Like’ Functionality. Designing a Facebook landing page: 12 of the best! - Web Design Blog – Social Media Roundup/Facebook Pages Redesign.

Facebook Marketing Bible - Marketing Strategies for Advertisers, Brand Marketers, and Developers on Facebook. Facebook Page Redesign 2011: All You Need to Know. Facebook Launches Pages Redesign. Make Your Facebook Fan Page a Party. Facebook Usage Policy | Knowledge Network. 20 Tips to Get Your Content Seen on Facebook. Why Most Facebook Marketing Doesn't Work. Statistiques. 10 Fascinating Facebook Facts. Facebook Pages – new layout and functionality « three nine seven. Jeffbullas. Reasons people Unlike brands on Facebook - Bloc Note. How to Integrate Video on Facebook Fan Pages. Queensland Police Facebook Page: Best Practice in Public Engagement « idisaster 2.0. Facebook Page redesign: 10 things admins should do RIGHT NOW. 10 méthodes concrètes pour garantir le ROI d'une stratégie Marketing sur Facebook.

Majority Of People Have Abandoned Brands On Facebook And Twitter. Petitions on Facebook. 8 reasons marketers can't trust Facebook. Check in. We’ve Got Something for You, Canada. Facebook-worldwide-2011-revised.jpg (Image JPEG, 2000x4000 pixels) - Redimensionnée (18%) Quand les marques survalorisent leurs fans Facebook – 1ère partie. Graph-o-meter [bêta] by 909c - Outil de community manager. What Makes Facebook Fan Pages Successful? Social Identities - Custom Twitter backgrounds, Facebook landing pages and more. Social Media & SEO: Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page « When digital marketing goes international. Ten Practical Steps for Improving Your Facebook Presence. 13 Useful Facebook Page Applications for your Nonprofit.

Facebook News Feed Settings: Random or Not, Biggest Secrets Revealed. Facebook Groups Give Rise to Social Nicheworking. 6 astuces pour créer une page Facebook pour votre blogue ou entreprise | Descary. Quelques idées pour booster votre Page Facebook | Descary. Facebook in Canadian Universities. How to Export Email Addresses of all your Facebook Friends. Facebook Instant. How to Import Contacts to Gmail from Facebook | Google | Tech-Recipes.

1) | Help Center. TabSite - An easy alternative to Static FBML. Video How to Add a Custom Facebook Page Tab - custom facebook page, custom facebook page tab, add facebook page. 4 Simple, Yet Powerful Ways To Promote Your Facebook Fan Page. Quel genre d’entreprise êtes-vous sur Facebook? 5 Fantastic Facebook Fan Page Ideas to Learn From. 5 Elements of a Successful Facebook Fan Page. How To Create A Powerful And Engaging Facebook Page. Facebook. How To Add A Custom Landing Tab To Your Facebook Fan Page. 10 Impressive New Implementations of Facebook Connect. 5 Great Examples of Facebook Connect on the iPhone. Facebook Gets a Suggested Pages List. Getting Involved with Involver for Facebook Customization. Complete Brand Marketing on Facebook | Involver. 7 Scientific Ways to Promote Sharing on Facebook.

Matrix: How Facebook’s ‘Community Pages’ and Privacy Changes Impact Brands. How to Create a FaceBook Landing Page for Your Blog. Fan Page Generator. Facebook Connects 500 Million People: Defines a New Era of Digital Society. Three new Facebook resources for personal and professional guidance for the media, journalists and PR professionals - Krishna De: Social Media Marketing, Online PR, Online Visibility, Digital Marketing, Dublin, Ireland, Europe. The Top 50 Facebook Brand Pages In 2009  Ford Explorer. Killer Facebook Fan Pages: 5 Inspiring Case Studies.