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Architects and Architectures - Gavin Payne. In the last few months I’ve been presenting a new session at community events that’s had a positive reception that I’m pleasantly surprised at. It’s had several titles, but currently its “How to be a more successful architect” and I originally created it as an overview of my Microsoft Certified Architect journey, although I’ve taken it on a different course since then. Hopefully of interest to everyone The session is hopefully interesting to everyone in the IT industry, not just a specific type of SQL Server professional. It’s foundation is the idea that regardless of your job title, you’re probably informally, or formally, performing the role of an architect at some point in your working day.

It could be you have to clarify someone’s requirements so you can understand how whatever you create for them demonstrates its value the most. Presentation slides The slides from my most recent delivery of the session at SQLSaturday #194 in Exeter are available here. Presentation links Waterfall vs.