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Logic Puzzles - Logic Problems Items 11. Brain Teaser Worksheets.

Te Reo Maori

Teachnology: Google+ Hangouts; Connecting and collaborating with NZ students. Last year I was inspired by +Sonya Van Schaijik to organise a TeachmeetNZ event with other physical education teachers in NZ, and managed to connect with +Libby Schumacher-Knight+Aaron Mead and +Julia breen through a Google+ hangout.

Teachnology: Google+ Hangouts; Connecting and collaborating with NZ students

The idea was to share some ideas around how we were going to integrate e-learning into our PE teaching the following year, it was a great learning experience and we managed to stream the event live at the Physical Education NZ conference in Auckland, which made it even more worthwhile! During the 'hangout' we presented our ideas, one of my ideas was to use Google+ communities to allow students to connect and support each other on a platform they were familiar with, as well as using it as a tool to teach digital citizenship and digital literacies - I wrote briefly about the outline of the community on a previous blog post.

All groups. Marae Investigates Summer Series Episode Six.