MSATC | Your Tax Consultant in Abu Dhabi
A Company committed to helping entrepreneurs & businesses succeed. Release the power within, entrepreneur and business.
Accounting Services in Abu Dhabi. Audit - MSATC. You’re the face of your business, and you’re good at it.
Be the paragon of the business everyone look at to. You work exceptionally hard and because of that, things tick along very nicely. Everything feels a little better to you because of that. But the financial systems that lie at the heart of your business need to be just as seamless. Whatever the size of your operation, it’s imperative that you can rely on its systems and the information they produce. We, MSians ensure that the financial systems that hold your business together are reliable, consistent and inherently robust.
Whatever is your need, we can strengthen the ground beneath your business’ feet, whether it’s regulatory audits, statutory financial statements, annual accounts, systems and procedure reviews or reliable management information. Tax Residency Certificate, UAE - MSATC. A Tax Residency Certificate is a requirement by OECD to prove that a business is a resident of the UAE jurisdiction.
Tax residence of a Business or Individual is determined under the domestic tax laws of each jurisdiction. There might be situations where a person qualifies as a tax resident under the tax residence rules of more than one jurisdiction. For the purposes of the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), Financial Institutions must ensure that Account Holders (or Controlling Persons) disclose all tax residences in the required certification. “Residence by Investment” (RBI) schemes are being offered by a substantial number of jurisdictions and allow foreign individuals to obtain citizenship or temporary or permanent residence rights based on local investments or against a flat fee. UAE has adopted “Residence by Investment” (RBI) scheme. Financial Institutions must consider all relevant information available, including the results of the OECD’s RBI risk analysis. VAT Training - MSATC. VAT Training Get trained best!
VAT Health Check - MSATC. VAT Advisory & Compliance Support - MSATC. Benefits That Our Clients Get: Mitigation Of Risks Businesses have to go through a lot to keep offering their business lawfully.
Often it could be complicated for businesses to obey or follow the UAE VAT rules and regulations. Accounting & Bookkeeping Services in Abu Dhabi, UAE - MSATC. Abu Dhabi Global Market - MSATC. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.
How to prevent paying a fine? Penalties for delayed filing can be avoided by ensuring that when a filing obligation is due, all the process must be in place and filing is prepared and submitted to the relevant Registrar within the specified filing period. The Registration Authority through their online portal will keep updating entities about their impending due dates with multiple reminder emails specifying the deadlines. 2. The easiest way to hand over the filing to the Registration Authority is through uploading the file in their online portal, available at 3.
Companies should take appropriate measures to ensure that the filing date is identified, and the filling is prepared and submitted within the prescribed period. However, if due to unforeseen circumstances or an exceptional reason the filing is delayed, a company may request the Registration Authority for the extension period. 4. Financial Advisory Service in UAE - MSATC. We are so happy to disclose our list of financial advisory services that includes Tax Advisory, Corporate Finance, Strategic Review, Business Valuation, FD (Financial Director) on Demand and Feasibility Report & Business Plan. 1 Tax Advisory Surprises in taxes and losses therefrom, are the least welcomed in any business!
Taxes comes into play in almost every facet of the business. Tax structuring is hence a key element of corporate business strategy when trying to achieve full tax compliance and reduce risks. By understanding your business from discussing with us your envisaged and undertaken transactions or deals, we can help you identify the relevant tax implications from the UAE VAT law perspective and recommend ways to mitigate the relevant and prospective tax risks. Our areas of expertise include VAT registration, VAT advisory & Compliance Support, VAT return filing & Submission, VAT health check, VAT training and Tourist Refund Scheme. 2 Strategic Review. VAT Consultant in Abu Dhabi, UAE - MSATC. VAT Consultant Do You Think Your Business Is Ready For VAT?
VAT implementation was more like a revolution in several countries in the world. Talking about VAT Registration in UAE, it is mandatory for all those business that meet the mandatory turnover threshold limit, i.e., AED 375,000/- per annum. This includes sale of goods or services in the normal course of business by an entity. Voluntary registration can be done if the taxable supply exceeds AED 187,500/- per year. VAT Registration & Deregistration - MSATC. Learning is a process.
Unlearning is another. And yes, this is the same with VAT Registration and De-registration. US Expat Tax Consultant in UAE - MSATC. The USA is one of the few countries to tax their citizens not on their US residency status but on their citizenship.
The IRS and US government are proactively trying to identify individuals where they think a filing obligation exists. So how do I know whether I need to file a US Tax Return? Regardless of where you currently reside – whether that’s in the US or in a foreign country – if you are a US citizen or Green Card holder, you are required to file an annual US tax return with the IRS.
You may however qualify to exclude some or all of your foreign earned income from U.S. taxation if you meet certain tests. Economic Substance Regulations(ESR) in UAE - MSATC. Our taxation and economic substance team advises clients across all sectors on various tax matters, including tax residence, economic substance requirements, income tax, the OECD’s Common Reporting Standard (CRS) and tax disputes.
To help businesses ensure compliance with economic substance requirements, our team conducts substance audits on existing structures, procedures and documents to help identify any issues, both as an initial audit of compliance and on an ongoing basis. Our team works closely with businesses to provide practical advice and tailored solutions to help remedy gaps and other issues that could stand in the way of compliance with economic substance requirements in UAE. How we can help? We consider that complying with the substance rules will be via a three-step process: Classification: Our classification tool will help you determine the classification of your company as it applies to the substance legislation.
Your Tax Consultant in Abu Dhabi, UAE.