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Open Educational Resources infoKit / UKOER Lessons Learned. The three year JISC/HE Academy UKOER Programme investigated OER release and use in a range of educational contexts and subject disciplines.

Open Educational Resources infoKit / UKOER Lessons Learned

It considered technical, pedagogical, cultural, economic and legal aspects across a number of sectors, including public, private and 3rd sector organisations. The lessons learned and resulting practical resources have been incorporated into this infoKit. A wide range of issues affect the ways that individuals release learning resources openly for others to use, reuse and re-purpose. They may do this as an individual through the web or on behalf of an institution. They may have an institutional mandate to release their educational content, a central team to support technical, legal or quality aspects of release, and they may have guidance and procedures to adhere to. There are many misconceptions around the sharing of learning resources and around OERs. Some useful questions to consider include: Written January 2013. Dandelion Image CC BY joka2000(out)

Material Type: Lesson Plans. Swwmathematics / Southwest Washington Mathematics. 2015 NCCE Conference - OER and Common Core. Support the Common Core with the right instructional materials. Online and Alternative Learning - Digital Learning Department @ OSPI. Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET) Common Core: Publishers' Criteria. Toolkit for Evaluating Alignment of Instructional and Assessment Materials. Open Educational Resources. OERRubrics.pdf. About The Licenses. Our public copyright licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love.

We call this the Legal Code layer of each license. But since most creators, educators, and scientists are not in fact lawyers, we also make the licenses available in a format that normal people can read — the Commons Deed (also known as the “human readable” version of the license). The Commons Deed is a handy reference for licensors and licensees, summarizing and expressing some of the most important terms and conditions. Think of the Commons Deed as a user-friendly interface to the Legal Code beneath, although the Deed itself is not a license, and its contents are not part of the Legal Code itself. Searching for open content is an important function enabled by our approach. Guide to Open Licensing - Open Definition - Defining Open in Open Data, Open Content and Open Knowledge. Please note: This guide has been produced by individuals who are not lawyers.

Guide to Open Licensing - Open Definition - Defining Open in Open Data, Open Content and Open Knowledge

Nothing in this page should be considered as legal advice. In addition to this general guide there is also a detailed Guide focused on Open Data Licensing. What is an open license? A license is a document that specifies what can and cannot be done with a work (whether sound, text, image or multimedia). It grants permissions and states restrictions. The 5 Rs of designing an OER course. 5R Open Course Design Framework now available to support capacity-building as OER use enters mainstream Open courseware experts announced plans to publish the 5R Open Course Design Framework, a set of guidelines and best practices for developing courses using open educational resources (OER).

The 5 Rs of designing an OER course

The framework, which will be freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY), encourages educators to capitalize on the unique rights associated with open content also known as the 5Rs: the ability Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribute content for educational purposes. Lumen Learning, the experts behind the framework, plans to offer training, professional development and a course review and certification process associated with the framework. Professional development certifications will be offered to help individuals and organizations build capacity around effective course design with OER. (Next page: Details of the framework) Open Educational Resources. A distance learner attending a tutoring session in Mozambique.

Open Educational Resources

The Open Educational Resources portfolio makes grants to make high-quality educational materials available for free, anywhere in the world. Photo: Rosario Passos Open Educational Resources (OER) are high-quality, openly licensed, online educational materials that offer an extraordinary opportunity for people everywhere to share, use, and reuse knowledge. They also demonstrate great potential as a mechanism for instructional innovation as networks of teachers and learners share best practices. OER defined: OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Since 2002, the Hewlett Foundation has worked with OER grantees to improve education globally by making high-quality academic materials openly available on the Internet.

The Education Program invests in organizations that: ELI7061.pdf.