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18 obsolete words, which never should have gone out of style. The Greatest Speech Ever Made. Voices from the Days of Slavery, Audio Interviews (American Memory from the Library of Congress) Former Slaves Tell Their Stories The almost seven hours of recorded interviews presented here took place between 1932 and 1975 in nine Southern states. Twenty-three interviewees, born between 1823 and the early 1860s, discuss how they felt about slavery, slaveholders, coercion of slaves, their families, and freedom. Several individuals sing songs, many of which were learned during the time of their enslavement.

It is important to note that all of the interviewees spoke sixty or more years after the end of their enslavement, and it is their full lives that are reflected in these recordings. All known recordings of former slaves in the American Folklife Center are included in this presentation. Faces and Voices from the Presentation Biographies of the Interviewers. Sporcle | Mentally Stimulating Diversions | Online Games & Trivia by Sporcle. :: The Internet's Mall. Rainy Mood. The Scale of the Universe 2. Alex K. - 45 Life Lessons, written by a 90 year old. Fun Switcher. The Atheist Daughter of a Notable Christian Apologist Shares Her Story.