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Reincarnation. David Lewandowski Animation. Tron Legacy - Disc Download "A highly complex, unknowable system of information" When Clu places Flynn's disc into his throneship, we see a particle hologram of his head for a moment that calls to mind the shroud of turin. This dissolves into a series of interlocking rings in 3d space, organizing and sorting itself before harmoniously locking into place, with data streams exiting the disc itself. Flynn's disc download presented some very interesting and difficult challenges. Using a combination of cinema 4d's powerful mograph module and hand animation, I created nuanced and complex patterns of movement for the interlocking rings.

Flynn's Disc Download process video. Mn8. Hinicetomeetyou. Nelson Mandela Day Exhibition and graphic design. Installed in Grand Central Station’s Vanderbilt Hall, the 2009 Mandela Day exhibition called upon visitors to proactively engage in civic and social causes and celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela, whose words and actions changed the world. Large-scale light boxes illuminated the history of modern South Africa as told through Mandela’s experiences as an anti-apartheid activitist, political prisoner, and eventual election as the country’s first black President. The exhibits also highlight Mandela’s current activities as a global humanitarian, inviting visitors to literally “sign up” to donate their time toward a positive social cause.

Completed in collaboration with Caroline Brownell at Ralph Appelbaum Associates. Pixelsumo by Chris O'Shea. Alphabet from Keita Takahashi and Adam Saltsman is a charming but very hard game. Press a corresponding key on your keyboard to make a letter character move and jump, getting them all to the end of the level. Lovely soundtrack too. Universal Everything and You, new commission at the Science Museum Media Space, by Universal Everything.

The first work, 1000 Hands is created by contributions from the public through a smart phone app. In the gallery space it takes the form of a circular projection onto multiple screens, with each one showing an individual artwork generated by app users. Presence, the second work, is a collaboration with the LA Dance Project and has been created by using motion captured performances of dancers which will be played back with evolving digital ‘costumes’. Anki Drive will be launching soon. Hidden among the trees of an Italian forest, Bruno has been building swings, slides, seesaws, gyroscopes and roller-coasters for the last forty years!