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Vocabulary building

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Synomizer! - Make the Difference. Using food for thought: Intellectual hunger, thirst, and omnivorous behaviors. We search for things to read to satiate our intellectual hunger or quench our thirst for knowledge. A favorite of mine is the phrase that someone is ‘intellectually omnivorous’, meaning that their intellectual diet consists of all (omni-) types of brain foods. Junkier ideas which are sweet and appealing are called brain candy. Brain candy is the idiom typically used to refer to ideas or pieces of intellectual stimulation which, like candy, give us an immediate burst of sweetness, the ‘sugar-high’ of intellectual stimulation.

A discussion that is particularly important or full of content, perhaps complex, can be called a meaty discussion. The implication is that just as meat is chewy, the discussion takes a considerable amount of masticating. And, similarly, just as meat is protein-packed, the discussion is saturated with content. When my grandfather, a mathematician, offers a challenging math riddle he might simply say ‘chew on that’. Extending a metaphor for food and ideas. EYES ON LONDON: A downpour _ and who will medal? - London 2012: 20 lesser-spotted things of the Olympics so far. Unusual Words Rendered in Bold Graphics. By Maria Popova A visual A-Z of the hidden treasures of language. As a lover of language and words, especially obscure and endangered words, I was instantly besotted with Project Twins’ visual interpretations of unusual words, originally exhibited at the MadArt Gallery Dublin during DesignWeek 2011.

Acersecomic A person whose hair has never been cut. Biblioclasm The practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, books or other written material and media. Cacodemonomania The pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit. Dactylion An anatomical landmark located at the tip of the middle finger. Enantiodromia The changing of something into its opposite. Fanfaronade Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.

Gorgonize To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on: Stupefy or petrify Hamartia The character flaw or error of a tragic hero that leads to his downfall. Infandous Unspeakable or too odious to be expressed or mentioned. Jettatura Ktenology Leptosome Welter. Reduce means.