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Beta Pedagogs kopieringsunderlag med text på ena sidan och frågor på den andra.

Jag valde ut fyra olika kända personer från Beta Pedagogs kopieringsunderlag ”Read all about them- famous people” som tränar läsförståelse. Alla i klassen fick således en av dessa fyra personer. De fick läsa, svara på frågorna och sedan förbereda stödord så att de kunde berätta muntligt om den kända person de fått. Jag berättade även att de skulle göra detta i grupper om fyra där alla hade en av dessa kända personer.

När alla övat satte jag ihop grupperna. Innan de berättade om sina kända personer för varandra förklarade jag nästa uppgift, att de efter de lyssnat på sina kamrater skulle få skriva ned vad de mindes om respektive känd person.


Good websites. Chores Flash Cards, pictures, game cards, bingo cards and other printables. Large flash cards, medium flash cards, small game cards, bingo cards, a handout B/W backings with color pictures: medium flash, small cards, bingo PowerPoint flashcards Mark's note: I use this set to introduce the target language 'have to' and 'don't have to.' Tools for Educators is a website developed by MES with worksheet generators to make vocabulary and language building teaching materials, using the images from these flashcards.

Chores Flash Cards, pictures, game cards, bingo cards and other printables

There are simple spelling, matching, reading and writing worksheet makers as well as communicative games, vocabulary handouts and fun activities to print. Word serach generator crossword maker board gamespicture dictionary bingo boards. All Things Topics - Home.


Little Fox. Cambridge English Write & Improve. New Year Worksheets. Celebrate the New Year with these printable worksheets and activities.

New Year Worksheets

Select the common core icon below each worksheet to see connections to the Common Core Standards. Students write a sentence about their New Year's resolution, then draw a picture. This worksheet has dotted, primary lines for writing. Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Students write a short paragraph about their New Year's resolutions. 2nd through 4th Grades Students write about the year 2016, including people they met and things they did. 1st through 3rd Grades Find the hidden New Year words in this puzzle. Erica's New Year's resolutions are a little too ambitious, but when her mom convinces her to come up with one resolution she can really stick with, Erica discovers the perfect plan for the New Year. 4th Grade This worksheet has a picture of a boy and a girl celebrating the New Year.

This worksheet has a picture of a boy and a girl watching fireworks. Write the time shown on each clock and tell how many minutes until the New Year. Words to know election day and questions to answer. Let’s talk about quotes. Where do you live? Learn how to use the... - American English at State. A Fabulous Resource for Writers - 350 Character Traits. Bedömningsaspekter innehåll_språk MATRIS med EXEMPEL.docx. Free K-12 Worksheets, Lesson Plans, and More. English Grammar Exercises. Information gap activity. Examiner: So, you’re planning a trip to the cinema together.

Information gap activity

You’ve got some information about films but your information’s not complete. Ask your partner to find out the missing information. Then, discuss together which films you’d like to see and choose a film to go and see together. Kelvin: So, the first film is Karemon but I don’t know the show times for it. So what … Melissa: Let me see, it’s at one o’clock in the afternoon and 6:30. Kelvin: So, what is the ticket price for adults? Melissa: It’s 80 dollars. Kelvin: And the next one is Mr and Mrs Jones. A day in the life of a 10-year-old in Roman Britain. Dad To think a Roman villa stood here, eighteen hundred years ago.

A day in the life of a 10-year-old in Roman Britain

Just imagine … Eric This is where I live. It's a big, posh Roman villa, because my dad's got a big, posh Roman job. He's a tax collector, and it must be a really popular job, because people are always waving at him. And this is my pet, Quackus Maximus. Think, pair, share - ett lektionsförslag att sno rakt av ! - Sara Bruun. ESL Teacher Resources, Job Boards, and Worksheets. Christmas Traditions, Christmas History, Christmas Around the World, The Christmas Story and Christmas Fun! ENGELSKA full matris.docx. Introduktion till Englands utbildningssystem. Nw_CharactersVocabulary.pdf?response-cache-control=no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0&response-content-disposition=inline; filename="nw_CharactersVocabulary.

Nw_NarrativeWritingPostersOlderLearners.pdf?response-cache-control=no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0&response-content-disposition=inline; filename="nw_NarrativeWritingPostersOlderLearners. Ross Macfarlane - Photos du journal. Have got and have. Australian English. The English Language in 67 Accents & Random Voices.

Engelska (åk 6-9) English. ENGLISH.


Sara Bruuns klassrum: Rubrics - Fanfiction. Before you start writing I want you to take a look below, since it definitely will improve your writing.

Sara Bruuns klassrum: Rubrics - Fanfiction

As an introduction, before you start writing, you need to give the reader some information. Answer the questions and then include both questions and answers in your text. 1. Read the wiki on how to write Fanfiction 2. If you need more inspiration you can take a look here. 2. Describe the characters: Name? Plot: Conflict: Resolution: 3. To help you get your story in a chronological order and to help you creating your character/s you could take another look at the video we worked with when we wrote a personal narrative text: Good Luck! Home - spraktrollet. Intermediate 7-9 -

Mixed stuff

Spelling. En bloggtidning om London. Tala samtala. Reading. Films, videos. Bedömning engelska skriva/tala. Du blir bedömd enligt fem aspekter.

Bedömning engelska skriva/tala

Här hittar du den matris som jag använder vid bedömningen samt lite checklistor så du kan bearbeta och förbättra din text. Den är gjord för mig som pedagog så jag måste visa hur du ska göra. Ett sätt att visa är att jag till varje aspekt visar hur du gör. Jag har länkat (och kommer fortsätta länka) till exempel på vad som menas och sedan tränar vi i klassrummet i skrivuppgifter som ni skriver på egenhand och tillsammans genom att du får respons av mig och dina kamrater som du sedan använder för att förbättra dina texter. Vi arbetar med några aspekter i taget och du kommer få exempel så du utvecklar vad och hur du ska skriva/tala bättre. Omfång och bredd Här blir du bedömd för saker som hur du: använder synonymer och fasta uttryckförklarar och beskriver med adjektiv, verbutvecklar ditt resonemang med exempel och jämförelser.

Precision böjer verbanvänder rätt pronomenanvänder idiomatiska uttryckanvänder prepositioner Textbindning Flöde Strategier Bearbetning.


Proverbs/Sayings. Learn by music. Writing. Listening. Ordlistor. Vocabulary. För nybörjare. Grammar. The best self-study books to learn English. The best books to read first. - learn English,book,english. News.