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WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders by @MrsHollyEnglish. This is a re-blog post originally posted by Holly Fairbrother, and published with kind permission.

WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders by @MrsHollyEnglish

Lesson Study as a research concept is a new idea to me – however, the elements of what comprises it are not. I am an advocate of peer observations and feedback as an invaluable tool in improving teaching and learning. However, in the 12 years I have been teaching, I have found that the majority of teachers do not want to engage in this kind of professional learning. I think there are a number of reasons for this but the main one being trust. I have found, in international schools, where your position is never tenured and you are always a guest in a country meaning your status often feels unstable, there is an underlying feeling of mistrust around observations.

I find collaborative planning and peer observation a valuable method of ensuring our instruction is effective, and have worked in schools where the professional learning focus was on just this. The DSC Way. (2010, June 28). WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders. Lesson Study as a research concept is a new idea to me - however, the elements of what comprises it are not.

WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders

WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders. WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders. WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders. WALK THE TALK! Lesson Study as Action Research for Leaders. Books - 2014. What we have lovedOthers will loveAnd we will teach them how - William Wordsworth I love reading.

Books - 2014

If I could be paid to be a professional reader, it would be a dream job. As an English teacher, I also read lots of Young Adult Fiction, so I can recommend great books to my leaners. However, my memory is shocking. Therefore, I have decided to keep a record of all the great books I read this year, so I have an archive to refer to for myself, my friends, my PLN and my learners. Novels Mice by Gordon Reece Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky More Than This by Patrick Ness The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schnieder The Village by the Sea Anita Desai Faking Normal by Courtney C.

Take charge of your own learning this year! Following on from my post about taking up the Ten Tool Challenge, I have just started reading and taking part in a virtual book club for a fabulous book, 'Professional Learning in the Digital Age' by Kristen Swanson.

Take charge of your own learning this year!

From the start, this is a book that resonates with me on many levels and builds on approaches I was beginning to develop in my own practice. Its exploration of the ways adults learn and how educators can approach professional learning confirms and expands on many of my current beliefs - that we need to collect, consider and evaluate and share. One of my pet hates has always been professional learning that is outdated, repetitive, not relevant and a waste of my very precious time. Human Resources Drive Change in Schools with Mobile Devices. People drive change with technology in a New Jersey school district.

Human Resources Drive Change in Schools with Mobile Devices

In Belmar Elementary School District, the superintendent and other education leaders have realized that people make the real difference, not the technology. With an expanded rollout of Chromebooks this fall at the elementary school, two staff members have spent the majority of their time helping teachers become comfortable with the devices and Google Apps for Education. "I'm a firm believer in human resources create change," said David Hallman, superintendent of the school district. "It's not the currriculum or the tools or the technology; it's about people. " For more than 20 years, Kevin O'Donnell and Pamela Lockwood have taught at Belmar Elementary School, and more recently as part-time technology teachers, staff developers and network administrators.

If teachers feel intimidated by technology, they're not going to accept new ways of doing things. The Teacher's Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags. The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-10-18 I heart Twitter. If you haven’t yet, follow @edudemic to keep up with what we’re doing, working on, and seeing (like last night’s tech event with GDGT in downtown Boston!). Twitter has become a massive hit in education and it’s too big to ignore. So that’s why we helped assemble the 2012 A-Z Guide To Twitter Hashtags . But that’s a very lengthy list.

21st Century Skills

M.Ed. Gamechangers - List. Managing the Octopus. For the Project Based Learning Teacher Certification course I am undertaking with PBLU, I recently had to submit an assignment outlining and reflecting upon the management of the project.

Managing the Octopus

This report focuses on on the formation and organisation of teams; use of strategies for conflict resolution and decision-making and the different tools that can be used to support the teams. TEAM GROUPINGSTeams were formed through close consultation with both the Learning Support (LS) and English Language Support (ELS) departments. After much discussion and deliberation about possible groupings, it was decided that the best option was to divide those with specific learning needs equally out amongst teams and to provide stronger learners in each team. Fieldwork Education.

E-learning & Digital Cultures

Course Catalog. Ten Tools Challenge. Flatclassroom.