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Holly Fairbrother

Exploring learning; sifting for gold; PBL, Flipped Classroom, Flat Classroom, Google Apps, Apple 1:1; Vegan, Yogi, Runner, Reader, Learner



Research. Writing. Assessment. NISS ENGLISH 2013-2014. Greeting Students. Gamechangers - List. These 12 Tutorials Teach You How to Build an Interactive E-Learning Course. It’s a fact that you CAN build effective elearning with rapid elearning tools.

These 12 Tutorials Teach You How to Build an Interactive E-Learning Course

You’re not locked into linear, click and read content. All it requires is that you craft a sound learning strategy and get the most out of your tools. To demonstrate this, I deconstructed an effective elearning course originally built in Flash and then built a mock up in PowerPoint.


The 7 Transformational Concepts in The 21st Century Education. Taxonomy Action Verbs.pdf. An Illustrated Guide To Our Maddening Relationship With Tech. Ah, modern life. The way we live now is intrinsically tied to increasingly pervasive technology, our relationship to which could be permanently set to “it’s complicated.”

French graphic designer Jean Jullien presented his own playful take on our ever-evolving connection to gadgets, gizmos, and yes, human interaction for Allo? , currently on display at London’s Kemistry Gallery . “A show is a great moment to capture the attention of people and create a proper dialogue, to communicate ideas,” Jullien tells Co.Design of his decision to present work surrounding a particular theme, as opposed to displaying a more general survey (”My website is there for that.”). Rather than offer scathing critiques or harsh judgments, his brightly hued, bold-lined illustrations are a “humble commentary” representative of his own keen interest and bemusement. “I love looking around me, observing behaviors and social patterns. It’s nice, then, that Jullien has a sense of humor about the whole thing. Guest Post - Student Accountability Program in Google Spreadsheets.

Several years ago, we decided to design a more comprehensive way of evaluating our students' success in our middle school.

Guest Post - Student Accountability Program in Google Spreadsheets

We acknowledged that grades are just one measure of how students can experience success in school. In addition, we needed a more holistic way to determine if a student should be retained or promoted to the next grade. We created the Student Accountability Program (SAP). We brainstormed a list of all the ways students can demonstrate success in school. We decided on the following categories: grades, attendance, discipline, a standardized test called Acuity, reading test called STAR, and a bonus section for extra curricular activities. Each category is weighted with a different point value. Concept Video Shows The Book Of The Future. We are seeing a big push into interactive publishing.

Concept Video Shows The Book Of The Future

From iPads to Chromebooks to mobile devices … the future of books is a hot topic right now. There are places like Boundless offering free customized open source textbooks and even textbook publishers building entire iTunes U for classes. The book of the future is being written right now, it seems. In the above video, design consultancy IDEO shares their vision for the future of the book.

It’s an interesting take on what the new experience of reading might entail. 4 Great Online Anti-Bullying Initiatives. With the explosion of the Internet into the classroom and the ever-growing confidence of our children and teenagers at navigating websites, social networks and online forums, there is every reason for teachers and parents alike to guard vigilantly against the problem of cyber bullying.

4 Great Online Anti-Bullying Initiatives

But with the help of fantastic sites and initiatives like these, there’s also brilliant support out there to help us tackle it and give our students and children the tools they need to counter it too! 1. Stop Cyber Bullying This fantastic site is great for helping teachers approach the subjects with students in the classroom, as it begins with a slideshow-style presentation of key questions and answers about cyber bullying, such as what it is and the different ways it can manifest itself.


10 Wonderful Common Core Standards Cheat Sheets. " The Common Core State Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.

10 Wonderful Common Core Standards Cheat Sheets

The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. " You might be familiar with these goals but you probably lack resources to help you keep your learning objectives inline with Common Core State Standards. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has handpicked for you some great rubrics that can definitely make a difference in how you view CCSS. Click on any title to access the rubric. Enjoy. Jim Collins - Home. Google Apps Experts: How to get the most out of the new Google Forms. Best Practices for Creating and Formatting FormsBefore we discuss best practices, take a moment to learn the basics.

Google Apps Experts: How to get the most out of the new Google Forms

Google provides literature and resources to help you get started with understanding the basics of Google Forms. Code to make editable page. Flipped English Community. How To Start The Flip - Thomasson and Morris Flip the English Classroom.

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Small Demons — Welcome to the Storyverse. PL. Teaching Ideas. Edtech. Blogs. Collaboration Tools.