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Essay - Reconsidering ‘The Ugly American,’ by William J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick. John Demos' The Unredeemed Captive: The Story Behind the Book. The "Unredeemed" Captive," John William's account of Indian "kidnapping" was not an unusual story in itself.

John Demos' The Unredeemed Captive: The Story Behind the Book

Wars and other conflicts of the sort often landed several colonists in the hands of Native Americans. However, the key characteristic that holds John William's particular account apart from others is its focus on Puritan faith and its clash with the captor's traditions. John Williams, or precisely Reverend John Williams, was an important figure in his town of Deerfield, Massachusetts. When his flesh and blood daughter Eunice was captured, the English colonies as a whole were disconcerted and prayed for her to be "redeemed. " Webster's defines redeemed in this context as "to free from what distresses or harms" (Webster). The records of the events which processed during this period are quite vague. The initial assault on Deerfield was quite a success.

The captives were made to march north towards Canada. Unredeemed Captive analysis and summary - Deerfield Raid 1704 facts, information. The Unredeemed Captive - A Family Story by John Demos was about Eunice Williams’ captivity and the ordeal her family went through to try and get her to return home.

Unredeemed Captive analysis and summary - Deerfield Raid 1704 facts, information

Eunice was captured together with her family and over 100 other town residents in the Deerfield Massacre of 1704. Demos accurately described the Deerfield raid, the captives’ trek to Canada and some individual’s captivity experience. He gave reasons for the raid and why it was successful. In addition, he described the Kahnawake Indian village where Eunice lived, their society, customs and so forth. Since very little is known about Eunice, Demos attempted to describe how he thought her life would have been like by relating life in the Kahnawake village. The Deerfield raid was significant because it was the largest raid executed by the French and Indians.

Demos references John Williams’ narrative, The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion, for the details of the trek and Captivity in Canada. I found several events interesting. The Lawrenceville School - About Lawrenceville: History. From its founding in 1810 as the Maidenhead Academy, what is today known as The Lawrenceville School has maintained two defining characteristics: a willingness to explore and adopt the best practices in education as they have evolved and, at the same time, a commitment to maintaining traditions that continue to resonate with students.

The Lawrenceville School - About Lawrenceville: History

From the first Head Master, Rev. Isaac VanArsdale Brown, who introduced then-novel foreign language study and routine exercise to the of the 1820s, through today, the School has always striven to provide students with the highest quality of education as understood at the time. Arguably the single most powerful development in the character of the school occurred in 1883, when the school was transformed from a small proprietarial enterprise, owned (and renamed) by each successive headmaster, to one run by the Lawrenceville School Board of Trustees under the auspices of the John Cleve Green Foundation.

TENNESSEE SHAD'S SCHOOL - More About the Lawrenceville Youngsters from Mr. Owen Johnson's Pen - View Article. The Tennessee Shad, chronicling the rise and fall of the firm of Doc Macnooder and the Tennessee Shad : Johnson, Owen, 1878-1952. COLLEGE AS A MEANS OF STIFLING THOUGHT - Owen Johnson, Whose Story Analyzes Life at Yale, Explains His Criticisms. - View Article. OWEN JOHNSON ATTACKS HIS CRITICS - Says "Stover at Yale" Is a True Picture of College Life - Questions the Poll of Yale Students - and Condemns Novels "with a Purpose" - View Article. The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Varmint, by Owen Johnson.