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Opium Wars. The Overthrow of the Monarchy. Return to the Hawaiian Independence Home Page or the View this article text only, or just the images with captions By Pat Pitzer''Spirit of Aloha,'' May 1994(The in-flight magazine of Aloha Airlines) The statue of Queen Lili`uokalani, which stands between `Iolani Palace and the State Capitol, was draped with leis for last year's centennial observance of the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy.

The Overthrow of the Monarchy

(Photo by Linda Ching.) Winds of profound change swept over Hawai`i in the 1890s, turbulent times that altered the islands' future forever. Rocky.html. Q: How did this begin?


R: In the late 1960s there was a renewed interest in restoring one's ethnic identity. This awareness of ethnicity was used to survive against thoughts of possible extinction. Ethnic fever began with experiencing the civil rights movement of the 1950s mainland, quickly spreading to other groups here. By the early 1970s it was passionately expressed in Hawaii and that is when I became involved with the Hawaiian Renaissance. Q: What about that? Battle_at_nuuanu_pali-2.jpeg (600×398)