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Story writing

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Education videos and resources for professional development. Prezi creating suspense. 455. Writing an Adventure Story - Desert Island. Pie Corbett’s fiction: kidnapped. Take children on an adventure with Pie Corbett's short story, then use the activities on the next page to help them write their own... Somebody was coming up the stairs! Ducking down behind an old crate, we waited.

I could feel my heart thumping like a bass drum and my throat felt tight and dry with dust…and the crush of fear. What if we were caught? The strange girl glanced at me through the semi-gloom and grinned. I thought that she was trying to be reassuring. Gradually, the door opened and we could hear someone tiptoeing in.

It had only been half an hour ago when Mum had sent me down to the chippie with a tenner and strict orders for no vinegar on her chips. That’s how it happened. So there we were, balancing on the wall, as if we were walking the plank. Half an hour after that, Cindy’s Dad arrived in an embassy car. Free resource Get a whiteboard-friendly version of pie’s story… Read the story then use the following activities Adventure Stories Working with the story Fig 1. Pie corbett fiction teachprimary.