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The Paleobiology Database. Life on the edge: Inside the world's largest STONE forest, where tropical rain has eroded rocks into 300ft razor-sharp spikes. By Chris Parsons Published: 23:03 GMT, 8 April 2012 | Updated: 23:03 GMT, 8 April 2012 Isolated and inhospitable, this huge collection of razor-sharp vertical rocks looks like the last place where wildlife would thrive.

Life on the edge: Inside the world's largest STONE forest, where tropical rain has eroded rocks into 300ft razor-sharp spikes

The colossal 'Grand Tsingy' landscape in western Madagascar is the world's largest stone forest, where high spiked towers of eroded limestone tower over the greenery. But despite its cold, dangerous appearance, the labyrinth of 300ft stones is home to a number of animal species, including 11 types of lemur. Head for heights: White-legged lemurs cling to the top of a sharp limestone peak in the 'Grand Tsingy' stone forest in Madagascar. Как соотносятся постулаты веры эволюционизма и креционизмамежду собой и с современными научными данными.

Ольховский В.С. Альманах «Сотворение», издательство «Паломникъ», М., 2002. Приводятся явные формулировки некоторых недоказуемых исходных постулатов, лежащих в основе всякого рационального знания, научного знания, а также доктрин эволюционизма и креационизма. Discovery News: Earth, Space, Tech, Animals, History, Adventure, Human, Autos.

