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Samurai CGI shadow fighting is visually stunning. Introducing Word Lens. I'm Yours(ukulele) Office Footbag. Café allongé / Happy hour- FILM COMPLET/COMPLETE SHORT FILM on Vimeo. Strange & Amazing on Yahoo! Video. Learn Acoustic Guitar lesson embellish open cowboy chords. This Is Your Life: Only the best online videos : Play Stop Go. Derren Brown NLP. Typography about language by Ronnie Bruce. Jeb Corliss flying the crack. PATHS OF HATE long trailer on Vimeo. Meet the sloths on Vimeo. Ancient Greek Computer Gets Rebuilt Using Lego - PCWorld.

Welcome, visitors from StumbleUpon! Like what you see here? Check out PCWorld's GeekTech blog for more hacks and DIY tech, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter. 2000 years ago the Greeks built a device designed to calculate the motion of celestial bodies, a computer now called the Antikythera mechanism. Lost for centuries at the bottom of the ocean, it was pulled up in 1901 and has baffled scientists until recently. The Antikythera mechanism is ridiculously complex for what is arguably the first computer ever built. The skill and understanding of the cosmos required to build something this complex never fails to astound me. Our hats are collectively off to Andrew Carol for building it, and to Adam Rutherford, the journalist who put the project under his nose. [New Scientist] Like this? Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris Inflatable Bag Monsters. Red. ‪The Lion King Full Movie‬‏

Nice music

Funny shit.