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Clément Badiola

SooperLooper - real-time looping sampler. SooperLooper is written by Jesse Chappell. It is licensed under the GPL and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind. This software is free and the source code is open and available. It is fully functional, no nagging, no activation keys, nothing to waste but time if you find it doesn't suit your needs. Best of all, because the source is open, there will always be someone around who can fix any problems, or add new features.

You are welcome to copy it, give copies to your friends, and modify it. But if you find it useful, then please consider making a donation. Binary Packages Mac OS X Linux Check your distribution for prebuilt binary packages. RedHat/Fedora - from Planet CCRMA. Source Code Release GIT Access You can use GIT to get the very latest source code. SooperLooper at GitHub More information about using GIT can be found here. Build Requirements Build and Install To install from source code, first make sure you have all the prerequisites mentioned above. . [probably need to become root] Rakarrack guitar effects. Guitar Backing Tracks. Ubuntu Studio. Linux MAO.