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Build an awesome class website with Google Apps. Using Google Calendar for your School Schedule - EducationOnAir. Session descriptionIn this session we will explore how The School at Columbia has implemented a K-8 (primary and early secondary) schedule using Google Calendar. Presenter informationGreg Benedis-Grab has been teaching for over 15 years and currently teaches at The School at Columbia University. He received the 2010 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science & Mathematics Teaching and was a finalist for the Shell Science Teaching award in 2012. He is also a Google Apps for Education Certified Trainer. He is an adjunct faculty member at the Bank Street College Graduate School of Education. Greg is also the founder and director of Teach21 an institute for teacher professional development that offers workshops and creates partnerships with New York city schools. Hangout information Wednesday, October 24, 4pm Eastern Add this Hangout to your calendarOccurring on Greg‘s Google+ PageHashtag #gcalendarSession Presentation Slides.

Get Organized This Semester With Google Calendar. If you’re in college, chances are you’ve already started your spring semester or it will be starting very soon. One of the most difficult parts of college (besides the homework, of course) is managing a complex and ever-changing schedule. If you think of each class as an individual job – making each of your professors your boss – you’ve got a lot of people to manage just to get through the week. One of the best things you can do to start your semester off right is to leverage free online tools to help you manage your classes. In this article, I’ll show you how to manage your schedule and get organized this semester with Google Calendar. Step 1 – Collect Your Schedules Before you can get organized with Google Calendar, you need to get all of your schedules together.

Get as much information as you can for each of your events to make your schedule as robust as possible. Step 2 – Identify Important Dates and Events Try to identify any important dates or events that will occur this semester. Google Calendars: Why every school should be using it – Colour My Learning. The use of Google Calendar as a tool within schools has the ability to transform the way Administrators, Teachers, Students and Parents, coordinate and plan term dates, work, events and even exams. Here we highlight 5 simple reasons why schools should move on to using Google Calendars (instead of Word documents or Excel spread sheets). To make it easier for you to start, we have created some Ready-Made UK Term Dates Calendars. (If you’re not sure how to start, look out for our next post on How to set up your own Google Calendars) 1. Multiple, colour-coded calendars With any Google account, each individual can create multiple, colour coded calendars.

Typically we have encouraged our School Clients to make use of a Term dates calendar, Events calendar and an Exams calendar. 2. One of the most handy tricks on Google Calendar, is the ability to import a Ready-made calendar. Here is a link to some Term Dates Calendars we have built and made publicly available. 3. 4. 5. Copyright © Xelium Ltd. 60 Ways Math Teachers Can Use Google Classroom. 63 dingen die iedere leerling in de digitale wereld zou moeten kunnen. Er wordt in het onderwijs veel gesproken over ’21e eeuwse vaardigheden’ of ’21st century skills’. De term is beladen geworden.

Het zou het curriculum ingrijpend moeten veranderen. Het zou niets nieuws onder de zon zijn. Onderstaande is een vrije vertaling van een bijdrage van Terry Heick op TeachTought over wat er, hoe je het dan ook wilt of niet wilt noemen, voor leerlingen op dit moment aan het veranderen is. Een leuke lijst om over na te denken op een regenachtige zondag. Je kunt beargumenteren (en waarschijnlijk vrij overtuigend) dat de fundamentele kennis en vaardigheden die een leerling dient te bezitten niet zoveel anders is dan wat Tom Sawyer, Jeanne d’Arc of Alexander de Grote dienden te weten en kennen.

Communicatie – Vindingrijkheid – Creativiteit – Volharding Hoe waar dit is hangt er deels van af hoe gedetailleerd je wilt kijken. Toch veranderen de dingen die een leerling moet weten en kennen in de alsmaar meer verbonden en digitale wereld. Informatie bronnen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OECD Skills Outlook 2015.