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8 digital skills we must teach our children. The social and economic impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. The speed and volume of information have increased exponentially. Experts are predicting that 90% of the entire population will be connected to the internet within 10 years. With the internet of things, the digital and physical worlds will soon be merged. These changes herald exciting possibilities. But they also create uncertainty.

Children are using digital technologies and media at increasingly younger ages and for longer periods of time. The digital world is a vast expanse of learning and entertainment. Moreover, there is the digital age gap. So how can we, as parents, educators and leaders, prepare our children for the digital age? Digital intelligence or “DQ” is the set of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life. Digital identity: The ability to create and manage one’s online identity and reputation. Share Written by. Persbericht: Trendrapport 2016: hoe technologische trends onderwijs op maat mogelijk maken.

Een persbericht van Surfnet, maar vooral een nieuw trendrapport over technologie in onderwijs: SURFnet presenteert het Trendrapport 2016: hoe technologische trends onderwijs op maat mogelijk maken. In samenwerking met 44 Nederlandse experts op het gebied van onderwijs en ICT is dit rapport tot stand gekomen. Het trendrapport beschrijft 13 technologische trends die van invloed kunnen zijn op de inhoud en vormgeving van het onderwijs. Hoe de trends bijdragen aan onderwijs op maatIn het Trendrapport 2016 zijn in totaal 13 technologische trends afzonderlijk van elkaar in kaart gebracht. 44 Nederlandse experts beschrijven per trend een toekomstscenario, voorbeelden, hoe de trend kan bijdragen aan onderwijs op maat en de kansen en uitdagingen voor het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs.Een goed beeld van onderwijsvernieuwingDe technologische trends vormen bij elkaar een beeld van onderwijsvernieuwing waarin drie rode draden naar voren komen:Didactische verrijking.

This Girl Born Without A Full Arm Created A Prosthetic That Shoots Sparkles - BuzzFeed News. Shawn Beard. KOTERIJ.BE. Jobs That Didn't Exist 5 Years Ago | Visually. 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years - 12 Things That Will Disappear From Classrooms In The Next 12 Years by Terry Heick The classroom is changing because the world is changing. That may not be as true as we’d like it to be–the pace of the change in education lags awkwardly behind what we see in the consumer markets.

It could be argued that there’s been more innovation in churches and taxis than there’s been in libraries and schools, which is a special kind of crazy, but logical: “fields” that are dependent on consumer habits are far more vulnerable to disruption. Education, being more or less perma-funded by governments and misunderstood by the public, is more built to resist change. But that doesn’t mean change isn’t happening (e.g., flipped classrooms, BYOD, maker movement), and that more isn’t on the way. Whole Class Instruction/Direct Instruction In what universe does standing up in front of 30 people to “teach” something make any sense?

Personalized learning and whole class instruction are enemies. Letter Grades Tests. Start het schooljaar eens op een 21e eeuwse manier! Leerlingen leren kennen en leerlingen elkaar laten leren kennen is elk jaar weer één van de leuke activiteiten die een docent aan het begin van het jaar mag doen. Er zijn ontzettend veel voorbeelden van hoe je dit kunt doen en de meeste docenten zullen zo hun eigen voorkeuren hierin ontwikkeld hebben. Misschien is het wel eens tijd voor wat nieuws en tijd voor iets dat wat beter past bij de huidige leerlingen. Het zichzelf laten voorstellen door leerlingen kan tegenwoordig namelijk ook op een ‘21st Century Skills‘ manier, ofwel door vaardig gebruik te maken van moderne informatie en communicatie technologie. En zo ben ik van plan het te gaan doen met mijn nieuwe mentorklas komend schooljaar. Ik ga ze direct confronteren met een keuze, ofwel ik ga ze direct betrekken bij hun eigen leerproces.

Ik heb nog geen definitieve keuze gemaakt met betrekking tot hoeveel mogelijkheden ik ga aanbieden en welke maar voor collega’s die dit ook willen gaan doen zijn dit mijn voorlopige suggesties: SmART Ideas: Create Your Avatar. SmART Ideas: Create Your Avatar Have you ever listened or seen a commercial and felt like it was speaking directly to you? If so, you’ve been hit with what marketers call “the perfect avatar”. When advertising teams create a concept, they do so with an image of what their ideal customer looks like, what they say, how they say it and what’s important to them.

That way, when they craft their ad, they can make it seem as though they are hitting all of that customer’s biggest pain points. Actors do this too when they are preparing for a role. To get inside of the character and really bring it to life, they have to create an avatar of all the components of that character so that they can respond accordingly when presented with a situation or other character. In today’s video tip, I’m sharing how to use this idea of creating an avatar to better understand and craft character development. Like this?

Need that template? Related Keep the Drama Coming! May 10, 2011 In "Arts Integration" EduMedia – Science in action! RoomSketcher. Project Nayuki: All pages. HYPER-REALITY. :: Pindex :: The World Bank DataBank | Explore . Create . Share. Nieuwe homepage | Het Archief voor Onderwijs. How To: Create an Interactive E-Book with Google Slides | Mr. Kamrowski. Working in a one-to-one school district, where every student is provided with a device such as an iPad or Chromebook, can be a great opportunity of freedom for teachers and students. The device serves as an efficient tool to create and curate information, as well as, a flexible environment to share content. No longer does an individual need to negotiate with textbook publishers and be locked into the confines of the perception of the authors of a company when it comes to the content and methods that should be used to teach a specific skill or understanding.

The digital world allows for educators to create e-books, or electronic versions of a book that may contain interactive elements, that can be produced, shared, and modified quickly and with little expense to a school district. Why Google Slides? The easiest and most effective tool I have found to create e-books is Google Slides. How to Use Google Slides as an E-Book Creator Step 1 Decide the layout of your e-book. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4. Classroom Cheat Sheet - Google Presentaties. Makey Makey Game Controller Challenge. By Teacher Librarian Colleen Graves Appropriate for Grade Levels 5th to HS Lesson Objectives Introduce the TMI Design process from Invent to Learn - Think Make Improve Design and create a video game in Scratch Create an interactive game controller to control the student made game Engage students in innovation and creation Entice students to create with technology rather than just consume it Designed in Canva by Colleen Graves Lesson Steps Note: You will have to teach your students the basics in Scratch before beginning this lesson.

DAY 1: Invitation to Innovate Set out a computer, a Makey Makey and a box of conductive and nonconductive items for each small group. DAY 2-3: Storyboard and Design Sketches (Think) Now that the students are familiar with the Makey Makey, have them create storyboards for a game they would like to design in Scratch. DAY 4-5: Create Games in Scratch and Build Controllers (Make) Give students time to create games in Scratch. Standards Note on Standards. Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo. Kranten in de Klas: KiK Startpagina. Khanacademy.