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QR Codes

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QR Codes: 26 MUST-HAVE Facts [Data & Charts. How to use a qr code With increased hype and discussions, QR code usage has moved past its early adopter phase in the US.

QR Codes: 26 MUST-HAVE Facts [Data & Charts

While QR codes are popping up with greater frequency on marketing materials, ads and other surfaces, much of the population still doesn’t know what they are or how to use them. (Here are twelve examples of QR codes in use.) Marketers want to know what’s the current penetration of the market that can use them and what are the usage forecasts in order to determine whether QR codes should be integrated into new marketing materials. To help, here are 26 QR code data points complete with charts and analysis. Background: Smartphone drives QR code usage 1.

Since QR code usage depends on having a smartphone with a QR code reader installed, it’s critical to examine US smartphone penetration to understand and forecast QR code usage. 2. To put US smartphone adoption in context, it lags the Spain, Italy and the UK according to comScore MobiLens. Mobile Tagging Experts and QrCode Consulting. Create a QR Code. QR Codes. QR Code. QR Code Generator. Make a QR Code. QR Code Tracking. NFC Tags. Delivr makes creating and tracking short URLs, QR Codes, and NFC Tags simple. - Delivr. HOW TO: Make Your QR Codes More Beautiful. Hamilton Chan is CEO and founder of Paperlinks.

HOW TO: Make Your QR Codes More Beautiful

With the free Paperlinks iPhone app, featured previously by Apple as the #1 New & Noteworthy app, consumers can scan and view QR code content with a native app experience. Paperlinks also provides a powerful platform for generating QR codes, hosting content and tracking their performance. The QR code: A thing of beauty or an eyesore? The magical barcodes that can be scanned by a smartphone to launch an offline-to-online experience are often criticized for their black and white checkerbox appearance. Those who doubt that QR codes will go mainstream are quick to point out that the look of QR codes will deter marketers and advertisers from using them. Fortunately, QR codes are malleable and can be redesigned in truly extraordinary ways, while still maintaining their scanability. 1.

The easiest way to add branding power to your code is to add color to it. 2. One of the QR code’s greatest aesthetic flaws is its numerous hard edges. Die 10 besten QR-Code-Kampagnen. Einst bloß zur Verbesserung der Logistik in der Industrie erdacht, heute ein Hype: 10 Beispiele, wie QR-Codes im Marketing Fuß fassen.

Die 10 besten QR-Code-Kampagnen

Dass QR-Codes eines Tages einmal Entertainment-Charakter annehmen würden, war alles andere als vorhersehbar: Ursprünglich wurden die rätselhaft-pixeligen Quadrate 1994 für Toyota entwickelt, um Baugruppen zu markieren und damit die Logistik zu verbessern. Doch mit dem Siegeszug der Smartphones wurde der „Quick Response Code“ auch für das Marketing attraktiv – Stichwort Mobile Tagging. Die Anwendung ist einfach: Ein Foto genügt, schon wird der Text, die URL, ein Transaktions- oder Zugangscode entschlüsselt und nebenbei natürlich auch die persönliche Neugier gestillt.

Push-Medien werden so im Handumdrehen zu Pull-Medien. Wie Marketing von QR-Codes profitieren kann, wird natürlich am besten an Beispielen ersichtlich. 10 | Gewinnspiel à la Coca-Cola Quelle: 9 | Optik à la Seat Quelle: 8 | Printwerbung à la Angry Birds Quelle: 7 | Viral à la Audi Quelle: