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Zucchini Cheddar Drop Biscuits. Hiiiiiii, you cute people, you! You’re looking mighty fine on this sunny Monday morning. Have I told you that lately? Well you dooo….I have some biscuits for you. Wait… Before we continue with talk about zucchini and cheese and butter, can I get emotional on you for a second? Warning: This might get awkward. Apologies in advance, but I have to comment on Jennifer Perillo. And then…something magical happened: everyone did. Alright, my tears are wiped…can we talk about butter now? When I was at the farmer’s market yesterday–my Sunday routine–the zucchini and squash looked so bright.

I added some cheese for nutritional value. Since I was way paranoid about the zucchini releasing too much water, I squeezed (drained) it in a cheese cloth, transferred it to a bowl, added a little salt and then flour. I was all out of buttermilk…(actually I just forgot to pick some up from the store), so I used milk instead. Hey, can we all just ignore the pencil in the left hand corner. Love you, per usual. Carrot and Zucchini Bars with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting. So for today’s zucchini recipe I tried a dessert. It is the only way I can get my family to eat zucchini. It has to be in something sweet like cakes, muffins, breads, etc. I like the idea of making something with both zucchini and carrots in it. These bars were a fun change. I loved the ginger in them and the lemon frosting! These bars are full of texture. I did not peel my zucchini because I wanted to see the color, but you could always do that if you need it to be hidden!

Carrot and Zucchini Bars with Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting 2 eggs, slightly beaten3/4 cup packed brown sugar1/2 cup canola oil1/4 cup honey1 tsp vanilla1 1/2 cups shredded carrot1 cup shredded zucchini1/2 cup chopped walnuts1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour1 tsp baking powder1/2 tsp ground ginger1/4 tsp baking soda Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting 1 (8 oz) pkg reduced fat cream cheese1 cup powdered sugar1 1/2 tsp lemon zestPreheat oven to 350 degrees F. Recipe adapted from Better Homes and Gardens. Zucchini-Chocolate Olive Oil Bread Recipe | A Sweet Spoonful. There are some things you don’t question or plan for.

They’re the things that just happen, that unfold throughout the day or week or month. The things we don’t always document or discuss because they don’t really seem important enough, but that — all the same — so often bring us together in one way or another. Patterns or obsessions or phases. Late-night online shoe shopping. Permission to nap at odd hours. Spontaneous cell-phone photo exchanges. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you make friends with the mailman. Maybe you find creative ways to feel close to loved ones who live far away. Maybe you play around with something you’re not all that familiar with on the weekends. Maybe you brave sunburns and play hooky for a dear friend’s mid-week birthday.

Perhaps you obsess over something — or everything. Or try to pretend you don’t have an addiction to a certain brand of shoes (I love you, Tom’s). Sometimes you may sit and admire the early evening light inside your apartment. Whole Wheat Zucchini Banana Bread Recipe. Zucchini Carrot Oatmeal Muffins | Zucchini Bread. I remember the first time I heard someone talk about Zucchini bread, I thought to myself; weird!!! OMG was I ever wrong! Zucchini bread is so good and moist! Yum! This recipe is so great!! Oh and you can also make muffins instead of a loaf of bread! Just Putzing Around the Kitchen: Zucchini Cakes. I think it’s safe to say that the zucchinis have won. Dan and I are officially sick of the stuff — we’ve eaten zucchini in some form or another every single day this week.

Roasted, mainly, but also sauteed, mixed in with scrambled eggs, and cut into strips for fries. These zucchini cakes were a last ditch effort to keep the fruits of last weekend’s labor from going to waste, but there’s still one gigantic squash left. Thankfully, my parents were happy to take that off our hands before it started festering in a dark corner of my fridge. Tired as I am of zucchini, these cakes were still pretty tasty. Zucchini Cakes Author: justputzing Recipe type: Appetizer/Side Dish 1 large zucchini, grated1 large egg1 cup panko bread crumbsSalt/pepper to taste1 tbsp Adobo spices½ cup Parmesan cheese, grated Remove excess liquid from freshly grated zucchini by placing them between paper towels and squeezing. ** Hey!