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Lola in the kitchen: Roasted potatoes. In Praise of Leftovers - iPol - Chorizo Roasted Potatoes. I've instituted a Monday night ritual around here.

In Praise of Leftovers - iPol - Chorizo Roasted Potatoes

I make dinner for my parents, and it's a highlight of my week. They are an appreciative audience--tired from work, happy to not be cooking and cleaning, and complimentary. This week, we had sausages, these delectable potatoes, and an arugula and ricotta salata salad. Grilled Potatoes with Garlic Herb Oil – Fake Ginger. Paruppu Rasam and Potato curry. Paruppu Rasam and Potato Curry is one of the most comforting lunch I prefer esp during the winters.

Paruppu Rasam and Potato curry

We dont really prefer rasam in our daily meals and it comes to presence only during festive occasions and when guests are there for lunch. But now since mittu needs either sambar or rasam for lunch amma makes rasam on and off.