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Namespaces in XML. {*style:<ul style="padding:20px;"><li> [2010-01-01] "XML Namespaces. " By James Clark. Blog: James Clark's Random Thoughts . "[...] I have been continuing to have a dialog with some folks at Microsoft about M. This has led me to do a lot of thinking about what is good and bad about the XML family of standards. [September 17, 2009] "Proposal for XML Namespaces in OMG Specifications.

" [June 27, 2008] "Associating Resources with Namespaces. " [June 26, 2008] W3C Publishes Approved TAG Finding on Associating Resources with Namespaces . [March 6, 2008] "Namespaces in IE 8 Beta 1. " [February 22, 2008] "HTTP-based IETF Namespace URIs at IANA. " This document creates a registry and defines a procedure to allow IETF specifications to register XML Namespace Names with IANA which are HTTP URIs and thus potentially useful for looking up information about the namespace. Namespaces created by IANA upon registration have the following form. [August 28, 2006] CSS Module: Namespaces . Architectural Design Patterns for XML Documents. March 26, 2003 Introduction No one wants to reinvent the wheel. One way programmers try to reuse good ideas about object design is to look to catalogs of design patterns like, most famously, the Gang of Four's Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gamma et. al.).

XML has been used enough now that some high-level patterns are starting to emerge. Some patterns revolve around the low-level details of good schema design, like those put together by Dare Obasanjo in "W3C XML Schema Design Patterns"; but when you have a blank sheet of paper in front of you and you're ready to start designing your new XML format, you want patterns to guide you at a higher level. This article attempts to document a few whole-document design patterns that have proven themselves in the field. Dynamic Document Abstract This pattern contains XML untyped by DTD or schema, but follows accessors for underlying program objects. Problem Context Forces You need a "quick and dirty" solution. Solution.

Russian Digital Libraries Journal | 2003 | Vol. 6 | No. 3 | Kirill Lisovsky, Dmitry Lizorkin. Namespaces in XML and SXML Kirill Lisovsky, Dmitry Lizorkin Institute for System Programming RAS, Moscow State University XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language documents by associating them with namespaces identified by URI references.

SXML is representation of the XML Infoset in the form of S-expressions. 1 Introduction While XML Recommendation [1] was introduced without notion of namespaces, most of XML-related technologies rely on namespaces, and Namespaces in XML Recommendation [2] was published by World Wide Web Consortium on January 1999, shortly after the XML Recommendation itself. Namespaces provide a mechanism to distinguish names used in XML documents, allowing to keep these names simple and meaningful while unique.

Section 2 explains the reason for introducing namespaces in XML and gives the overview of the XML namespace mechanism. 2 Namespaces in XML <book><part>... <title color="red">... For example: XML Namespaces. In order to “play well with others” in the XML world, you need to understand and use XML Namespaces. The good news is that namespaces are easy to use. XML Namespaces is among the shortest XML-related specifications and can be read in about fifteen minutes. I only recommend reading most of the XML-related specifications, however, if you are having trouble sleeping.

Namespaces have a reputation for being confusing and frustrating. You don’t have to do much to support namespaces, so it’s best to use namespaces from the start and avoid code changes later. The following XML sample has no namespace defined. 1 |<List name="Fruit List">2 | <Item>Apple</Item>3 | <Item>Banana</Item>4 |</List> Here is the same sample with a default namespace set. 1 |<List xmlns=" name="Fruit List">2 | <Item>Apple</Item>3 | <Item>Banana</Item>4 |</List> IRI, URI, We’re All Al-RI-ght for Namespaces The value of the namespace xmlns attribute is a uniform resource identifier (URI).

XML Meta Data. Introduction The MusicBrainz XML Metadata Format (MMD) is an XML based document format to represent music metadata. It has been designed to be easy to read, powerful and extensible. MMD is the official successor of the old RDF-based metadata format, which was popular among semantic web enthusiasts, but didn't have much acceptance otherwise because of its perceived complexity. The initial and predetermined use of MMD is in the MusicBrainz Web Service. However, it may be useful for other applications, too. Third party use and extensions to the format will be discussed later in this document. The official format description is a Relax NG schema. Git clone Questions about MMD can be asked on either the IRC channel or posted to mb-devel.

The rest of this document is a loose collection of examples and descriptions, feel free to improve the documentation to make it a more valuable resource for developers. Structure The artist, release, and track elements. DCMI Policy on Naming Terms. DCMI Term Names The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative maintains sets of metadata terms. Each metadata term is assigned a name -- a character string or "token" that is unique in the context of a particular DCMI term set [DCMI-TERMS]. In accordance with the DCMI Namespace Policy, the name of a term is appended to the URI of a DCMI namespace to construct a globally unique identifier (URI) for that particular term [DCMI-NAMESPACE].

The typology of DCMI metadata terms is described in the DCMI Grammatical Principles [DCMI-PRINCIPLES]. Case Policy for DCMI Term Names Names of DCMI Elements and Element Refinements start with lowercase characters but may contain uppercase characters where a term name is comprised of multiple concatenated words. CreatoraudienceisReplacedBy which are used to derive the following URIs in accordance with the DCMI Namespace Policy: PeriodBox Historical note References. What is namespace.

DCMI Namespace Policy. XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition. Chapter 2 presents a Conceptual Framework (§2) for XML Schemas, including an introduction to the nature of XML Schemas and an introduction to the XML Schema abstract data model, along with other terminology used throughout this document. Chapter 3, Schema Component Details (§3), specifies the precise semantics of each component of the abstract model, the representation of each component in XML, with reference to a DTD and XML Schema for an XML Schema document type, along with a detailed mapping between the elements and attribute vocabulary of this representation and the components and properties of the abstract model.

Chapter 4 presents Schemas and Namespaces: Access and Composition (§4), including the connection between documents and schemas, the import, inclusion and redefinition of declarations and definitions and the foundations of schema-validity assessment. This document is primarily intended as a language definition reference. 1.3 Documentation Conventions and Terminology may must. Web Architecture from 50,000 feet. Up to Design Issues This document attempts to be a high-level view of the architecture of the World Wide Web.

It is not a definitive complete explanation, but it tries to enumerate the architectural decisions which have been made, show how they are related, and give references to more detailed material for those interested. Necessarily, from 50,000 feet, large things seem to get a small mention. It is architecture, then, in the sense of how things hopefully will fit together. I have resisted the urge, and requests, to try to write an architecture for a long time: This was from a feeling that a dead and therefore less valuable document must any attempt to select which, of all the living ideas, seem most stable, logically connected and essential. So we should recognize that while it might be slowly changing, this is also a living document.

The document is written for those who are technically aware or intend soon to be, so it sparse on explanation and heavy in terms of terms. Goal MIME types. A Technical Introduction to XML. October 03, 1998 Author's Note: It is somewhat remarkable to think that this article, which appeared initially in the Winter 1997 edition of the World Wide Web Journal was out of date by the time the final XML Recommendation was approved in February.

And even as this update brings the article back into line with the final spec, a new series of recommendations are under development. When finished, these will bring namespaces, linking, schemas, stylesheets, and more to the table. This introduction to XML presents the Extensible Markup Language at a reasonably technical level for anyone interested in learning more about structured documents. Start Here What is XML? What Do XML Documents Look Like? Validity Pulling the Pieces Together Appendix: XML From the Inside Out -- XML development, XML resources, XML specifications. Namespace. XML Namespaces FAQ. Maintained by Ronald Bourret Copyright 2000-2009 by Ronald Bourret (Last updated January, 2009) This FAQ is also available in: Ukranian (January, 2009 version), translated by Jeweell team Table of Contents 1.1) Can you give me an executive summary of what XML namespaces are?

Sure. The XML namespaces recommendation defines a way to distinguish between duplicate element type and attribute names. <! If an XML namespace declaration contains a prefix, you refer to element type and attribute names in that namespace with the prefix. <! If an XML namespace declaration does not contain a prefix, the namespace is the default XML namespace and you refer to element type names in that namespace without a prefix. <! 1.2) Can you give me an executive summary of what XML namespaces are not? They aren't a cure of cancer, they aren't a way to win the lottery, and they aren't a direct cause of world peace. XML namespaces are not a technology for joining XML documents that use different DTDs.

Java classes. <? And: <? What is namespace? - Definition from In general, a namespace uniquely identifies a set of names so that there is no ambiguity when objects having different origins but the same names are mixed together. Using the Extensible Markup Language (XML), an XML namespace is a collection of element type and attribute names.

These element types and attribute names are uniquely identified by the name of the unique XML namespace of which they are a part. In an XML document, any element type or attribute name can thus have a two-part name consisting of the name of its namespace and then its local (functional) name. For example, suppose the same XML document included the element type of OWNER for owners of motorcycles as well as for owners of automobiles. It might be necessary or desirable to know that an owner name was one of those who owned a motorcyle rather than an automobile. This was last updated in September 2005 Email Alerts Register now to receive news, tips and more, delivered to your inbox. FreeMarker Manual - Namespaces. When you run FTL templates, you have a (possibly empty) set of variables that you have created with assign and macro directives, as can be seen from the previous chapter.

A set of variables like this is called a namespace. In simple cases you use only one namespace, the so-called main namespace. You don't realize this, since normally you use only this namespace. But if you want to build reusable collection of macros, functions and other variables -- usually referred as library by lingo -- the usage of multiple namespaces becomes inevitable. Creating a library Let's create a simple library. Store the above in the file lib/my_test.ftl (in the directory where you store the templates). Note how it accesses the variables in the namespace created for /lib/my_test.ftl using the newly created namespace accessing hash, my. If you would have a variable called mail or copyright in the main namespace, that would not cause any confusion, since the two templates use separated namespaces. Note. 15.2 Manipulating Namespaces. 15.2 Manipulating Namespaces A namespace encapsulates two pieces of information: A mapping from identifiers to bindings.

For example, a namespace might map the identifier lambda to the lambda form. An “empty” namespace is one that maps every identifier to an uninitialized top-level variable.A mapping from module names to module declarations and instances. The first mapping is used for evaluating expressions in a top-level context, as in (eval '(lambda (x) (+ x 1))). From the perspective of the core Racket run-time system, all evaluation is reflective. 15.2.1 Creating and Installing Namespaces The function make-empty-namespace creates a new, empty namespace. Fails, because the namespace does not include the primitive modules on which racket is built. To make a namespace useful, some modules must be attached from an existing namespace. The make-base-empty-namespace function provides a namespace that is empty, except that racket/base is attached. 15.2.2 Sharing Data and Code Across Namespaces. Namespaces. A namespace is similar to a directory or folder, while pagenames are similar to files.

In DokuWiki you can use namespaces to categorize your pages. For names of namespaces the same restrictions hold as for pagenames. A default DokuWiki installation comes with the built-in namespaces: wiki and playground. Creating Namespaces You don't need to create namespaces separately; simply create pages with colons in the pagename. A namespace can be created in the media manager after having selected a file on the local computer and before clicking upload. In DokuWiki pages are created as in every other wiki. Gotcha: The syntax for relative and absolute internal links is non-unique and complex relative to directory and filename conventions. Paths are absolute if and only if they begin with ”/”. Links are absolute if and only if they have a ”:” prefix or have no prefix but do have intermediate (or suffix) ”:” Deleting namespaces How to rename namespaces? Manual way For example, on a Unix host, you could:

XML Namespaces.