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Online Workshops and Tutorials. Integrated Aligned Course Design This tutorial breaks down the often challenging task of course design into four components: establishing learning outcomes, assessing learning outcomes, planning class sessions, and reviewing your course design based on student feedback. It walks instructors through each of these stages in the design process and includes working guides that instructors can complete to assist them in the design of their own courses.

Active Learning with PowerPoint Have you ever used PowerPoint in the classroom and been less than impressed with it as a teaching and learning tool? You're not alone. Designing Smart Lectures When done well, lectures can motivate students, spur their critical thinking, and help them draw complex connections between ideas. Scenes From a Classroom: Making Active Learning Work Active learning strategies are becoming more widely used in college classrooms as instructors discover their many benefits.

Scenes From a Classroom: Managing Conflict.


Theatre and Drama Graduate Student Organization - Home > Home. Syllabus Tutorial. The syllabus is a small place to start bringing students and faculty members back together... If students could be persuaded that we are really interested in their understanding the materials we offer, that we support their efforts to master it, and that we take their intellectual struggles seriously, they might respond by becoming involved in our courses, by trying to live up to our expectations, and by appreciating our concern. - Rubin, “Professors, Students, and the Syllabus,” Chronicle of Higher Education Your syllabus is one of THE most important documents you create for your class, serving as an agreement between you and your students. It conveys a first and lasting impression of you and the course you've designed. And it documents and shares your beliefs about teaching. Even very good syllabi have incomplete elements that could bear revision before you next teach the course.

Your syllabus is a living, creative document. How to Use the Tutorial Contact Us. Tools for Teaching - Chapter.

