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Scrumy – Finally, A Truly Simple Project Management App For Grou. I like project management software, but for the most part most of them look like clones of Microsoft Project. Not long ago I explored Gantter, a free online project management tool that looks a lot like MS Project. Abhigyan has covered Collabtive, another group project management tool as well. And of course Tina provided a great overview of all of the project management tools so many people have come to know and love – like Remember the Milk and Google Calendar.

These are all great resources, but again I really just want a very simple website that I can go to where, at a glance, I can see everything that’s going on. So, I was very happy to discover just such an online group project tool called Scrumy. The simplicity of creating your own Scrumy project page just blew my mind. If you don’t really care about the URL itself, then you can use the options on the main Scrumy page if you prefer. As assignees finish their work, they drag their task into the “Verify” column. Scrumy. Organize and Execute Your Collaborative Projects With Google App. If your project needs to have the cooperation of two or more people, here is your free solution.

For personal project/task management, I recommend you have a look at GTD and the many applications that support implementing the GTD methodology. Google Apps Standard Edition is free and includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Sites – everything you need to collaborate with Google. With the free account you also get up to 50 user accounts and 7 GB of storage. This post is primarily focused around using Google Sites as a central dashboard to manage and execute your projects. Prerequisite You will need to own a domain name to use Google Apps to its full extent. Sign Up for Google Apps Standard Edition To collaborate with Google, first you will need to sign up for a Google Apps account. Next, you will fill out contact and administrative information on the next two screens. Setup Email Start by clicking the Activate Email link. Setup Users Create Your First Project with Google Sites.

Collabtive - Open Source collaboration. Elgg Open Source Social Networking Platform. Online time tracking, task management and project management ::