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Natural Cleaning

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Homemade 409 Recipe in DIY, Frugal Tips, Homemade Cleaners. Like it? Pin it! Save $$ on cleaning supplies with this Homemade 409 Recipe! Just a few simple ingredients, and you’re on your way to an effective and thrifty all-purpose cleaner! Homemade 409 Recipe: See Also: Natural Cleaning Recipes with Essential Oils - Green Living. Nearly everyone has heard about the virtues of common items such as baking soda and vinegar for scouring and absorbing grease. Adding herbal essential oils enhances a formula’s cleaning value and leaves behind a soothing, natural scent. It’s not just an advertising gimmick that many commercial products contain citrus oils such as lemon or lime—they are natural degreasers and have antimicrobial properties.

Using natural products instead of chemical-laden commercial ones makes household tasks almost a pleasure to tackle. I know it’s hard to get excited about cleaning a bathroom, but when you realize that the surfaces are germ- and toxin-free, and the soothing aroma of cedar or lavender lingers, you won’t be able to suppress a smile of satisfaction. Cleaning with Natural Ingredients Saves Time, Space and Money Making your own natural cleaning recipes is not time-consuming or expensive. Ingredients for Natural Cleaning Recipes: Lemon juice: Lemon juice is readily available in supermarkets. Cleaning Recipes. 10-remarkable-diy-cleaning-solutions1.jpg (JPEG Image, 813 × 1797 pixels) - Scaled (39%) Natural and Frugal Bathroom Cleaning. Clorox Wipes, Windex, Scrubbing Bubbles, Tilex, Pine Sol, Lysol, and Clorox Toilet Bowl cleaner. This is just a small list of all the cleaners we are made to believe we need in order to have a clean and sanitary bathroom.

If you don't use every cleaner above then you have a nasty and germ filled bathroom. This is what I believed. I loved using Clorox wipes and Lysol. While all of those cleaners do kill germs, they also contain a ton of chemicals. But...did you know that... The American Lung Association warns that "Some products release dangerous chemicals, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Organic Consumers Association says "Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. If you have little ones at home this can be concerning. Money was another big reason I decided to switch. Here is what they usually cost... Clorox Wipes 150 ct. - $7.74 Windex- $2.87 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner- $3.76 Pine Sol- $2.97 Scrubbing Bubbles- $2.47 Tilex- $3.78 Febreeze- $4.97.

Natural Cleaning: Lemon Dusting Cloths. Today I am going to share my super easy, and frugal, Lemon Dusting Cloths recipe. I really do hate to use Pledge. I hate the smell of it. I hate the way it cleans. I just all around don't like it. So here is the recipe... 1 Cup Vinegar 1 Cup Water 1 tsp Olive Oil 1 Lemon Rind 2-3 Microfiber Cloths Jar with a lid Directions: Mix the vinegar, water, and oil, in a bowl. I usually make my cloths up in the morning some time and let them set till the afternoon when I am ready to dust. Microfiber cloths are wonderful to use since they are great at trapping dirt and dust. Give it a try! Update: I completely forgot to add...don't throw your lemon rinds away after you are done with your cloths! Linking to Frugal Days Sustainable Ways, Raising Homemakers, Healthy 2Day Wednesdays, Teach Me Tuesday, and Tiny Tip Tuesday, Living Green.