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The PowerPot by David Toledo. Hello, and thank you for checking out our project! The PowerPot is a a portable electric generator that doubles as a cooking pot. It can be used indoors or outside and works with any fuel source. Unlike solar power, The PowerPot works day or night, rain or shine to bring you the electricity you need to keep charging, anytime, anywhere! We've reached our final stages of prototyping and it is time to bring this wonderful device to the market. With your help, we hope to get Power Pots into the hands of the people who need it most, and onto your own stove or campfire!

People all over the world--whether they be herders in remote villages, backpacking enthusiasts, or city residents worried about potential power outages--can benefit from having a personal generator that makes electricity from cooking. Simply put, The PowerPot transforms the heat from cooking into electricity with no moving parts. Paul and I are both materials science engineers and avid campers. So this is where you come in. El mago Gabi Pareras y otra de sus obras de arte. Loop. Mobile Art. Experiencias MóvilesEl teléfono móvil se ha convertido en un objeto cultural cotidiano, no sólo en su función de soporte de contenidos, sinó también como herramienta y medio para la creación artística.

Estas nuevas posibilidades para la experimentación creativa han sido aprovechadas en la última década por múltiples artistas y desarrolladores de programa, materializándose en una gran diversidad de proyectos. A pesar de ello, el empleo de los dispositivos móviles en el ámbito artístico es, aún hoy, una práctica bastante desconocida para el público interesado en el arte contemporáneo. Mobile Art. Experiencias móviles se presenta, en consecuéncia, como una plataforma para la visualización de este tipo de prácticas emergentes, pero también como una pregunta abierta que invite a interrogar-nos acerca de la incidencia e integración de los dispositivos móviles en los procesos creativos más actuales.

Todos los grandes tienen problemas de piel Show audiovisual Txalo Tolosa-Fernández 20h. SLOW FOOD BCN. Obra Social "la Caixa" > Buscador activitats > Fitxa d'activitat. Mediateca CaixaForum : espai de Media Art. Android Expansion Day. Buen anuncio de Google sobre Chrome | Chrome OS en español. Interactive Display Window. JAMM 11. Group | is here to discuss interactive issues and create critical artwork. Hipote/nusa. NIKKA "PANDEMIA" by discontinu records. Plug Festival 2011 | :: cárgame en tu imaginación :: Beach Volley, primera toma de contacto con la actualización de Angry Birds Rio. Why The New Guy Can’t Code. We’ve all lived the nightmare. A new developer shows up at work, and you try to be welcoming, but he1 can’t seem to get up to speed; the questions he asks reveal basic ignorance; and his work, when it finally emerges, is so kludgey that it ultimately must be rewritten from scratch by more competent people.

And yet his interviewers—and/or the HR department, if your company has been infested by that bureaucratic parasite—swear that they only hire above-average/A-level/top-1% people. It’s a big problem, especially now. There’s a boom on. I get harassing emails from recruiters every day. Like many of the hangovers that haunt modern software engineering, this is ultimately mostly Microsoft’s fault.2 Back when they were the evil empire where everyone secretly wanted to work, they were famous for their “brain-teaser” interview questions – Why are manhole covers round?

It’s nice to see that Google have almost sort of realized that their recruiting algorithm is problematic.