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About M101J. - Encuentra más sitios. Sitios donde tomar cursos de programación en línea. Te ofrecemos cinco alternativas de algunas de las mejores plataformas educativas para tomar cursos de programación en línea y aprender algo nuevo.

Sitios donde tomar cursos de programación en línea

Nunca antes en la historia la educación había tenido tantas herramientas a su disposición para llegar a todas partes y para que cualquiera pueda aprender lo que desee si se lo propone. Internet ha facilitado de una manera gigantesca el acceso a la información, ha hecho posible que convirtamos las pantallas del ordenador en nuestra propia aula de clase personalizada. Para muchos profesionales resulta muy cierto el hecho de que la verdadera educación comienza luego de que terminas la universidad, y que el aprendizaje nunca culmina. Continuar enriqueciendo nuestros conocimientos dentro del ámbito de nuestras carreras, o de cualquier nuevo interés que desarrollemos, nos convierte en personas más completas. Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems.

About the Course The confluence of multi-core and distributed-core processors, inexpensive mass storage, ubiquitous wireless connectivity, and commodity software platforms is driving the need for software engineers and programmers who understand how to develop concurrent and networked software for mobile devices that connect to cloud computing platforms.

Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems

Despite many improvements in processors, storage, and networks, however, developing quality software on-time and on-budget remains hard. Moreover, developing high quality reusable concurrent and networked software apps and services is even harder. The principles, methods, and skills required to develop such software are best learned by attaining mastery of patterns, pattern languages, and frameworks. A pattern describes a reusable solution to a common problem that arises within a particular context. 185 cursos universitarios, online y gratuitos que inician en Junio.

Math302 Mathematics of Permutation Puzzles. In this course we will investigate Rubik's cube, the 15-puzzle, TopSpin, and other permutation puzzles.

Math302 Mathematics of Permutation Puzzles

Our goal is to understand theses from a mathematical viewpoint; we will come up with sovability criteria (i.e. the ability to look at a mixed up puzzle and know if it is solvable or if someone is playing a trick on you and reassembled the puzzle in such a way that it cannot be solved), and we will investigate solution strategies.

TLP Library Ferromagnetic Materials. Click here for actual (non-printable) TLP pages Note: DoITPoMS Teaching and Learning Packages are intended to be used interactively at a computer!

TLP Library Ferromagnetic Materials

This print-friendly version of the TLP is provided for convenience, but does not display all the content of the TLP. For example, any video clips and answers to questions are missing. The formatting (page breaks, etc) of the printed version is unpredictable and highly dependent on your browser. Light and Matter: open-source physics textbooks. Extras Who's Using the Books Adoptions of Light and Matter Colleges and Universities High Schools.

Light and Matter: open-source physics textbooks

Materials and Processes. HyperPhysics. A Design and Technology Site. Simulación Flash, Animación, Ilustración, Imagen, Diagrama, Dibujo, Movimiento, Gráfica. INVESTIGACION. En esta sección se incluyen todos aquellos temas que van más allá de la docencia teórico/práctica planteada en clases y que, no obstante, tienen un valioso valor añadido como soporte de consulta para la mejora de la enseñanza de la criptografía.


La información puede ser de Libre Distribución en este sitio Web o bien de Acceso en el sitio Web de su autor. ACTAS CONGRESO CIBSI Y TALLER TIBETSCongreso Iberoamericano de Seguridad Informática CIBSI y Taller Iberoamericano de Enseñanza e Innovación Educativa en Seguridad de la Información TIBETS. Títulos de Proyectos o Tesis Fin de Carrera desarrollados por alumnos en temas de criptografía.

Se indica nombre del autor, nombre del Tutor, fecha del libro y un breve del resumen a cargo del Tutor sobre los objetivos alcanzados en el Proyecto. Free online courses AKA MOOC aggregator. Differential Equations. Miriada X. Analytic Combinatorics, Part II.

About 8.02x. *Note - This is an Archived course* This is a past/archived course.

About 8.02x

At this time, you can only explore this course in a self-paced fashion. Certain features of this course may not be active, but many people enjoy watching the videos and working with the materials. Make sure to check for reruns of this course. 8.02 is the second semester of the MIT introductory physics sequence. About 6.002x. Artificial Intelligence: How To Build A Robot. Intro to Artificial Intelligence Class Online. Differential Equations in Action Class Online. Introduction to Algorithms Course Online. Basic Statistics Course Online. Learn HTML5 - Game Development Course Online. When does the course begin?

Learn HTML5 - Game Development Course Online

This class is self paced. You can begin whenever you like and then follow your own pace. It’s a good idea to set goals for yourself to make sure you stick with the course. Nanotechnology: The Basics. About the Course Nanotechnology is an exciting research area that spans disciplines from electrical engineering to biology.

Nanotechnology: The Basics

Over the last two decades the basic science of this area has launched new technologies, the first examples of which are finding their way into commercial products. This four week course will provide students with a bird's eye view into this fast moving area and leave students with an appreciation of the importance and foundation of super-small materials and devices. Course Syllabus Nanotechnology: The BasicsWeek 1: Small, strange and useful!

Week 2: Electronics when materials are super small. Week 3: How magnets change when they are made small. Week 4: Shedding light on nanoscale materials and photonics. Natural Language Processing. About the Course.

Natural Language Processing

Machine Learning. Automata. About the Course I am pleased to be able to offer free over the Internet a course on Automata Theory, based on the material I have taught periodically at Stanford in the course CS154. Participants have access to screencast lecture videos, are given quiz questions, assignments and exams, receive regular feedback on progress, and can participate in a discussion forum. Those who successfully complete the course will receive a statement of accomplishment.

You will need a decent Internet connection for accessing course materials, but should be able to watch the videos on your smartphone. The course covers four broad areas: (1) Finite automata and regular expressions, (2) Context-free grammars, (3) Turing machines and decidability, and (4) the theory of intractability, or NP-complete problems.Why Study Automata Theory? Creative, Serious and Playful Science of Android Apps.

Information Theory. Clinical Problem Solving. Algorithms, Part I. Control of Mobile Robots. Computing for Data Analysis. Data Analysis. About the Course You have probably heard that this is the era of “Big Data”. Stories about companies or scientists using data to recommend movies, discover who is pregnant based on credit card receipts, or confirm the existence of the Higgs Boson regularly appear in Forbes, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times.

More than a High Score: Videogames and Learning. Natural Language Processing. Introduction to Computer Networks. Neural Networks for Machine Learning. About the Course Neural networks use learning algorithms that are inspired by our understanding of how the brain learns, but they are evaluated by how well they work for practical applications such as speech recognition, object recognition, image retrieval and the ability to recommend products that a user will like. As computers become more powerful, Neural Networks are gradually taking over from simpler Machine Learning methods. They are already at the heart of a new generation of speech recognition devices and they are beginning to outperform earlier systems for recognizing objects in images. The course will explain the new learning procedures that are responsible for these advances, including effective new proceduresr for learning multiple layers of non-linear features, and give you the skills and understanding required to apply these procedures in many other domains.

Recommended Background. Learn to Program: The Fundamentals. About the Course A computer program is a set of instructions for a computer to follow, just as a recipe is a set of instructions for a chef. Laptops, kitchen appliances, MP3 players, and many other electronic devices all run computer programs. Programs have been written to manipulate sound and video, write poetry, run banking systems, predict the weather, and analyze athletic performance. This course is intended for people who have never seen a computer program.

It will give you a better understanding of how computer applications work and teach you how to write your own applications. Recommended Background. Statistics One. About the Course Statistics One is designed to be a comprehensive yet friendly introduction to fundamental concepts in statistics. Comprehensive means that this course provides a solid foundation for students planning to pursue more advanced courses in statistics. Friendly means exactly that. The course assumes very little background knowledge in statistics and introduces new concepts with several fun and easy to understand examples. This course is, quite literally, for everyone. Ser más creativos. Discrete Optimization. About the Course Optimization technology is ubiquitous in our society.

It schedules planes and their crews, coordinates the production of steel, and organizes the transportation of iron ore from the mines to the ports. Optimization clears the day-ahead and real-time markets to deliver electricity to millions of people. It organizes kidney exchanges and cancer treatments and helps scientists understand the fundamental fabric of life, control complex chemical reactions, and design drugs that may benefit billions of individuals. This class is an introduction to discrete optimization and exposes students to some of the most fundamental concepts and algorithms in the field.

An introductory lecture to the course can viewed here. Machine Learning. Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Introduction to Data Science. Gamification. Computational Neuroscience. Statistics: Making Sense of Data. A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior. Passion Driven Statistics. Exploring Quantum Physics. About the Course Quantum physics is the foundation for much of modern technology, provides the framework for understanding light and matter from the subatomic to macroscopic domains, and makes possible the most precise measurements ever made.

More than just a theory, it offers a way of looking at the world that grows richer with experience and practice. Our course will provide some of that practice and teach you "tricks of the trade" (not found in textbooks) that will enable you to solve quantum-mechanical problems yourself and understand the subject at a deeper level. The basic principles of quantum physics are actually quite simple, but they lead to astonishing outcomes. Two examples that we will look at from various perspectives are the prediction of the laser by Albert Einstein in 1917 and the prediction of antimatter by Paul Dirac in 1928. Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code. Algorithms, Part II. How Things Work 1. Songwriting. Course Catalog.