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The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers :: Resources for Learning More. The Official TOOOL Slides Anytime TOOOL gives a presenation about lockpicking, we use one of the following PowerPoint slide decks... Resources for Learning More There are a number of terrific web sites and online forums where you can learn a great deal about physical security, sport picking, and non-destructive entry techniques. In addition to the web sites of other affiliated groups in this field -- like, Sportsfreunde der Sperrtechnik, the Fraternal Order of Locksport, and Locksport International -- there are a number of useful publications like Marc Tobias' Locks, Safes, and Security as well as Douglas Chick's Steel Bolt Hacking.

Online publications like Non-Destructive Entry Magazine and the blogs of Bary Wels and Matt Blaze contain terrific content. Other great wikis and guides can be found by Googling. All of the diagrams and animations seen in our slide decks and other educational materials are freely available to the public. Algo de Linux: dsniff en la práctica: Ataque MITM. Vamos a ver cómo hacer un ataque MITM utilizando la suite dsniff en la práctica. Para empezar, recordemos que dsniff requiere privilegios de administrador, con lo que si queremos usarlo, tendremos que ser root o tener una cuenta de administrador. Supongamos que queremos capturar las contraseñas en nuestra propia máquina.

Pues bien, no tenemos que hacer es abrir un terminal y ejecutar:# dsniff -i interfaz Sustituyendo interfaz por la interfaz concreta en la que queremos capturar el tráfico. Por ejemplo, si nuestra interfaz de red es eth0, haremos:# dsniff -i eth0 Ahora bien, si tuviéramos dos interfaces de red: una ethernet (eth0) y otra wifi (wlan0) y salimos a internet por wlan0, podemos hacer:# dsniff -i wlan0 Una vez lanzado el comando dsniff, abrimos el navegador y entramos en el correo web de terra, por ejemplo. Veamos un ejemplo: Imaginemos que tenemos una red en la que: Abrimos otra consola y ejecutamos el comando:# arpspoof -i eth0 -t Y ya está. - Xarxa de telecomunicacions oberta, lliure i neutral | Lorea. [Eclectica DV - Formación en nuevas tecnologías] : Ecléctica DV. Hack Anonymous - Hacking Tutorials|Learn To Hack Computer|Anonymous Hackers|ethical hacking training|Passwords hack tutorials - Home. 5 Essential Technology Podcasts That Geeks Should Listen To. If you’re reading this, I’m betting there’s a good chance you quite like computers, the Internet, or technology in general.

A few weeks ago, Dave showed you 10 websites that all geeks should bookmark. This week, I’d like to introduce you to 5 technology podcasts you should all add to iTunes. Some are new, some are old favorites – all are awesome. This Week in Tech (Audio & Video) Of all the podcasts that come and go, TWiT has remained steadfast at the top of my favourites. Other ex-Screensavers members Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht went on to create the hugely successful Diggnation, in which Alex and Kevin presented the top Digg stories in their trademark “two guys on the sofa getting wasted” style. Tekzilla (Video) A bi-weekly video 30 minute podcast hosted by Patrick Norton, Robert Heron (also both ex-Screensavers cast) and the lovely Veronica Belmont. A variety of video quality feeds are offered, as well as one without the daily 2 minute tip sections if you prefer the long-form only. Cheating Network. eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you.

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Metasploit Modules – Metasploit Minute ThreatWire – March 13 2014: Drones vs. 0 Views6 Likes The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) loses case against Raphael Pirker, a swiss model aircraft enthusiast. Resource Files – Metasploit Minute Basic MSF Console Commands – Metasploit Minute Top 5 Standalone Tools in Metasploit – Metasploit Minute HakTip 88 – Cryptcat: Netcat Using Two-Fish Encryption ThreatWire – Feb 7 2014.