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DIY: Lithium Polymer Battery Charger. DIY LiPo Lion battery charger from old cellphone. The easiest DIY Lithium Polymer battery charger - Donut Science. Those pages show how to build yourself a cheap LIPO charger.It is basic, safe and will probably cost you less than 3€ for the most elaborate version. For a long time I searched for some DIY lipo chargers schematics or ICs. Strangely most things you can find is either using complex schematics, specific charger ICs or microcontroller based chargers. Most dedicated non switching ICs can handle 1 cell, some rare ones can do 2 cells, no more. Switching chargers are great and efficient, but are complex and require more exotic parts like inductors and Schottky diodes. Considering the precision required for the charging voltage it can quickly become a challenge, and the risk of destroying a battery or a complete house is not negligable. Basically, a lithium polymer charger is a constant current / constant voltage charger. But it is not both at the same time : -Current is initially limited up to the point where the top voltage is reached. Ero-Pic - Una Gran Colección de Tutoriales de Electrónica. Buenas y Santas queridos amigos...!!! Bienvenidos a esta web, aunque llegó el momento de Renovarnos la invitación es a nuestro Nuevo Sitio... :oP Finalmente... decidí trasladar toda la web al servidor de que gracias a la gentileza de su administrador, pudimos hacer efectivo este traslado.

Les comento que este sitio quedará tal como está, esto incluye las últimas actualizaciones que se hicieron. Como verán también le cambié de nombre, ya que no era el definitivo, recuerdo que una vez mientras hacía pruebas de búsqueda puse ero-pic, y fuí a parar a las páginas triple x, jajajaja... Ok... Ventajas del nuevo sitio Son muchas en relidad, pero las más notables, son la velocidad de navegación, Nombre corto y fácil de recordar, y bueno, el pedido de muchos también se hizo escuchar, estamos libres de esas Pop-Up que tanto nos cansaron, incluso a mí. Novedades...!!! Construcción de PCB Mis Actividades... Saludos...!!! R-Luis... Ohm's Law. There are certain formulas in Physics that are so powerful and so pervasive that they reach the state of popular knowledge. A student of Physics has written such formulas down so many times that they have memorized it without trying to.

Certainly to the professionals in the field, such formulas are so central that they become engraved in their minds. In the field of Modern Physics, there is E = m • c2. In the field of Newtonian Mechanics, there is Fnet = m • a. The predominant equation which pervades the study of electric circuits is the equation In words, the electric potential difference between two points on a circuit (ΔV) is equivalent to the product of the current between those two points (I) and the total resistance of all electrical devices present between those two points (R). Ohm's Law as a Predictor of Current The Ohm's law equation can be rearranged and expressed as Quantities, Symbols, Equations and Units! (Note the unit symbol C represents the unit Coulombs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How voltage, current, and resistance relate : Ohm's Law. An electric circuit is formed when a conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move.

This continuous movement of free electrons through the conductors of a circuit is called a current, and it is often referred to in terms of "flow," just like the flow of a liquid through a hollow pipe. The force motivating electrons to "flow" in a circuit is called voltage. Voltage is a specific measure of potential energy that is always relative between two points. When we speak of a certain amount of voltage being present in a circuit, we are referring to the measurement of how much potential energy exists to move electrons from one particular point in that circuit to another particular point.

Free electrons tend to move through conductors with some degree of friction, or opposition to motion. The "symbol" given for each quantity is the standard alphabetical letter used to represent that quantity in an algebraic equation. What is the amount of current (I) in this circuit? Common mistakes in electronic design. Como conectar un diodo LED. Curso Electrónica Basica 1 entrega. Los objetivos de este primer tema serán los siguientes: Conocimiento de las leyes básicas de la electrónica.Que el usuario sea capaz de definir una fuente ideal de tensión y una fuente ideal de corriente.Ser capaz de reconocer una fuente de tensión constante y una fuente de corriente constante.Aplicación de los teoremas Thévenin y Norton para sustituirlos frente a una carga resistiva.Ser capaz de explicar dos características sobre los dispositivos en circuito abierto y en cortocircuito.Conocimiento general de las averías posibles en circuitos electrónicos.Saber la aproximación necesaria a utilizar en los diferentes análisis.

Ley de Ohm Leyes de Kirchhoff Ley de Kirchhoff de tensiónes Ley de Kirchhoff de corrientes Resistencias Resistencias en serie Resistencias en paralelo Generadores Generadores de Continua Generadores de Alterna Aparatos de medición Voltímetro Amperímetro Óhmetro Ley de Ohm Cuando una resistencia es atravesada por una corriente se cumple que: Leyes de Kirchhoff Resistencias en serie. Tutoriales Electrónica Fácil.

Tutoriales Electrónica y Electricidad: Electrónica: Componentes.


TOL | TechOnline. Magazine | Tutorial de Electrónica Básica. Tutoriales Electrónica Fácil. Electronica Aprender Facilmente Electrónica. Electronica Basica Tutorial para aprender la electrónica básica desde cero para principiantes. Conceptos Básicos de Electronica. Resistencia Electrica ¿Qué es la resistencia eléctrica? Explicación, tipos de resistencias, código de colores para saber su valor, calculos y tipos de resistencias. Semiconductores ¿Qué son?. Funcionamiento y teoría sobre semiconductores.

Tipos N y P. Union PN Semiconductores Aprende fácilmente la unión de un semiconductor P con un N para formar el diodo. Diodo Las bases prácticas de los diodos semiconductores. Diodo Zener Funcionamiento, Características, Circuito Básico y Tipos. Diodo Led ¿Cómo es un diodo Led? Condensador Que es, funcionamiento, carga y descarga, circuitos y tipos de condensadores. Potenciometro Qué es, com funciona, tipos y circuitos con potenciometro Rectificador de Media Onda Entra y Aprende Facil el Rectificador de Media Onda. Tiristor Entra y Aprende Facilmente el Tiristor. Domotica Entra y Aprende todo sobre la Domotica. InCompartir. Basic electronics. LAST MODIFIED: Wednesday, 18-Mar-2015 17:25:56 PDT Authored by Ian C. Purdie VK2TIP Find us on Google+ •NEW!

The navigation bar to the right is a very comprehensive list of topics in basic electronics and is listed in a suggested order. Following a lot of requests from newcomers I have provided a separate page called "starting out in basic electronics". If you want a reasonably good grounding don't forget to review electron theory and atoms this is the very basis of electronics. This chapter basic electronics is the most important of all for newcomers. Here you should gain a full understanding of basics electronics. You must have a good grasp of ohms law, an understanding of power, voltage, current and resistance.

Capacitance, inductance as well as reactance which leads on to impedance and "Q". Very popular basic electronics topics are impedance matching and the wide variety of transformers ranging from power transformers, audio transformers and wide band rf transformers. NEW! Electronic tutorials - learn the basics of electronics. WHAT IS ELECTRICITY? Many people have asked me, "What is Electricity"? It's a great question. I get really excited when I think of all the latest technical advances in electronics. You see electricity in action all around you. From the static electricity that jolts your finger tips to the image on your television screen. Electricity is the most important tool in our lives today. Because this is a lesson on basic electricity, I'll do my best to explain what it is without getting too technical. Throughout (and at the end) I will provide links to more specific and technical explanations.

So, what is electricity? Simply stated, electricity is the movement of electrons through a conductor. Atoms are the building blocks of all matter. Some materials are made up of atoms that have so many electrons circling around the nucleus that each atom is able to give up one or more electrons very easily. Metals like copper, gold and aluminum make excellent conductors of electrons. Making electricity is easy. Learn Electronics Online | Easily master the basics of electronics theory and practice. Tutorials. New! Getting Started with LTspice LTspice is a high performance SPICE simulator, schematic capture and waveform viewer with an impressive library of passive devices.

Over 1000 models are included in the download but you can also add third party models. RFID Basics An overview of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. LIS3DH Hookup Guide A guide to connecting the LIS3DH to a microcontroller and using the Arduino library. Lessons in Algorithms Learn techniques on how to use Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and other data-processing tools to turn data into information. Illuminated Mask Use LilyPad LEDs, a switched battery holder, and coin cell battery to make a fun light up mask for your next costume party.

Glowing Pin Create a quick and easy piece of e-textile art using a LilyPad LED, battery holder, conductive thread, and coin cell battery. Light-Up Plush Craft a light-up plush with LilyPad LEDs controlled by pressing a button and sliding a switch in the creature's hands. Tutorials. Learn About Electronics - Home. Learning Electronics :: Worksheets - Test your knowledge!