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How Bulgarian Jews Were Saved during World War II

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His letter of protest. Bulgaria's Schindler One fearless and determined man, Dimitar Peshev, aborted attempts to deport Bulgaria's 50,000-strong Jewish population to a sure death in Hitler's concentration camps By Norbert J.

His letter of protest

Yasharoff From "The World & I" Monthly Magazine, June 1995, Washington, D.C. Except for a small number of historians, holocaust researchers and leaders of Jewish organizations, very few people know the story of Dimitar Peshev -- Bulgaria's wartime National Assembly Vice President. While Steven Spielberg's Academy Award-winning "Schindler's List" showcased the [exploits] of righteous gentile Oscar Schindler, whose heroic acts rescued over 1,200 Jews from the claws of the Nazi extermination machine, Peshev was responsible for saving all Jews living within the old boundaries of wartime Bulgaria -- a number reaching close to 50,000 souls. [ His story, so long ignored, richly deserves to be told, as well. ] As it fell under German influence, the Bulgarian government enacted antisemitic laws.

Bulgaria Wasn't ‘Second Denmark' During the nearly six decades since the end of World War II, Bulgaria's behavior in the Holocaust era has stood out as a courageous but not widely known example of how a country refused to bend to evil -- there was no Holocaust, no mass murder in Bulgaria.

Bulgaria Wasn't ‘Second Denmark'

The Balkan land, a wartime ally of Nazi Germany, refused to surrender its Jews to death camp deportations, the people taking a stand comparable in some eyes to better-known Denmark's, although the government did allow the Jews in the occupied parts of Greece and Yugoslavia to become part of the Final Solution. Bulgaria, according to accepted history, passed anti-Semitic legislation but did not enforce it, had forced labor camps but did not run them as brutally as elsewhere in Nazi-occupied Europe, accepted Germany as an Axis partner but did not adopt its discriminatory philosophy.

Sephardi Jews during the Holocaust. Members of the Amarillo family pose outside their home in Salonika.

Sephardi Jews during the Holocaust

Front, from left to right, are Tillie Amarillo and Sarika Yahiel. Seated behind them are their mothers Louisa Bourla Amarillo and Regina Amarillo Yahiel. Standing are Saul Amarillo, Isaccino Yahiel, and Isaac Yahiel. Salonika, Greece, between 1930 and 1939. — US Holocaust Memorial Museum The Nazi Holocaust that devastated European Jewry and virtually destroyed its centuries-old culture also wiped out the great European population centers of Sephardi (or Judeo-Spanish) Jewry and led to the almost complete demise of its unique language and traditions. Remnants and Recollections. Bulgaria. Between 1919 and 1945, Bulgaria was one of several kingdoms located in southeastern Europe, an area often referred to as the Balkans.


In 1934, Bulgaria had a population of more than six million people. An Unknown Story: The Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews During World War II. Deportation and murder of Macedonian Jews by Bulgarian Nazis in ... The Fate of the Bulgarian Jews "The German Occupation of Europe" Bulgarian Jews. The history of the Jews in Bulgaria dates to at least as early as the 2nd century CE.

Bulgarian Jews

Since then, the Jews have had a continuous presence in the Bulgarian lands and have played an often considerable part in the history of Bulgaria from ancient times through the Middle Ages until today. Antiquity[edit] Bulgarian Empire[edit] Shimon Peres thanks Bulgaria for saving its Jewish citizens - Bulgaria. Author: Reuters Israeli president Shimon Peres, paying an official visit to Bulgaria, has paid tribute to the country's record during World War 2 with respect to the plight of its Jewish population.

Shimon Peres thanks Bulgaria for saving its Jewish citizens - Bulgaria

Peres praises Bulgaria for saving Jews during the Holocaust. The Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews during World War II. The rescue of the Bulgarian Jews in 1943. In Search of..... - Narrarated by Leonard Nimoy, In search of was a 30 minute syndicated show that covered a wide range of paranormal topics.

The rescue of the Bulgarian Jews in 1943

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Tsar Boris III - Unifier and Savior of the Bulgarian Jews. Hello and welcome to the page dedicated to his Majesty King Boris III of Bulgaria, the greatest King from the Third Bulgarian Kingdom.

Tsar Boris III - Unifier and Savior of the Bulgarian Jews

The Third Bulgarian Kingdom was a constitutional monarchy with a very democratic constitution. Although pro-German, Bulgaria did not take part in World War II with its armed forces. King Boris III was always trying to find diplomatic solutions to the difficult problems of the time. He joined the Axis to prevent an imminent German invasion in Bulgaria, but he refused to send Bulgarian troops to German aid on the Eastern front.

He died suddenly after a meeting with Hitler and there have been speculations that he was actually poisoned by the Nazi dictator who wanted a more obedient Bulgaria. Saving Bulgarian Jews. Barouh, Emmy (Ed.).

Saving Bulgarian Jews

Jews in the Bulgarian Lands: Ancestral Memory and Historical Destiny. Judaica Bulgarica. Intl.