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Pinterest, The Fancy and the Photo Funnel

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5 Reasons Images are King. It’s a well-known fact that people are visual.

5 Reasons Images are King

They like things that attract their eyes. Color, images, movement, all these things bring them in and make them stay and brings them back. So why do so many business bloggers forget this little tidbit? Why are their sites filled with words and empty of color, photos or images? Here are five reasons to add images to your blog, Facebook, and other social media accounts right now: Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The 7 Deadly Sins of Lead-Gen Landing Pages 1. The new big thing in social media, Pinterest is all about the pictures.

Everyone can see everything on Pinterest, which makes it ripe for the picking. Of course, the image will need something to back it up or it is sort of pointless, but still. 2. Facebook likes and comments are great. 3. Like comments and ‘likes’, shares are great. 4. To simplify, pictures get attention and keep it. 5. Pictures stick out in your mind. The Rise Of The Visual Social Networks - The rise of the visual social networks?

The Rise Of The Visual Social Networks -

People mostly perceive with sight and it should not be a surprise that it’s images and visuals that grab the attention. And when people see something nice they want to share. In terms of social media and social networks we see that the trend is to”go visual” and simple. That’s also the cause of Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter where users share visual information – photos, pictures and videos. Why should brands and CMOs care about this phenomenon? I came across the following infographic The Rise Of The Visual Social Networks, as during the last year social networks became even more oriented toward visual elements.


Beyond Facebook: The Rise Of Interest-Based Social Networks. Editor’s Note: This guest post is written by Jay Jamison, a Partner at BlueRun Ventures, who focuses on early stage mobile, consumer and enterprise investments. He also serves on the boards of AppCentral, AppRedeem, Foodspotting, and Thumb. You can follow Jay on Twitter @jay_jamison or read his blog at

With the pending public offering of Facebook anticipated to be the largest tech IPO in history, it’s an interesting time to think about where we go from here. Some say “social is done,” Facebook is all the social media anyone would ever want or need. Unquestionably, as it nears one billion accounts, in the solar system of social media, Facebook is the Sun — the gravitational center around which everything social revolves.

But while some may pronounce that Facebook is all the social we’d ever need, users clearly haven’t gotten the memo. The numbers tell the tale around users’ appetites for these new interest-based social networks.

