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Me & spreadsheets - it's complicated

WFH. Stephen @ Passed my ‪#Salesforce‬ Developer exam! #Salesforce Certified! Stephen Burgess. Bluewolf Makes a New Hire. Remember Stephen Burgess?

Bluewolf Makes a New Hire

He submitted a video at the end of December to be considered for Bluewolf’s free Salesforce Administrator training and it stole the hearts of viewers and Bluewolf employees alike. Check it out: Stephen Burgess Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. Foursquare. Tumblr. ♥Apr 11th, 2014 Stephen favorited a tweet @mostsolitary could be wrong, but don’t see how to make a dynamic endpoint like that in a formula.


Need logic up front AFAIK— Scott Thornton (@sthornton) April 11, 2014. Google+ Pinterest. If this then that. @incloco. Cloud Radar by @mostsolitary. Salesforce Social Enterprise Rockstars.