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The Constitutional Dictionary. This document contains words, phrases, and concepts used in the United States Constitution.

The Constitutional Dictionary

Links to this document can be found on the U.S. Constitution Page. Note that some words are defined only as they apply to the Constitution itself. You may also wish to see the Popular Names Page, the Notes Page, and the Advanced Topics Page. Sources: American Heritage Dictionary The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia Adjournment adjourn v. 1. Appellate appellate adj having power to review decisions of lower courts Source: NMW Apportionment apportion v. to distribute proportionately Source: NMW In the context of the Constitution, apportionment means that each state gets a number appropriate to its population. The need for apportionment of taxes, and the reason for it, is difficult for us to imagine today, but there were good reasons for it.

Attainder attainder n. Concurrence concur v. 1. Corruption of Blood Corruption of Blood was part of ancient English penalty for treason. Five Facts About the Debt. Five under-appreciated points about the federal budget and debt ceiling: 1.

Five Facts About the Debt

Whenever I need to get my bearings in the debate over the debt, the deficit, or the debt ceiling, I go to the web site of the White House Office of Management and Budget and download historical table 1.3. The story it tells, in very round numbers, is as simple as 2, 3, 4. The federal government spent about $2 trillion in 2000, at the end of the Clinton administration. It spent about $3 trillion in 2008, at the end of the Bush administration.

You can fool around with inflation and with the percentage of GDP and with the revenue side of the equation, but the bottom line is that the federal government is spending about double what it was at the end of the Clinton administration. 2. The reference to “every single one of you” is inaccurate. 3. 4. 5. Ira Stoll is editor of and author of Samuel Adams: A Life. The victims of nationalized health care.

Government Overlords

Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide - Stephan Kinsella. Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe burst onto the Austrolibertarian scene in the late 1980s, when he moved to the United States to study under and work with his mentor Murray Rothbard.

Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide - Stephan Kinsella

Since his arrival, Professor Hoppe has produced a steady stream of pioneering contributions to economic and libertarian theory. A key contribution of Professor Hoppe is his provocative "argumentation-ethics" defense of libertarian rights. In setting the stage, Hoppe first observes that the standard natural-rights argument is lacking: It has been a common quarrel with the natural rights position, even on the part of sympathetic readers, that the concept of human nature is far "too diffuse and varied to provide a determinate set of contents of natural law. " Furthermore, its description of rationality is equally ambiguous in that it does not seem to distinguish between the role of reason in establishing empirical laws of nature on the one hand and normative laws of human conduct on the other.

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or [YES!] Real Threat. Posted at Americans are so focused on Congress and Obama at the federal level of government right now that most are overlooking the socialism creeping in at the local level through Agenda 21.

Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or [YES!] Real Threat

It is easy to overlook local government since people are saturated with too much information in the internet age. Compounding this is the fact that Agenda 21 is a dull topic, and it becomes understandable how it has been able to fly mostly under the radar since 1992, slowly working its way into our cities and counties… Agenda 21 ostensibly seeks to promote "sustainability" (the latest revisionist word for "environmentalism," since Americans have learned too many negative things about environmentalism).

"Sustainability" is an amorphous concept that can be interpreted to an extreme degree that would regulate and restrict many parts of our lives. Agenda 21 promotes European socialist goals that will erode our freedoms and liberties. Please read the rest here … Related articles.

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Democrats. Republicans. Taxes.