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Reggio Emilia Approach

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Marla McLean, Atelierista » “Light is more than watts and foot candles” Just a few weeks to winter break, and more than anything it is the change in light that seems so important.

Marla McLean, Atelierista » “Light is more than watts and foot candles”

Light and dark literally change life in Washington DC in December. Street lights are on by 6:00pm, and the playground is deserted. Dinnertime is dark and evening and morning are pretty darn cold. Routines change. One ritual at SWS is our annual Solstice celebration. This is Kenneth’s first time doing this type of work. Archer chose to be light. Since I assured children that this was no longer an observational self portrait but an artist becoming day or night, they were able to explore the feeling of color. Maya, Kindergarten (below) imagined fireworks, something you view at night.

Those who chose to “be” day also were thoughtful. Matteo Z, PreK (below) uses color and line that shows the energy of the sun in his face. While Claire, Kindergarten (below) also is day light, she adds some symbolic imagery like the green heart which looks very similar to a summer leaf. Broadcast Yourself. Adapting an Italian educational approach in Canadian and Japanese preschools. How school reform damages poor children — Kohn - The Answer Sheet. This was written by Alfie Kohn, the author of 12 books about education and human behavior, including “The Schools Our Children Deserve,” “The Homework Myth,” and the newly published“Feel-Bad Education . . .

How school reform damages poor children — Kohn - The Answer Sheet

And Other Contrarian Essays on Children & Schooling.” He lives (actually) in the Boston area and (virtually) at A version of this appeared on the Education Week website. By Alfie Kohn Love them or hate them, the proposals collectively known as “school reform” are mostly top-down policies: divert public money to quasi-private charter schools, pit states against one another in a race for federal education dollars, offer rewards when test scores go up, fire the teachers or close the schools when they don’t. Policy makers and the general public have paid much less attention to what happens inside classrooms -- the particulars of teaching and learning -- especially in low-income neighborhoods. The result is that “certain children” are left farther and farther behind.

International Ed

Reggio Children. In February 2006, on the initiative of the municipal administration of Reggio Emilia in collaboration with Reggio Children, the Istituzione of Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres, and the Friends of Reggio Children Association – a plurality of identities generated by the same culture of childhood strongly rooted in the city of Reggio Emilia – the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre was officially inaugurated.

Reggio Children

The Centre is conceived as an open system welcoming all ages, ideas, and cultures, dedicated to the encounter of all persons worldwide who share the desire to innovate education and culture, interweaving professional development and research. The Municipal Infant-toddler Centres and Preschools of Reggio Emilia translate into everyday reality an educational project for children aged birth to six years that since 1963 has been characterized by the modernity of the theoretical reflections and the deeply rooted commitment to research and experimentation.

Reggio Children. In 1998 the Municipality of Reggio Emilia purchased the premises of the former ‘Locatelli’ cheese storage facility to become the site of the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre.

Reggio Children

The Malaguzzi Centre is situated on an area of approximately 12,000 square meters and includes: the offices of Reggio Children the Documentation and Educational Research Centre of Preschools and Infant-toddler Centres of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia ateliers the Marco Gerra exhibition hall the Annamaria and Marco Gerra auditorium facilities for professional development and research for teachers, researchers, and families, and for meetings and conferences a preschool and a primary school Opening soon: bookshop and restaurant Architectural Project: Tullio Zini and ZPZ Partners For further information:

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