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Projektraum | Mindpirates e.V. Mindpirates Projektraum reopening Thursday, April 319:00 — Mindpirates Projektraum Schlesische Straße 37 21:00 — Afterparty in the Mindpirates Vereinsheim Mindpirates are very happy to announce the reopening of our Projektraum space at a new location on Schlesische Str. 37. The opening will take place on April 3, 19h, with a new video installation, a kaleidoscope reshuffling of our previous video work.

It is a time travel of sorts through the history of Mindpirates in and around our Vereinsheim and Projektraum, various projects and exhibitions, our collaborators, friends and family. souziehaas: The Eye Has to Travel July 5th – August 3rd, 2013 The Eye Has to Travel stages an intimate, almost disturbing portrait of the life of the artist, souziehaas. CDM + Mindpirates present: Laptops on Acid – make your own DIY tools for beats and visuals May 23 – 25Doors 19:00 Chinese video art screening (curated by Jin Shan) Wednesday / May 8Doors 20:00 / Film 21:00 Mindpirates present ART PORN WEEK. Contemporary Art Network. ARTCONNECT BERLIN. Jobs and Internships in Berlin.

Arts Jobs & Arts News. London | Free Classifieds Ads. Paper Weight: Genre-defining Magazines 2000 to Now. Actor Tips From Employers. See what the employers on our website say about how to deal with your profile, auditions and general life in the industry! In December 2010 we conducted a survey of companies and casting directors for their feedback and advice on applications and auditions. We had hundreds of responses. Here are the findings... First and foremost Your profile: Make it up to date and enter all the relevant information.

If you include external links check they work. Work on yourself and let it show. Don't lie about your credits or skills - it will come back to haunt you. Your Photo: Make sure you have good headshots and that you do look like them. What the employers say: I think actors need to have quite a variety of photos on CCP or spotlight or wherever - the immediate thing we are looking for in film is a particular 'look' and just having one photo or two does not give us much to go on. If you don't look anything like your headshot it is not really worth turning up. Your Showreel: When a Job Appears RELAX!


Classifieds Berlin | Kleinanzeigen Berlin | Stellenanzeigen | Job Ads | Recruitment | EXBERLINER - Berlin in English. Memorial. Das Schwarze Brett. Das Imperium talent agency - Берлин - Актер/Режиссер. Acting auditions, Photography jobs, Modelling jobs and more | It's all good | Clean healthy recipes. Q:The photos are stunning, and more than just recipes, they emanate this clean and healthy (yet intensely interested in beauty and taste) lifestyle. Has this book of recipes that both taste good and make you feel good affected the way you approach cooking and ingredients?

A:My philosophy is: eat good, fresh food that is totally delicious. It has to taste great and be fulfilling to all of the senses. We know so much now about how inextricably linked our food is to our overall health. The bottom line is, our bodies have a hard time with anything processed. That doesn't only mean kool-aid and goldfish. Q:Wanting to spend more time with family rather than in the kitchen is sometimes stated as a reason people don't cook as often as they like. A:I’ve included my kids in the kitchen from almost the time they were born.

A:I tried to start them off with all of the right foods but as they got older, the lure of Oreos and cotton candy outweighed the lure of carrots with hummus. 2 stories of passive income excess.