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Representation in Media

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How the Media Affects Your Daughter and What You Can Do to Help. 3) How is Gender Constructed Within Mass Media? The media has a very powerful effect on culture, shaping societal structures and operations.

3) How is Gender Constructed Within Mass Media?

Dominant media forms have heavily assisted in constructing gender and genderalized norms. Advertising and mass media forms display codes that are associated with representing male and female attributes. These gender codes shape the way in which society views gender and assists in determining what is acceptable gender performance. The Hawkeye Initiative. PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical. Image taken from tumblr.

PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical

Recently, SFF author Tansy Rayner Roberts wrote an excellent post debunking the idea that women did nothing interesting or useful throughout history, and that trying to write fictional stories based on this premise of feminine insignificance is therefore both inaccurate and offensive. To quote: “History is not a long series of centuries in which men did all the interesting/important things and women stayed home and twiddled their thumbs in between pushing out babies, making soup and dying in childbirth.History is actually a long series of centuries of men writing down what they thought was important and interesting, and FORGETTING TO WRITE ABOUT WOMEN.

How female corpses became a fashion trend. Marc Jacobs 2014 ad campaign featuring Miley Cyrus.

How female corpses became a fashion trend

And a dead girl, it seems. Photograph: David Sims/Marc Jacobs For once it's not the image of Miley Cyrus herself that is controversial. It's the woman lying next to her.