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Tiny Houses Projects

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Mid-century grain silo transformed into a gorgeous, affordable home for two. Kaiser purchased the dismantled 1955 grain silo online from a Kansas farmer that was then transported down to Arizona on the back of a pickup truck. Major modifications were made during the reassembly process for the silo, such as the addition of custom-made doors and windows, as well as the ten inches of spray foam insulation inserted between the silo walls and house interior. The corrugated steel shell was painted white to reflect the heat of the desert sun and to evoke the character of historic American rural architecture. Related: COBE Transforms Old Industrial Silo Into High-Rise Housing in Copenhagen Rather than create a standard square living space, Kaiser challenged himself to design a curved wood-and-black-steel interior that conformed to the silo’s circular form.

. + Christoph Kaiser Via WAN, Dwell Images via Christoph Kaiser. ROHO | PATH Architecture. Elii Architects Equip Tiny Madrid Studio with a Host of Quirky Space Saving Features. The owner of the studio, Dido Fogué, worked with the design team to not only achieve the optimal amount of useable space in her little Spanish haven, (nicknamed the Didomestic Home) but to do so in her unique style, which she describes as “a heavy metal fan that is very fond of Hello Kitty.”

Elii Studio, the Madrid-based architecture and urban design specialists, began the project from a theatrical point of view. The home renovation focused on creating many quick “scene changes” as necessary depending on the circumstances. For optimal interior living space, the designers added a series of lightweight partitions that roll on rails. This creates the ability to add an extra, private bedroom for guests, as well as separate the kitchen and dining room. For interior lighting, the opaque panels on the partitions let natural light pass through the studio whether the partitions are open or closed. + Elii Architects Via Wired Photos by Miguel de Guzmán. Apparatus X: Sustainable Disaster Relief Vehicle. After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward, one resident called the destruction indescribable – even compared with his experience as a Vietnam War veteran. Although the Katrina survivor wants to come home, he says "there’s nothing to come back to.”

Katrina displaced thousands of people and ruined billions of dollars of property. Although more than eight years have passed, the Lower 9th Ward is still struggling to rebuild its community. Out of 14,000 people, only 3,000 have returned; properties are still vacant, and the remains of houses speckle the landscape. Clearly, there exists an entire population of displaced Americans, and our institutions have failed them. Apparatus X is a redesigned RV with the following goals: · Provide an adaptable tool trailer that can expand into a construction workspace; · Function as a mobile design studio; · Serve as a highly efficient mobile living unit that will exemplify sustainable living; and, · Empower and engage communities in need. Rustic Off-Grid Pump House is a Solar-Powered Weekend Getaway in Australia. At Inhabitat, we're always on the lookout for affordable and eco-friendly DIY homes, and this compact off-grid Pump House hits the spot.

Designed by Branch Studio Architects and built by the carpenter client, the Pump House is an idyllic getaway in rural Victoria, Australia that's fully self-sustaining. Originally designed as storage space for a water pump and farm equipment, the shed-like structure gradually evolved into a "slightly more extravagant" home made with beautiful craftsmanship. Clad in black panels of corrugated iron, the Pump House is a small and quiet lakeside retreat that blends a rustic aesthetic with elegant simplicity. The architects and client used a simple materials palette comprising Colorbond iron, low-grade plywood, and rough sawn timber to keep construction costs to a minimum and to show off the carpentry skills of the client, who put together custom doors, windows, and joinery.

Related: Tiny Off-Grid Cabin in Maine is Completely Self-Sustaining Via Dezeen. A Master Architect Builds a Tiny Cabin in the Pacific Northwest. Older A Master Architect Builds a Tiny Cabin in the Pacific Northwest by Meredith Swinehart Issue 31 · Cabins & Camping · August 1, 2012 Newer Issue 31 · Cabins & Camping · August 1, 2012 On Salt Spring Island in British Columbia lies a tiny one-room cabin, a finely detailed retreat from Seattle-based Olson Kundig Architects. See more from their portfolio at Olson Kundig Architects. Above: The cabin requires few storage spaces; firewood is stacked neatly on the back porch. Above: The building engages with the outdoors while providing sanctuary in a rugged landscape.

Above: An unfinished steel panel slides manually over the cabin windows, securing the building when the owners are away. Above: Principal Tom Kundig left the original lettering on the commodity steel panel as a reminder of its rawness and history. Above: Cedar-lined ceilings and floors add coziness and warmth. Above: One room packs all the essentials: a small toilet, kitchen, and wood-burning stove. By Alexa Hotz Frontier Style Cooking. A Tiny House in Martha Stewart Living | Portland, OR | LINCOLN BARBOUR PHOTO. Nakai House | Small House Swoon. 29 Square Meters | Small House Swoon. A 312 square feet apartment in Wroclaw, Poland. Designed by 3XA. Port-A-Bach Shipping Container Home. Atelierworkshop designed the Port-a-Bach prototype shipping container home which is portable, environmentally-friendly, inexpensive, and can comfortably sleep two adults and two children. The tiny home features exterior steel shell that can be folded up to enclose the entire structure.

There are large internal storage cupboards and shelves, a stainless steel kitchen, bathroom with open shower, sink and composting toilet. An interior fabric screen system allows you to create rooms within the open space. Fittings allow the use of the container connections to attach to solar and wind equipment. Via: Atelierworkshop Comments. The Tiny Tack House, of the Tiny House Movement | News. Ecohome | Hillary Hosta | Posted on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 3:10pm Inspired by the Tiny House Movement, Chris and Malissa Tack designed a 140 Square foot home that sits on a 7’ x 20’ trailer bed. This traditional looking home with gable roof and dormers just happens to be mobile. Though neither Chris nor Malissa are builders by trade (he's a photographer and she's a 3D artist), the Tiny Tack House took just seven months to finish. Malissa, whose profession helped them greatly during the design process, characterizes the experience as a really good time saying "...we had a blast the whole way through".

After tirelessly researching each stage of building, the couple finally began to design. In a home this size, strategic use of space and creative storage is paramount. For example, a living room bench doubles as an extra bed while concealing drawer space underneath. Designed to be entirely self-sufficient wherever it goes, the Tiny Tack House is capable of operating completely off-grid.

Tiny House Swoon. Ufogel, una casa compacta de madera. Construida totalmente de madera de Alerce y levantada sobre pilotes que reducen al mínimo el impacto ambiental de la construcción, la casa Ufogel -que toma su nombre de su parecido con un Ovni (Ufo) y un Vogel (“Pájaro” en alemán)-, se configura a través de un compacto interior de 45 m2, que se amplía a través de diferentes niveles interconectados, generando cómodos y luminosos espacios para la vida de sus habitantes.

Revisa más información e imágenes a continuación. La casa se ubica en Tirol del Este, en Austria y ocupa la madera como material principal por su abundancia en la zona. El Alerce entrega una madera altamente ecológica, resistente al agua y resistente a la putrefacción por humedad. La disposición estratégica de las ventanas inunda el interior con luz natural y vistas hacia el paisaje, mientras que su cáscara compacta y muy bien aislada, cubierta de tejas de madera, transmite una acogedora sensación de seguridad. . * Revisa más viviendas a pequeña escala en el siguiente link. Un Departamento de 16 m2 en Seattle. El mini-departamento de Steve Sauer en Seattle muestra el valor del espacio justo.

A Sauer le gusta esta precisión… los espacios excesivos y desperdiciados le molestan. “Lo que realmente quería era un espacio que cumpliera exactamente con lo que yo necesitaba. Para mí, la calidad es más importante que la cantidad y el espacio adicional es sólo un problema”, comenta al describir su departamento de una sola habitación. La casa es totalmente funcional y fue completada por su dueño después de siete años de trabajo en la planta subterránea de un edificio de 102 años de antigüedad, con vista directa hacia la calle. Sauer trabaja en la ingeniería de interiores de aviones Boeing, lo que se condice con esta idea de justeza y funcionalidad. Hace algunos días les contamos del movimiento “Tiny House”, hoy les presentamos uno de sus ejemplos construidos alrededor del mundo.

El espacio de 16 m2 incluye dos camas, una cocina completa con lavavajillas y un baño con tina y ducha. Barcode Room. El espacio “Código de Barras” (Barcode Room), diseñado por los arquitectos japoneses de Studio_01, es un departamento conceptual compuesto por muebles/muros que se mueven libremente de un lado a otro, permitiendo que el usuario personalice el tamaño del espacio para adaptarse a una variedad de usos. La disposición de los elementos funcionales en estos dispositivos móviles -como el almacenamiento y el mobiliario-, sólo para ser abiertos cuando estén en uso, permite aumentar el área habitable total del espacio. Todos los espacios posibles a través de la variación de sus muros, después del salto. Cada dispositivo es una combinación de la selección de 12 tipos de componentes para conformar una sola barra.

Dependiendo de la combinación de los componentes, se pueden crear distintos tipos de barras, como la sala de estar, la cocina o la barra para dormir. . * Revisa más viviendas mínimas en el siguiente link. Vía Treehugger. Portable home delivered as furniture, tailored as smartphone. The year in small: A world tour of 13 tiny houses we loved in '13.

From Maryland, pint-sized rustic retreats that are custom-built from recycled and locally-sourced materials and that “speak to the art of the small building movement. " They're a little bit Thoreau, a little bit Tolkien, if you catch our drift. From Ontario, a traditional Canadian bunkhouse — the beloved "bunkie," if you will — that's been reimagined as an oversized piece of furniture. From Germany, a self-sustaining, single-occupancy shack designed by starchitect Renzo Piano and inspired by onion-eating Greek philosopher/proto-minimalist Diogenes. From Beijing, a super-compact modular dwelling inspired by the tetromino-based thrills of a certain iconic arcade game. Stack 'em up. From Mexico City, a petite prefab dwelling for resident artists that's tucked behind an eye-popping mural/billboard.

From Spain, an unfussy and uncluttered hideaway that can easily go wherever you need it to go … provided that you have a flatbed truck, a crane, and a full day to assemble the entire thing.